I've recently assembled some jQuery that allows a user to build out a bulleted list in MS Word with hyperlinks and turn that into a HTML unordered list. Ideas for uses are website menu systems where the user may not have a clue about HTML. You can also extend this with jQuery UI plugins for effects. Looking for edge cases.
The following will read in a bullet list from in a MS Word XML file and turn it into a
unordered list with hyperlinks. Perhaps to use as a menu.
type: "GET",
async: false,
url: "Menu.xml",
dataType: "xml",
var currentDepth = 0;
$("#menu").append('<ul class="menuLvl'+currentDepth+'"></ul>');
if($(this).find("[nodeName=w:pStyle]").attr('w:val') == 'ListParagraph'){
var liValue = $(this).find("[nodeName=w:t]").text();
var hyper = $(this).find("[nodeName=w:hyperlink]").attr('r:id');
var placeAtDepth = parseInt($(this).find("[nodeName=w:ilvl]").attr('w:val'), 10);
if(placeAtDepth > currentDepth){
$(".menuLvl"+ currentDepth).append('<ul class="menuLvl'+ placeAtDepth +'">');
currentDepth = placeAtDepth;
//Determine if we have an hyperlink
if(hyper != null){
var link = $(results).find('Relationship[Id='+hyper+']').attr('Target');
liValue = '<a href="'+ link +'">'+ liValue +'</a>';
$(".menuLvl"+currentDepth).last().append('<li>'+ liValue +'</li>');