The following is a class in the service layer of an ASP.NET Core web application, which currently contains a single method: PurchaseCart. The intention is that an ID is passed in to a "shopping cart" entity and that the method will complete the purchasing of all the items stored in that entity.
This entails the following:
- A PurchaseAttempt object is created from the cart object
- Its validity is checked
- Payment is attempted to be taken for the PurchaseAttempt
- If successful, a Purchase object is created from the PurchaseAttempt object
- Other activities are carried out relating to a successful purchase (OnPurchaseComplete)
- A response object is returned describing the outcome of the operation
I have a number of concerns about this code, which I've listed below.
public class PurchaseService : IPurchaseService {
private readonly IUnitOfWork _uow;
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
private readonly IPaymentProviderFactory _paymentProviderFactory;
private readonly IEmailHandler _emailHandler;
private readonly ILogger<PurchaseService> _logger;
public PurchaseService(IUnitOfWork uow, IMapper mapper, IPaymentProviderFactory paymentProviderFactory, IEmailHandler emailHandler, ILogger<PurchaseService> logger) {
_uow = uow;
_mapper = mapper;
_paymentProviderFactory = paymentProviderFactory;
_emailHandler = emailHandler;
_logger = logger;
public PurchaseCartResponse PurchaseCart(Guid cartId) {
var response = new PurchaseCartResponse();
if (cartId != Guid.Empty) {
// Get cart
var cart = _uow.CartRepository.GetAll()
.Include(c => c.CartItems)
.ThenInclude(ci => ci.Product)
.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(cartId))
// Create purchase attempt from cart data and save
var candidatePurchaseAttempt = new PurchaseAttempt(cart);
// Set ID of purchase attempt in the response
response.PurchaseAttemptId = candidatePurchaseAttempt.Guid;
// Stop tracking the entity, so we can track the reloaded entity
// Reload with all related data
var purchaseAttempt = _uow.PurchaseAttemptRepository.GetAll()
.Include(pa => pa.Customer)
.ThenInclude(c => c.Addresses)
.Include(pa => pa.PurchaseItems)
.ThenInclude(pi => pi.Product)
.Include(pa => pa.Card)
.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(candidatePurchaseAttempt.Id))
// Check validity of purchase attempt (we're doing this after to save a bit of unnecessary loading in the cart
var validity = purchaseAttempt.ValidateAll();
if (validity.IsValid) {
response.PaymentAttempted = true;
// Take payment for purchase attempt record
var paymentRequest = new ProcessPaymentRequest() {
ChargeAmount = purchaseAttempt.Total,
ChargeDescription = $"Purchase attempt {purchaseAttempt.Id}",
Customer = purchaseAttempt.Customer,
Card = purchaseAttempt.Card
var paymentProvider = _paymentProviderFactory.GetPaymentProvider(PaymentProviderTypes.Stripe);
var paymentResponse = paymentProvider.ProcessPayment(paymentRequest);
// Save customer if they were created by the payment provider (charge may still have been unsuccessful)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentResponse.PaymentProviderCustomerId)) {
purchaseAttempt.Customer.PaymentProviderCustomerId = paymentResponse.PaymentProviderCustomerId;
// Now proceed based on whether payment was successfully taken
if (paymentResponse.Success) {
// Create purchase record
var purchase = new Model.Entities.Purchase(purchaseAttempt, paymentResponse);
// Take actions for completed purchase - sending emails etc.
// Finalise response
response.Success = true;
response.PurchaseId = purchase.Guid;
else {
// Payment processing failed
purchaseAttempt.Status = PurchaseStatus.Failed;
purchaseAttempt.PaymentProviderFailCode = paymentResponse.ErrorCode;
purchaseAttempt.ErrorMessage = paymentResponse.ErrorMessage;
response.SetGeneralError(paymentResponse.ErrorMessage ?? "An error occurred while trying to process the payment. No payment was taken.");
else {
// PurchaseAttempt failed validation
purchaseAttempt.Status = PurchaseStatus.Failed;
purchaseAttempt.ErrorMessage = "Data for your purchase isn't valid. Please restart your order, re-entering your data. Sorry for the inconvenience.";
response.SetUnexpectedError("Invalid cart data");
_logger.LogError($"PurchaseAttempt validation for ID {purchaseAttempt.Id} failed with error: '${validity.Error}'");
else {
response.SetUnexpectedError("Cart not found");
_logger.LogError($"Cart not found with ID: {cartId}");
return response;
- My main concern is with how I'm utilising the service layer in general and whether it violates SRP (or anything else for that matter). I find myself having to carry out a number of not-necessarily-related operations in order to complete a given process. As much as I try to move the implementation of the operations elsewhere, I find myself with a long method that does a number of different things. I would really like to find a way to better structure my code that avoids such monolithic methods, but am struggling to reduce it further than I already have in a way that's meaningful. In some cases, such as the method "OnPurchaseComplete", I'm moving functionality (in this case the sending of emails - code not listed for brevity) into a method that will likely not be called from anywhere else, which seems like a bad solution.
- My secondary issues are relating to my use of EntityFramework. After creating an entity, it doesn't have all of its nagivation properties accessible, which I need to have loaded. As such I'm reloading the object after creation (creating of PurchaseAttempt, followed by loading it again after). This seems like an inelegance forced on me by the technology, not something I would otherwise choose to do. Lazy-loading would solve it, but I have avoided going that route due to performance issues (it would require multiple database hits whereas the approach I'm currently using where I specify all navigation properties to load with the use of "Include" is minimising trips to the database).
Please tell me anywhere you think I can improve my approach. I'm happy to update the question / add additional code if needed.