I'm working on a network application that implements a custom protocol. I want to easily extend the application support over the protocol as it changes. Also, as the application extends, I might need to implement other protocols. So I need a design that allows flexible packet creation, based on protocol and variety of packets that it supports.
I found that the best way to achive this is by using the Factory Pattern. (Or, for more than one protocol, an Abstract Factory).
Here is my implementation:
#pragma once
#include "PacketData.h"
class IPacket
// Deleted fuctions
IPacket(const IPacket&) = delete;
IPacket& operator=(const IPacket&) = delete;
virtual ~IPacket();
// Encode data into a byte buffer
virtual void Serialize(PacketData &) = 0;
// Decode data from a byte buffer
virtual void Deserialize(const PacketData &) = 0;
This provides a packet interface that will be used for further implementations of protocols.
#pragma once
#include "IPacket.h"
#include "MBXHeader.h"
#include "MBXPacketFactory.h"
// Base class for custom protocol
class MBXGenericPacket : public IPacket
MBXGenericPacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket _type) : H_MBX(static_cast<uint16_t>(m_Type))
{ }
// Serialize MBXHeader
virtual void Serialize(PacketData& data) override
data.Data << H_MBX.h_time << H_MBX.P_Type;
// Extract MBXHeader
virtual void Deserialize(const PacketData& data) override
data.Data >> H_MBX >> P_Type;
MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket GetType() const { return static_cast<MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket>( H_MBX.P_Type ); }
static std::unique_ptr<IPacket> CreateGenericPacket(const MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket Type)
return std::make_unique<MBXGenericPacket>(Type);
MBXHeader H_MBX;
This is the base class of an example protocol.
The packets have the following structure:
|MBX Header (Metadata + PacketType) | BODY |
The header will be initialized with each packet derrived from MBXGenericPacket
. It can then be decoded or encoded in a byte buffer.
#pragma once
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include "MBXGeneric.h"
#include "Packets.h"
using CreateMBXPacketCb = std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket>(*)();
class MBXPacketFactory
enum class MBXPacket : uint16_t
using PacketsMap = std::map<MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket, CreateMBXPacketCb>;
PacketsMap map;
map[MBXPacket::Msg_MessageBox] = ChatMessage::CreatePacket;
map[MBXPacket::ErrorResponseMsg] = ErrorResponse::CreatePacket;
MBXPacketFactory(const MBXPacketFactory&) = delete;
MBXPacketFactory & operator=(const MBXPacketFactory&) = delete;
bool UnRegisterPacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket Type)
return map.erase(Type);
bool RegisterPacket(const MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket& type, CreateMBXPacketCb callback)
return map.insert(std::make_pair(type, callback)).second;
std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket> CreatePacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket Type)
auto it = map.find(Type);
if (it == map.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Unknown packet type!");
return it->second();
static MBXPacketFactory& Get()
static MBXPacketFactory instance;
return instance;
Here's an example of packets:
// Packets.h
#include "MBXGeneric.h"
#include "MBXPacketFactory.h"
class ChatMessage : public MBXGenericPacket
ChatMessage() : MBXGenericPacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket::Msg_MessageBox)
{ }
void Serialize(PacketData& data) override
data << H_MBX;
data << sz_Title << s_Title;
data << sz_Message << s_Message;
void Deserialize(const PacketData& data) override
// Extract the header
data >> H_MBX;
data >> sz_Title;
data.read(s_Title, sz_Title);
data >> sz_Message;
data.read(s_Message, sz_Message);
static std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket> CreatePacket()
return std::make_unique<ChatMessage>();
// Getters and setters
std::string GetTitle()
return s_Title;
std::string GetMessage()
return s_Message;
void SetTitle(const std::string& title)
s_Title = title;
void SetMessage(const std::string& message)
s_Message = message;
int32_t sz_Title, sz_Message;
std::string s_Title, s_Message;
class ErrorResponse : public MBXGenericPacket
ErrorResponse() : MBXGenericPacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket::ErrorResponseMsg)
{ }
void Serialize(PacketData& data) override
data << H_MBX;
data << sz_Error << s_ErrorMessage;
void Deserialize(const PacketData& data) override
data >> H_MBX;
data >> sz_Error;
data.read(s_ErrorMessage, sz_Error);
static std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket> CreatePacket()
return std::make_unique<ErrorResponse>();
std::string GetErrorMessage()
return s_ErrorMessage;
void SetErrorMessage(const std::string& msg_error)
s_ErrorMessage = msg_error;
int32_t sz_Error;
std::string s_ErrorMessage;
Example usage of factory:
When receiving a packet:
PacketData NewPacket = connection.RecvPacket();
uint16_t PacketID = GetUint16(NewPacket.Data);
std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket> Packet = MBXPacketFactory::Get().CreatePacket(static_cast<MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket>(PacketID));
// Up-cast the packet pointer to the right packet type
// Let's asume we've received an error response
std::unique_ptr<ErrorResponse> ErrorPacket(reinterpret_cast<ErrorResponse*>( Packet.release() ));
std::cout << ErrorPacket->GetErrorMessage() << '\n';
When sending a packet:
std::string Title = GetUserInput();
std::string Message = GetUserInput();
std::unique_ptr<MBXGenericPacket> Interface = MBXPacketFactory::Get().CreatePacket(MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket::Msg_MessageBox);
std::unique_ptr<ChatMessage> MessagePk(reinterpret_cast<ChatMessage*>( Interface.release() ));
PacketData MsgPacketData;
What I would like to improve in the current design:
- The down-casting from the base class to the derived class in order to access member functions.
- With each new packet derived from
, I'm forced to encode and decode theMBX_Header
in the serialization/deserialization, thus causing code repetition. - To get the required packet class from the factory, I need to first
extract the identifier from the header and then pass it to the
method. I think it will be nice if you could just pass thePacketData
to the factory, rather then decoding information by yourself. - The factory's purpose is to abstract the creation process of classes.
In my opinion, the packet identifiers should be encapsulated by the
factory, but that causes a lot of noise in the code, as you have
to type:
MBXPacketFactory::MBXPacket:: ...
Let me know your thoughts about the code. I'm here to learn, so any opinion is welcomed !