The task was to create the parser for the string input, that would return the std::vector< int > of parsed numeric results and the type of given input (e.g. numbers, division by zero error, out of range and so on). The assumption was that only numeric characters, spaces, slashes and periods were in given string.
Single number input (range of numbers is <-7, 7>):
- "-1" - translates into {-1}, returns type "numbers"
List input (range the same as above, return type is "numbers"):
- "1 3 2" - translates into {1, 2, 3}
- "1, 3, 2" - like above (periods are changed into spaces)
- "<2" - translates into {-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1}
- ">4" - translates into {5, 6, 7}
Divisor input, no range limit. Returns the vector and type "divisors".
- "/2" - translates into {2}
If input is invalid, corresponding error code will be returned as a type along with an empty vector.
The code below is not divided into .h and .cpp files for the sake of brevity, the expanded code is on github page.
The output messages are defined here, along with the returned structure.
#ifndef REQUEST_H
#define REQUEST_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
//request return codes
namespace ReturnCodes
const std::string NOT_A_NUMBER = "Not a number!";
const std::string INVALID_INPUT = "Invalid input!";
const std::string SUCCESOR_NULL = "Succesor is null!";
const std::string OUT_OF_RANGE = "Out of range!";
const std::string DIVISION_BY_ZERO = "Division by zero!";
const std::string NUMBERS = "Numbers";
const std::string DIVISOR = "Divisor";
const std::string EMPTY = "Empty";
const std::string OUT_OF_INT_RANGE = "Out of range of int!";
//custom ones are also allowed
//returned structure
struct RequestValue
std::vector<int> result;
std::string message;
bool isValid() const
return message == ReturnCodes::NUMBERS
|| message == ReturnCodes::DIVISOR
|| message == ReturnCodes::EMPTY;
Wrapper class for the chain of request handlers.
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
#include "RequestHandlers.h"
class Parser
RequestHandler* chain;
//a chain of handlers
chain = new EmptyStringHandler(
new DivisorStringHandler(
new SingleNumberStringHandler(
new InequalityStringHandler(
new ListStringHandler(
RequestValue parse(const std::string& value, bool preprocess = true) const
if (preprocess)
std::string text = RequestPreprocessor::changePeriodsToSpaces(value);
text = RequestPreprocessor::removeTrailingSpaces(text);
return chain->handle(text);
return chain->handle(value);
delete chain;
Helper class for string operations.
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
class RequestPreprocessor
//as the range where the numbers are valid is symmetrical,
//store only one number
static const int maxNumber = 7;
//check if integer r is in range specified as a const class member
static bool isInRangeInclusive(int r)
return r >= -maxNumber && r <= maxNumber;
//as periods doesn't matter, they can be changed into spaces
static std::string changePeriodsToSpaces(std::string input)
std::replace(input.begin(), input.end(), ',', ' ');
return input;
//remove unnecessary space prefixes and suffixes
static std::string removeTrailingSpaces(const std::string& input)
if (input.empty()) return input;
//seek start
unsigned start = 0;
while (start < input.size() && input[start] == ' ') start++;
//seek end
unsigned end = static_cast<unsigned int>(static_cast<int>(input.size()) - 1);
while (end > start && input[end] == ' ') end--;
return input.substr(start, end - start + 1);
//used in Division input Acase
static bool hasSlash(const std::string& input)
return input.find('/') != std::string::npos;
//used in inequality input cases
static bool hasInequalityCharacters(const std::string& input)
return input.find('>') != std::string::npos ||
input.find('<') != std::string::npos;
//check if a string contains only digits or '-' sign
static bool isANumber(const std::string& input)
std::string text = removeTrailingSpaces(input);
//check first character
unsigned i = 0;
if (text[0] == '-')
if (text.size() == 1) //check if input consists of only one '-' character
return false; //"-" is not a number!
//check digits, start from i-th character
return !std::any_of(text.begin() + i, text.end(), [](char c) { return c < '0' || c>'9'; });
A collection of classes used as a links in parser chain.
