I'm looking for feedback on this AVL tree implementation. Particularly on the overall structure, readability and abstraction. I've tried to keep all AVL specific operations inside the balancePath
method to allow for easy conversion to a red/black tree with only minor changes to the rest of the code. Are there any further abstractions I could make to simplify the code even further?
public class AVLTreeDictionary<K extends Comparable<K>,V> implements Dictionary<K,V>
/* Duplicate keys handling by overwriting value. Null keys
* unsupported. It is assumed they will not be passed in.
* Duplicate and null values supported.
private Node root;
public AVLTreeDictionary()
root = null;
public V insert(K key, V value)
/* Adds a new entry to the tree. If the key already exists
* overwrites the value and returns the old value. Performs
* AVL rebalancing afterwords.
Path path = getPath(key);
if(path.child() != null)
V previous = path.child().value;
path.child().value = value;
return previous;
path.setChild(new Node(key, value));
return null;
public V delete(K key)
/* Deletes an entry from the tree if it exists.
* If 0 children: Deletes entry.
* If 1 child: Replaces entry with child.
* If 2 children: Randomly selected between successor/predecessor
* and copies values then deletes succ/pred and replaces it with
* its one child if it exists. Performs AVL rebalancing afterwords.
Path path = getPath(key);
Node node = path.child();
if(node == null)
return null;
if(node.right == null)
else if(node.left == null)
boolean direction = Math.random() >= 0.5;
while(path.grandChild(!direction) != null)
node.key = path.child().key;
node.value = path.child().value;
return null;
public V search(K key)
// Standard binary search.
Node search = root;
while(search != null)
int compare = key.compareTo(search.key);
if(compare == 0)
return search.value;
search = search.child(compare > 0);
return null;
private Path getPath(K key)
/* Returns a path from the root to the key specified or the
* position it would be added in if it does not exist. Includes
* the root edge.
Path path = new Path(new Edge(null, false));
if(path.child() == null)
return path;
int compare = key.compareTo(path.child().key);
if(compare == 0)
return path;
path.push(compare > 0);
private void rotate(Edge edge, boolean direction)
/* Rotates the child of the edge with its child
* in the direction specified. It is assumed both the child
* and grandchild are not null.
Edge rotate = new Edge(edge.child(), direction);
edge.child().setChild(rotate.parent, !direction);
private int height(Node node)
if(node == null)
return -1;
return node.height;
private void balancePath(Path path)
/* Follows a path up the tree performing AVL rebalancing
* and height updates as needed.
while(path.peek() != null)
int previous = path.child().height;
if(Math.abs(path.child().balance()) > 1)
boolean direction = path.child().balance() > 0;
if(path.child().balance() * path.grandChild(direction).balance() < 0)
rotate(path.peek(), !direction);
rotate(path.peek(), direction);
if(path.pop().child().updateHeight() == previous)
private class Node
/* This node class has get/set child functions that use a variable
* to select which child. This allows us to avoid writing duplicate
* code for the mirror image of operations. The balance of a node
* refers to the difference in height between the right and left
* subtrees. A positive balance is right-heavy, negative is left-heavy.
* False = Left, True = Right.
public Node left;
public Node right;
public K key;
public V value;
public int height;
public Node(K key, V value)
left = null;
right = null;
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
height = 0;
public Node child(boolean direction)
return right;
return left;
public void setChild(Node child, boolean direction)
right = child;
left = child;
public int balance()
return height(right) - height(left);
public int updateHeight()
height = Math.max(height(right), height(left)) + 1;
return height;
private class Edge
/* An edge is a connection between two nodes. It is represented by the parent
* node and the directon to the child node. An edge may point to a null child.
* There is also a special edge called the root edge which has the root as its
* child, it is represented by a null parent. This representation allows us
* to avoid writing duplicate code for handling operations involving the root.
public Node parent;
public boolean direction;
public Edge(Node parent, boolean direction)
this.parent = parent;
this.direction = direction;
public Node child()
if(parent == null)
return root;
return parent.child(direction);
public void setChild(Node child)
if(parent == null)
root = child;
parent.setChild(child, direction);
public Node grandChild(boolean direction)
/* Returns the grandchild in the direction specified.
* It is assumed this will not be called if the child
* is null.
return child().child(direction);
private class Path
/* A path is a list of adjacent edges going down the tree. All operations
* are performed on the bottom-most edge of the path.
private Stack<Edge> stack;
public Path(Edge edge)
stack = new LinkedListStack<Edge>();
public void push(boolean direction)
/* Extends the path downwards in the direction specified. It is
* assumed this will not be called if the path points to a null
* child.
stack.push(new Edge(child(), direction));
public Edge pop()
/* Retracts the bottom of the path upwards one edge and
* returns the deleted edge.
return stack.pop();
public Edge peek()
return stack.peek();
public Node child()
return stack.peek().child();
public void setChild(Node child)
public Node grandChild(boolean direction)
return stack.peek().grandChild(direction);
public String toString()
return toString(root, "", false);
public String toString(Node node, String prefix, boolean direction)
String string = "";
if(node != null)
string += toString(node.right, prefix + (direction ? " " : "│ "), true);
string += prefix + (direction ? "┌─────" : "└─────") + String.format("(%s,%s)\n", node.key, node.value);
string += toString(node.left, prefix + (direction ? "│ " : " "), false);
return string;