
Some time ago I created a style to be used for slides and posters for the beamer class. I have published it on github as latex-beamertheme-ibadai. It was basically my first attempt on writing such a package, and I am looking for advice how to improve it.

It comes with some options, the most basic is shown in the preview below. Please visit the repository for more examples, as I am a bit short on space here.

screenshot mwe, also see https://github.com/polyluxus/latex-beamertheme-ibadai/blob/master/demo/mwe/mwe.preview.png

I am mostly looking for advice on the main file beamerthemeMito.sty, as this is the one tying it all together. I tried to be as clear as possible, and it worked so far for my purposes, but I would like to know where I can improve it, or if I made some beginners mistakes that just work by coincidence.


% Required packages to be loaded

% Create toggles for options

% List options
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{beamerthemeMito}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’}}

% Define a standard length based on the normal fontsize
\AtBeginDocument{\setlength{\normaltextsize}{\f@size pt}}


% Predefined Fonts and Colours
% Both themes (dark/light) use the same palette,
% the difference is only that the templates for 
% the title(s) switch fg and bg
% Poster uses larger fonts for title, author, etc

% Modify Inner theme
% Choose triangles for the itemize environment
% this really doesn't have much of an effect since it is redefinedi later
\setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[triangle]
% Two levels should be quite enough
\setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{\raisebox{0.12ex}{$\blacktriangleright$}\hskip0.1em}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{\raisebox{0.12ex}{$\triangleright$}\hskip0.1em}
% There are no (should not be) sections in a poster
  \setbeamertemplate{sections/subsections in toc}[sections numbered]
  % Provide additional level for itemize environment
  \setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{\raisebox{0.12ex}{$\triangleright$}\hskip0.1em}

% enumerated figures, tables (,and schemes if defined)

% Modify Outer theme
\useoutertheme{default} %fallback

% Don't use navigation symbols

% New templates
% The theme doesn't use a headline on standard frames.
% Define a headline template which can be used as 
% the title for a poster
        {\usebeamerfont{institute}\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertinstitute\strut\par}
      \fi\vskip0ex % Ignore depth
      \adjustbox{max height=0.16\paperwidth,%
                 max width=0.25\paperwidth,%

% Define how the title for a slide is set
% This is the default for the dark theme
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{separation line head}

% Define footline as a single box for a slide
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{separation line foot}
    \insertshortauthor{} (\insertshortinstitute)\hfill\insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber%

% Define alternative footline as a single box
% for a title page or the poster
% Provide a command to easily insert a custom footline

  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.2\normaltextsize]{separation line foot}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.2\normaltextsize]{separation line foot}

% Redefine Titlepage 
% Make a titlepage

\defbeamertemplate{title page}{ibadai-titlepage}
  \usebeamerfont{normal text}%
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{separation line head}
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{separation line head}
      {\usebeamerfont{institute}\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertinstitute\strut\par}
      {\usebeamerfont{date}\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\today}\strut\par
      {\usebeamerfont{date}\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertdate}\strut\par
    \adjustbox{max height=0.25\paperheight,%
               max width=0.25\textwidth,%

% Define an alternative layout for the titlepage
% Custom content on the alternative titlepage is available through:

\defbeamertemplate{title page}{ibadai-alt-titlepage}{%
        {\usebeamerfont{institute}\usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}\insertinstitute\strut\par}
      \fi\vskip0ex % Ignore depth
      \adjustbox{max height=0.16\paperwidth,%
                 max width=0.25\paperwidth,%
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.2\normaltextsize]{separation line head}
  \vskip0pt plus 1filll
  \vskip0pt plus 1filll
  \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=1\paperwidth,ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{separation line foot}

% Define some boxed environments
% Provide a new length to know the actual available width

% The different boxes only differ in color, 
% the actual code for the boxes should be recycleable.
% The default is the dark theme defined below
%  \begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{test}
%  \end{beamercolorbox}
%  \nointerlineskip
%  \begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=0.1\normaltextsize]{test}
%  \end{beamercolorbox}
% The light theme uses:
% The end definitions are the same as the defaults

% Define a standard block for the dark theme
% Ordinary blocks
\defbeamertemplate{block begin}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@default{block title}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block end}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title}
% Alerted blocks 
\defbeamertemplate{block alerted begin}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@default{block title alerted}{block body alerted}
\defbeamertemplate{block alerted end}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title alerted}
% Example Blocks
\defbeamertemplate{block example begin}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@default{block title example}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block example end}{ibadai-block-dark}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title example}

% Define a block for the poster theme
\defbeamertemplate{block begin}{ibadai-block-poster}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@default{block title}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block end}{ibadai-block-poster}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title alerted}
  \vskip0.5\normaltextsize plus 1fil

% Define a standard block for the light theme
% Ordinary blocks
\defbeamertemplate{block begin}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@light{block title}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block end}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title}
% Alerted blocks 
\defbeamertemplate{block alerted begin}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@light{block title alerted}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block alerted end}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title alerted}
% Example Blocks
\defbeamertemplate{block example begin}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockbegin@ibadai@light{block title example}{block body}
\defbeamertemplate{block example end}{ibadai-block-light}{%
  \blockend@ibadai@default{block title example}

