This is a technical test from a job interview. The feedback was that although it does as asked, the application structure wasn't great.
As a beginner I'm not entirely sure what's wrong with it and would appreciate a review.
/* --- Get data form API and display it in DOM --- */
// URL to get all launches from SpaceX API
const allLaunchesURL = '';
// Get launch data from API
const getLaunchData = async (url) => {
let response = await fetch(url);
// Check if response is ok, if not throw an error
if(!response.ok) {
throw Error(`Error fetching API, response status: ${response.statusText}`);
let data = await response.json();
data = data.slice(-10);
// Display data on DOM
function displayData(data) {
const results = document.querySelector('.results'); => {
results.innerHTML += `
${checkPastOrFuture(launch.launch_date_utc) === 'Launched' ? ' - ' + launchSuccess(launch) : ''}
<button class="infoButton" id="${launch.flight_number}" data-rocket=${launch.rocket.rocket_id} onclick="getFlightDetails(this)">Click</button>
// Check if launch date is upcoming or in the past
function checkPastOrFuture(date) {
let currentDate = new Date();
let dateToCheck = new Date(date);
return currentDate < dateToCheck ? 'Upcoming' : 'Launched';
// Check success of launch
function launchSuccess(flight) {
return flight.launch_success ? 'Successful' : 'Failure'
// Format the date
function formatDate(date) {
const d = new Date(date);
return d.toUTCString();
/* --- Get more info on individual launch when triggered by button click --- */
// Endpoint stub for API queries
// Individual flight
const flightURL = '';
// Rocket information
const rocketURL = '';
// Get flight number from button id
async function getFlightDetails(ele) {
// Get data for flight
let response = await fetch(`${flightURL}${}`);
// Error checking
if(!response.ok) {
throw Error(`Error fetching flight details, response status: ${response.statusText}`);
let data = await response.json();
// Get rocket data
let rocketResponse = await fetch(`${rocketURL}${ele.dataset.rocket}`);
// Error checking
if(!response.ok) {
throw Error(`Error fetching rocket details, response status: ${response.statusText}`);
let rocketData = await rocketResponse.json();
function displayFlightData(flight) {
const flightDiv = document.querySelector('.flightDetails');
if(!flight) {
flightDiv.innerHTML = `
<h4>Flight details</h4>
<p>Sorry, this flight has no further details</p>
flightDiv.innerHTML = `
<h4>Flight details</h4>
<p><strong>Launch site:</strong> ${flight.launch_site.site_name_long}</p>
<img src="${flight.links.mission_patch}" alt="Flight ${flight.flight_number} Mission Patch" title="Flight ${flight.flight_number} Mission Patch">
<figcaption>Flight ${flight.flight_number} Mission Patch</figcaption>
function displayRocketInfo(rocket) {
const rocketDiv = document.querySelector('.rocketInfo');
if(!rocketDiv) {
rocketDiv.innerHTML = `
<h4>Rocket Details</h4>
<p>Sorry, this flight has no further details</p>
rocketDiv.innerHTML = `
<h4>Rocket Details</h4>
<p><strong>Name:</strong> ${}, <strong>ID:</strong> ${}</p>
<p><strong>Description:</strong> ${rocket.description}</p>
<p><strong>Height:</strong> ${rocket.height.meters} metres</p>
<p><strong>Mass:</strong> ${} kg</p>
<p><strong>Number of stages:</strong> ${rocket.stages}</p>