I'd like to retain as much float precision as possible without having to resort to specialized libraries so I need this code to work with only standard modules.
I'm doing this in QGIS where specialized libraries aren't available by default. numpy
would be OK to use.
Sources for the computations can be found on Wikipedia.
Here is my code:
import math
## Ellipsoid Parameters as tuples (semi major axis, inverse flattening)
grs80 = (6378137, 298.257222100882711)
wgs84 = (6378137, 298.257223563)
def geodetic_to_geocentric(ellps, lat, lon, h):
Compute the Geocentric (Cartesian) Coordinates X, Y, Z
given the Geodetic Coordinates lat, lon + Ellipsoid Height h
a, rf = ellps
lat_rad = math.radians(lat)
lon_rad = math.radians(lon)
N = a / math.sqrt(1 - (1 - (1 - 1 / rf) ** 2) * (math.sin(lat_rad)) ** 2)
X = (N + h) * math.cos(lat_rad) * math.cos(lon_rad)
Y = (N + h) * math.cos(lat_rad) * math.sin(lon_rad)
Z = ((1 - 1 / rf) ** 2 * N + h) * math.sin(lat_rad)
return X, Y, Z
lat = 43.21009
lon = -78.120123
h = 124
print(geodetic_to_geocentric(wgs84, lat, lon, h))
(958506.0102730404, -4556367.372558064, 4344627.16166323)
This online converter gives the following output:
X: 958506.01027304
Y: -4556367.37255806
Z: 4344627.16160147
So, quite close for X and Y but slightly different for Z. Is this a rounding error ? If so, on which side ? Is there a better strategy to do the computations that may retain better precision ?
yes. So it's actually very close but I'm just wondering why the Z computation is off after the 4th decimal when X and Y are pretty consistent. \$\endgroup\$sympy
and such aren't available by default.numpy
is actually acceptable as it is available. There won't be a huge amount of points, less than 100 and usually actually around 10~20 max. \$\endgroup\$