I am learning Powershell Scripting as I move my work environment to Windows 10. The script below is to be edited by the SysAdmin (for the list of Print Queues and Printer Drivers) to specify what needs to be removed, then outputs what it did. I am looking for whether the Powershell syntax / convention is followed. This script will be distributed to other SysAdmins in my team when completed.
The script currently starts by declaring variables that will be used throughout the script. The variables tell the script which print queues to remove, and what print drivers to remove. It then loops through the arrays, removing the printers requested.
# Remove old printers by name - Written by Luke Barone
# $PrintersToRemove - (REQUIRED) An array of printers to cycle through and
# remove. Use the exact name of the printer to have it included in the list
# $PrintDriversToRemove - (optional) An array of printer drivers to cycle
# through and remove. You can obtain a list by running the "prndrvr.vbs -l"
# command on a computer with drivers to remove. Alternatively, you can
# leave the array empty, and the script will remove any unused (determined
# by the system) print drivers automatically.
$PrintersToRemove = @("Printer1", "Printer2")
$PrintDriversToRemove = @("Manufacturer1", "Manufacturer2")
# The variables below should only be changed from the default if the scripts
# are not in this location!
$PrintingAdminScriptsFolder = "C:\Windows\System32\Printing_Admin_Scripts\en-US"
$PrintScriptFiles = @("prnmngr.vbs", "prndrvr.vbs")
If ($PrintersToRemove.Length -eq 0) {
Write-Host "Required variable not filled! Please edit the script and re-run"
Exit 1
If (($PrintScriptFiles | ForEach {Test-Path ($PrintingAdminScriptsFolder + "\" + $_)}) -contains $false) {
Write-Host "Required scripts not found in specified folder! I need the two
VBS scripts ($(PrintScriptFiles)) inside of $($PrintingAdminScriptsFolder)
in order to function!"
Exit 2
Write-Host "Starting at $(Get-Date -Format g) on client $($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe //H:CSCRIPT //S | out-null
cd $PrintingAdminScriptsFolder
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Removing selected printers..."
$PrintersToRemove | foreach {
& .\prnmngr.vbs -d -p "$_".ToString() | findstr "0x80041002" | out-null
If ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host " $_ does not exist"
} else {
Write-Host " $_ removed"
Write-Host ""
If($PrintDriversToRemove.count -gt 0) {
Write-Host "Removing selected Printer Drivers..."
$PrintDriversToRemove | foreach {
& .\prndrvr.vbs -d -m "$_" -v 3 -e "Windows x64".ToString() | findstr "0x80041002" | out-null
If ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host " $_ does not exist"
} else {
Write-Host " $_ driver removed"
} else {
Write-Host "Removing excess Printer Drivers..."
.\prndrvr.vbs -x
in order to function!"
misses an introducing"
character. \$\endgroup\$"
character is put in, it renders fine. \$\endgroup\$@" "@
for a multi-line string \$\endgroup\$