I have written a caching wrapper method for some of my services. The actual wrapper method is written as follows:
public T GetFromCache<T>(string key, Func<T> defaultValuePredicate, object cacheLock, TimeSpan duration)
lock (cacheLock)
var result = _cache[key] is T ? (T)_cache[key] : default(T);
if (Equals(default(T), result))
result = defaultValuePredicate();
if (!Equals(default(T), result))
_cache.Add(key, result, null,
(cacheKey, value, reason) =>
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} Dropped from cache becasue {1}", cacheKey, reason)));
return result;
A typical use case is this:
public class SomeService
private static readonly object _lock = new object();
public string GetSomeValue()
return GetFromCache("SomeService_GetSomeValue", () =>
//Expensive operation here
In all the example code that I've seen floating around the web people never seem to lock around expensive, but cached operations. The reason I lock is to prevent the same operation kicking off twice, duplicating the effort.
Is this approach reasonable and robust, or does it need serious modification to make it more reliable?