#include "Request.h"
#include "RequestPreprocessor.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
//base class for handlers
class RequestHandler
//next handler
RequestHandler * succesor = nullptr;
//check if handler can try to process the request
virtual bool canHandleRequest(const std::string &input) const = 0;
//process the request - we can assume that no other Handler is able to do it
virtual RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string &input) const = 0;
//give up and relay the input to next handler
RequestValue passFurther(const std::string& input) const
if (succesor == nullptr)
return { {}, ReturnCodes::SUCCESOR_NULL };
return succesor->handle(input);
//constructor - if successor is nullptr, it means that it is the last element
explicit RequestHandler(RequestHandler* succesor)
this->succesor = succesor;
//check if input can be handled ? handle it : pass further
RequestValue handle(const std::string& input) const
if (canHandleRequest(input))
return handleImplementation(input);
return passFurther(input);
//take care for its successors
virtual ~RequestHandler()
delete succesor;
//check is input is just ""
class EmptyStringHandler : public RequestHandler
explicit EmptyStringHandler(RequestHandler *succesor) : RequestHandler(succesor) { }
bool canHandleRequest(const std::string& input) const override
return input.empty();
RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string& input) const override
return { {}, ReturnCodes::EMPTY };
//check for input being a number between -7 and 7, inclusively
class SingleNumberStringHandler : public RequestHandler
explicit SingleNumberStringHandler(RequestHandler *succesor) : RequestHandler(succesor) { }
bool canHandleRequest(const std::string& input) const override
return !input.empty() &&
!RequestPreprocessor::hasInequalityCharacters(input) &&
!RequestPreprocessor::hasSlash(input) &&
RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string& input) const override
//check for incorrect characters
if (!RequestPreprocessor::isANumber(input))
return { {}, ReturnCodes::NOT_A_NUMBER };
int p = stoi(input);
//check range
if (RequestPreprocessor::isInRangeInclusive(p))
return { { p }, ReturnCodes::NUMBERS };
return { { p }, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE };
//stoi errors
catch (std::invalid_argument &invalidArgumentException)
return passFurther(input);
catch (std::out_of_range &outOfRangeException)
return { {}, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_INT_RANGE };
//check input with '<'
class InequalityStringHandler : public RequestHandler
explicit InequalityStringHandler(RequestHandler *succesor) : RequestHandler(succesor) { }
bool canHandleRequest(const std::string& input) const override
//the characters after then inequality sign cannot be other inequality
return input.size() > 1 && (input[0] == '<' || input[0] == '>') &&
!RequestPreprocessor::hasSlash(input) &&
RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string& input) const override
//check for incorrect characters
if (!RequestPreprocessor::isANumber(input.substr(1)))
return { {}, ReturnCodes::NOT_A_NUMBER };
int p = stoi(input.substr(1));
//check range
if (!RequestPreprocessor::isInRangeInclusive(p))
return { { p }, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE };
if (input[0] == '<')
//grab items <p
std::vector<int> result;
for (int i = -RequestPreprocessor::maxNumber; i < p; i++)
return { result, ReturnCodes::NUMBERS };
//provided by canHandleRequest, there're no other cases than '>'
//grab items >p
std::vector<int> result;
for (int i = p + 1; i <= RequestPreprocessor::maxNumber; i++)
return { result, ReturnCodes::NUMBERS };
//stoi errors
catch (std::invalid_argument &invalidArgumentException)
return passFurther(input);
catch (std::out_of_range &outOfRangeException)
return { {}, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_INT_RANGE };
//check for space-separated input
class ListStringHandler : public RequestHandler
explicit ListStringHandler(RequestHandler *succesor) : RequestHandler(succesor) { }
bool canHandleRequest(const std::string& input) const override
return input.size() > 1 &&
!RequestPreprocessor::hasSlash(input) &&
RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string& input) const override
std::vector<int> v;
//split input by spaces
std::vector<std::string> results = tokenize(input);
for (auto&& result : results)
//check for incorrect characters
if (!RequestPreprocessor::isANumber(result))
return { { v }, "Not a number @" + std::to_string(v.size() + 1) + "!" };
int p = stoi(result);
//check range
if (RequestPreprocessor::isInRangeInclusive(p))
//no duplicates!
