Here is a little interpreter I wrote for a simple stack-based language. It is my first attempt at a complete Haskell program, beyond glorified calculator use.
I'd like very much to get an expert's opinon on stylistic matters.
Also, although the thing runs fine, on a test program it seems to suffer from a space leak: I see an increasing amount of Map objects in Drag state, at one particular spot in the code (where the SCC "store1" directive is). I don't understand why the insert step would not free the old Map version. Also, retainer profiling blames the "arry" lens, which is not even used in this piece of code, and uses an IntMap, not a Map. I don't understand what is going on...
EDIT: whoops. I was using the sieve of Eratosthenes as a test program for my interpreter, so it is probably normal that the IntMap usage grows linearily in time..
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Mango where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<$), (<*>), (<*))
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (chr,ord)
import Data.IntMap.Strict as IM hiding (null)
import Data.Lens
import Data.Lens.Template
import Data.Map.Strict as M hiding (null)
import Data.Maybe
import Prelude hiding ((.))
import Text.Parsec hiding (label)
import Text.Parsec.Char
-- Utility code
(??) t _ True = t
(??) _ f False = f
io = liftIO
a !!= b = (a != b) >> return ()
-- Lens for array items
item :: Integer -> Lens (IntMap v) v
item idx = lens (IM.! (fromInteger idx)) (IM.insert (fromInteger idx))
type ProgPtr = [Tok]
data Tok = Label String
| Number Integer
| Keyword String
deriving Show
comment = (string "/*" >> in_comment) <?> "comment"
voidChar = () <$ anyChar
in_comment = (try (string "*/") >> return ())
<|> ((comment <|> voidChar) >> in_comment)
<?> "end of comment"
whitespace = many1 (() <$ space <|> comment )
tchar = oneOf $ '_' : ['a'..'z']
tok = Number . read <$> many1 digit
<|> do
ident <- many1 tchar
(char ':' >> return (Label ident))
<|> return (Keyword ident)
<?> "token"
-- eof here chokes on trailing garbage, but prevents single-pass parsing
program = optional whitespace >> (tok `sepEndBy1` whitespace) <* eof
-- Compiling
-- find all labels, will use them as variables later
allLabels = M.fromList . allLabels' where
allLabels' [] = []
allLabels' (Label l : xs) = (l, PtrVal xs) : allLabels' xs
allLabels' (_ : xs) = allLabels' xs
-- Execution
data Value = IntVal Integer | PtrVal ProgPtr
{- Stack values contain both a value and an optional variable symbol.
- This is to get around a language quirk, the "magical" semantics
- of 'store' which operates on the name of the last variable pushed
- instead of on its content. This seemed a more robust approach
- than looking ahead for a 'store' token in the parser to distinguish
- symbols from values.
newtype Stack = Stack { unStack :: (Maybe String, Value) }
instance Show Stack where
show (Stack (Nothing, v)) = show v
show (Stack (Just var, v)) = "<" ++ var ++ ">" ++ show v
instance Show Value where
show (IntVal n) = show n
show (PtrVal _) = "<pointer>"
data ProgState = ProgState {
_stack :: [Stack],
_vars :: Map String Value,
_arry :: IntMap Value,
_ip :: ProgPtr
} deriving Show
$( makeLenses [''ProgState] )
type MangoT m a = StateT ProgState (ErrorT String m) a
initProg p = ProgState
[] -- empty stack at startup
(allLabels p) -- first convert all labels as pointer variables
IM.empty -- empty array
p -- full program as initial IP
exit = (ip !!= [])
dump :: MangoT IO ()
dump = (get >>= io.print)
crash reason = (io.print) reason >> dump >> exit
m <!> r = catchError m (const $ throwError r)
push = (>> return ()) . (stack %=) . (:) . Stack
pushi x = push (Nothing, IntVal x)
ucons (h:t) = (h,t)
pop = unStack <$> (stack !%%= ucons)
popi = do { (_, IntVal v) <- pop; return v } <!> "Cannot pop required int"
popp = do { (_, PtrVal p) <- pop; return p } <!> "Cannot pop required ptr"
pops = do { (Just s, _) <- pop; return s } <!> "Cannot pop symbol"
binop f = do { y <- popi; x <- popi; pushi (x `f` y) }
cjump test = do
no <- popp
yes <- popp
x <- popi
if test x
then ip !!= yes
else ip !!= no
-- Execution of a single operand
exec (Label _) = return ()
exec (Number n) = pushi n
exec (Keyword "add") = binop (+)
exec (Keyword "call") = do
tgt <- popp
cur <- access ip
push (Nothing, PtrVal cur)
ip !!= tgt
exec (Keyword "dup") = do { x <- pop; push x; push x }
exec (Keyword "exit") = exit
exec (Keyword "ifz") = cjump (== 0)
exec (Keyword "ifg") = cjump (> 0)
exec (Keyword "jump") = popp >>= (ip !!=)
exec (Keyword "mod") = binop mod
exec (Keyword "print_byte") = popi >>= io.putChar.chr.fromInteger
exec (Keyword "print_num") = popi >>=
exec (Keyword "read_num") = io readLn >>= pushi
exec (Keyword "read_byte") = io getChar >>= pushi.toInteger.ord
exec (Keyword "store") = {-# SCC "store1" #-} do
addr <- pops
(_, n) <- pop
vars !%= M.insert addr n
return ()
exec (Keyword "sub") = binop (-)
exec (Keyword "vload") = do
i <- popi
x <- access (item i . arry)
push (Nothing,x)
return ()
exec (Keyword "vstore") = do
(_,x) <- pop
idx <- popi
(item idx . arry) !!= x
exec (Keyword "xor") = binop xor
exec (Keyword k) = do
vs <- access vars
push (Just k, fromMaybe (IntVal 0) (M.lookup k vs))
fetch = ip !%%= ucons
step = catchError (fetch >>= exec) crash
dumpLens l = access l >>= (io . print)
terminated = null <$> access ip
loop step = step >> (terminated >>= (return () ?? loop step))
runProgWith step p = evalStateT (loop step) (initProg p)
runProgram = runProgWith step
onLeft _ (Right x) = Right x
onLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
wrapError = mapErrorT (fmap (onLeft show))
withErrors m = do
r <- runErrorT m
case r of
Right _ -> return ()
Left err -> fail err
decodeArgs [file] = return (file, runProgram)
decodeArgs ["-d",file] = return (file, debugProgram)
decodeArgs _ = fail "Usage: hango [-d]"
main = withErrors $ do
(file,run) <- io getArgs >>= decodeArgs
prog <- wrapError . ErrorT $ parseFromFile program file
run prog