% Set the values according to the requested switch
  \setbeamertemplate{title page}[ibadai-alt-titlepage]
  \setbeamertemplate{title page}[ibadai-titlepage]
% As a default, use empty headline for the presentation 
% or the poster-template
  \setbeamertemplate{bibliography item}[text]


Accompanying this is the colourtheme beamercolorthemeibadai.sty, which defines which colours to use when:


% Required packages to be loaded

% Create toggles for options

% List options
\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{beamerthemeMito}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’}}

% Define colours
\definecolor{IbadaiGreen}  {RGB}{002, 068, 030}
\definecolor{IbadaiRed}    {RGB}{176, 000, 038}
\definecolor{IbBackgdGrey} {RGB}{144, 144, 136}
\definecolor{IbBackgdWhite}{RGB}{244, 244, 236}
\definecolor{IbLgtGreen}   {RGB}{047, 139, 011}
\definecolor{IbDrkGreen}   {RGB}{024, 083, 011}
%\definecolor{IbTemplate}   {RGB}{000, 000, 000}

\usecolortheme{default} %fallback

% Define colours for palettes if used with different theme
\setbeamercolor*{normal text}{fg=IbadaiGreen,bg=IbBackgdWhite!50!white}
\setbeamercolor*{alerted text}{use=structure,fg=structure.fg,bg=IbBackgdWhite}
\setbeamercolor*{example text}{fg=IbLgtGreen,bg=IbBackgdWhite}
\setbeamercolor*{palette primary}{fg=IbBackgdWhite,bg=IbadaiGreen!70!IbBackgdWhite}
\setbeamercolor*{palette secondary}{fg=IbBackgdWhite,bg=IbadaiGreen!80!IbBackgdWhite}
\setbeamercolor*{palette tertiary}{fg=IbBackgdWhite,bg=IbadaiGreen!90!IbBackgdWhite}
\setbeamercolor*{palette quaternary}{fg=IbBackgdWhite,bg=IbadaiGreen}

\setbeamercolor{section in toc}{fg=IbadaiGreen,bg=IbBackgdWhite}

\setbeamercolor*{separation line}{use=structure,bg=structure.fg}

% Define colours for titles, they change according to used option
  \setbeamercolor*{separation line head}{bg=IbadaiGreen}
  \setbeamercolor{titlelike}{parent=palette quaternary}
  \setbeamercolor*{separation line head}{parent=separation line}
\setbeamercolor*{separation line foot}{parent=separation line}

\setbeamercolor{block title}{parent=palette quaternary}
\setbeamercolor{block body}{parent=normal text, use=block title, bg=block title.fg}

\setbeamercolor{block title alerted}{use=structure,fg=IbBackgdWhite,bg=structure.fg}
\setbeamercolor{block body alerted}{parent=normal text, use=block title alerted, bg=block title alerted.fg!95!block title alerted.bg}

\setbeamercolor{block title example}{use=example text,fg=example text.bg,bg=example text.fg}
\setbeamercolor{block body example}{parent=normal text, use=block title example, bg=block title example.fg!95!block title example.bg}

\setbeamercolor{footline}{parent=palette quaternary}

The last file necessary is the font theme defined in beamerfontthemeibadai.sty:




\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{beamerthemeMito}{Unknown ‘\CurrentOption’}}


%\usefonttheme{default} %fallback


  \setbeamerfont{block title}{parent=title,size=\normalsize}
  \setbeamerfont{block title alerted}{parent=block title}

  \setbeamerfont{caption name}{parent=caption,series=\bfseries}



\setbeamerfont{section title}{size=\Large}

\setbeamerfont{block title}{size=\normalsize}
\setbeamerfont{block title alerted}{size=\normalsize}
\setbeamerfont{block title example}{size=\normalsize}


\setbeamerfont{caption name}{series=\bfseries}


I have oriented myself on the the general setup of the other themes that come with the beamer class.

The above preview can be produced with the following minimal working example:



\title{Short and Catchy Title}
\subtitle{Long and boring subtitle with unnecessary explanations.}
\author[F. Bar]{Foo Bar}
\institute[Baz Inst.]{Baz Insititute}
% example-image from https://www.ctan.org/pkg/mwe
\date{the Internet, \today}



\frametitle{Catchy Slide Title}
\framesubtitle{Boring subtitle}
    \begin{block}{Normal Block}
    \begin{alertblock}{Alerted Block}


1 Answer 1


A few minor comments:

  • \RequirePackage{etoolbox} is not necessary with recent beamer versions, as this package is loaded automatically

  • Instead of loading the subthemes with different options, depending of the value of your toggle, e.g.


    I'd prefer to directly pass the option to the subtheme. Example in the main theme:


    and in the colour theme:

    \DeclareOptionBeamer{light}{... define your toogle or something ...}
  • \useoutertheme{default} is not necessary, it is loaded automatically

  • A beamer colour box needs to receive a beamer colour as mandatory argument, not {use=frametitle,fg=frametitle.bg,bg=frametitle.fg}. I suggest to define a new colour

    \setbeamercolor{inverse frametitle}{use=frametitle,fg=frametitle.bg,bg=frametitle.fg}

    and then use

        {inverse frametitle}%
  • \RequirePackage{xcolor} is not necessary, beamer automatically loads it

  • \usecolortheme{default} also unnecessary

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