if (find(v.begin(), v.end(), p) == v.end()) {
else {
return { v, "Out of range @" + std::to_string(v.size() + 1) + "!" };
sort(v.begin(), v.end());
return { v, ReturnCodes::NUMBERS };
//stoi errors
catch (std::invalid_argument &invalidArgumentException)
return { {}, "Invalid character @" + std::to_string(v.size() + 1) + "!" };
catch (std::out_of_range &outOfRangeException)
return { {}, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_INT_RANGE };
static std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string& input)
std::istringstream iss(input);
return std::vector<std::string>(
//check for number with '/' operator
class DivisorStringHandler : public RequestHandler
explicit DivisorStringHandler(RequestHandler *succesor) : RequestHandler(succesor) { }
bool canHandleRequest(const std::string& input) const override
return input.size() > 1 &&
input[0] == '/' &&
RequestValue handleImplementation(const std::string& input) const override
std::string text = input.substr(1);
//check for incorrect characters
if (!RequestPreprocessor::isANumber(text))
return { {}, ReturnCodes::NOT_A_NUMBER };
int p = stoi(text);
//obvious division by zero
if (p == 0)
return { { p }, ReturnCodes::DIVISION_BY_ZERO };
//check range
return { { p }, ReturnCodes::DIVISOR };
//stoi errors
catch (std::invalid_argument &invalidArgumentException)
return passFurther(input);
catch (std::out_of_range &outOfRangeException)
return { {}, ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_INT_RANGE };
main.cpp Entry point for program, it only runs a series of tests on various input.
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "Parser.h"
//go through a set of cases
void runTests()
Parser *parser = new Parser();
//empty input
RequestValue r = parser->parse("");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.empty());
//single-number input
r = parser->parse("-0");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result[0] == 0);
r = parser->parse("7");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result[0] == 7);
r = parser->parse("8");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE);
r = parser->parse("-7");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result[0] == -7);
r = parser->parse("-8");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE);
r = parser->parse("9");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE);
r = parser->parse("-9");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_RANGE);
//inequality input
r = parser->parse("<2");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 9 && r.result[1] == -6);
r = parser->parse("<-6");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 1 && r.result[0] == -7);
r = parser->parse(">6");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 1 && r.result[0] == 7);
r = parser->parse(">7");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.empty());
r = parser->parse("<-7");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.empty());
r = parser->parse("<<2");
r = parser->parse(" < -2 2 2 ");
//list input
r = parser->parse("1 2");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 2);
r = parser->parse("-1, -2 -4");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 3 && r.result[2] == -1);
r = parser->parse("-2, -2 -2, -3, -4 1 2 2");
assert(r.isValid() && r.result.size() == 5);
//division input
r = parser->parse("/2");
r = parser->parse("/");
r = parser->parse("/4/");
r = parser->parse("/-1231");
assert(r.result.size() == 1 && r.result[0] == -1231);
r = parser->parse("//1");
assert(r.isValid() == false);
r = parser->parse("/0");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::DIVISION_BY_ZERO);
//mixed / random
r = parser->parse("/2 3, -2");
assert(r.isValid() == false);
r = parser->parse("sink");
assert(r.isValid() == false);
r = parser->parse("111111111111111111111");
assert(!r.isValid() && r.message == ReturnCodes::OUT_OF_INT_RANGE);
int main() {
std::cout << "Testing..." << std::endl;
std::cout << "We are here, so the tests are complete" << std::endl;
return 0;
( (0,1,2,3)>2 ) / 2
as an expression tree:Divide(LargerThan(List(0,1,2,3), List(2)), List(2))
, because it gives you far greater flexibility for representing expressions, and makes it easy to evaluate them. \$\endgroup\$