In my freetime, I did this little Telegram bot in Node.js that provides some basic text-based commands and one command where a user can search for an image in order for the bot to send back an image related to that word.
Is there anything about this code I can optimize regarding performance and / or code quality in general?
// Request module
const request = require('request');
// Telebot module
const Telebot = require('telebot');
// Bot
const bot = new Telebot("YOUR TELEGRAM API TOKEN");
// DOMParser
const jsdom = require('jsdom');
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
// /start command
bot.on('/start', (msg) => msg.reply.text('Hello! For informations about usage, creator, etc., please use the command /help!'));
// /help command
bot.on('/help', (msg) => msg.reply.text('Usage:\n /imageof <your_word> sends you an random image.\nExample:\n/imageof dog - You\'ll get an random image of a dog.\n\nAbout:\nVersion: 2.0\nCreator: @CodeFox\nGitHub:\nAll images are taken from'));
// /imageof command
bot.on(/^\/imageof (.+)$/, (msg, props) => {
request(`${props.match[1]}`, function (error, response) { // Get the search results of bing
var html = new JSDOM(response.body); // Parse the response
var images = html.window.document.getElementsByClassName('_2zEKz'); // Get all images - in this case by class name, otherwise we would get profile pictures too
var sources = []; // Array to pick random url from
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { // Loop through all images and push only valid url to the array
if (images[i].src.includes('https')) {
// Check if the array containing the url has any values
if (typeof sources[0] !== "undefined") {
sendPhoto(msg, sources[Math.floor(Math.random() * sources.length)]); // Random url as parmeter
} else {
sendError(msg, props);
// Actual function to send the photo
const sendPhoto = (msg, url) =>; // Send the photo
// Function to send an error message
const sendError = (msg, props) => msg.reply.text(`⚠️ Sorry, I couldn't find any image for "${props.match[1]}". ⚠️`);