I'd like to improve my router.
This is the current code for my autoloading action within my MVC application:
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . 'library' . DS . 'intranet' . DS . 'classes' . DS .strtolower($className) . '.php')){
require_once(ROOT . DS . 'library' . DS . 'intranet' . DS . 'classes' . DS .strtolower($className) . '.php');
} else if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'controller' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php')) {
require_once(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'controller' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php');
} else if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'model' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php')) {
require_once(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'model' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php');
} else if (file_exists(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'view' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php')) {
require_once(ROOT . DS . 'application' . DS . 'view' . DS . strtolower($className) . '.php');
} else {
throw new exception("$className" class failed to load: file not found");
It is looking for the class file in different folder, requiring it. If that fails, an exception is thrown.
It doesn't seem flexible, and I doubt that it'll play well with other libraries and autoloaders that are introduced as the project goes.
How could I improve my existing autoloader?