
I wrote a recursive sorting algorithm and was wondering what would be the run time complexity of this. The bulk of the work is done in the push_up function, which I think is linear in time. There are a linear amount of recursive calls though. If \$n\$ is the length of the list, would the runtime then be \$O(n^2)\$?

def sort(lst):
    """Recursive sorting algorithm. Sorts the remainder of the list 
    and then pushes the first element up to its appropriate position"""

   if lst == []:
       return []
   if len(lst) == 1:
       return [lst[0]]
   elt = lst[0]
   sorted_lst = sort(lst[1:])
   return push_up(elt, sorted_lst)

def insert(val, lst, i):
    """Inserts [val] into [lst] at index [i] """

    return lst[:i] + [val] + lst[i:]

def push_up(val, lst):
    """Pushes [val] up the list until it reaches its sorted position.
    Precondition: lst is sorted"""
    start = 0
    while start < len(lst) and lst[start] < val:
        start += 1

    return insert(val, lst, start)
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ If I am not wrong that is insertion sort, which runs at $O(n^2)$ in worst case scenario. \$\endgroup\$
    – QuIcKmAtHs
    Commented Jan 1, 2018 at 22:52
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ @XCoderX you need to backslash the dollar signs here to get mathjax. e.g. \$O(n^2)\$ is written \\$O(n^2)\\$ \$\endgroup\$
    – Snowbody
    Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 4:07

2 Answers 2



You can see that your sort function operates by recursing directly on itself, using a shorter-by-one version of its list parameter. This is stopped when the list is of length 0 or 1. (That code should be cleaned up.) So your sort recurses n-1 times, given n >= 2.

Each time it recurses, sort calls push_up once. The push_up function linearly scans the list, which is of length 1, then 2, then ... n-1.

So in the worst case (input array is reverse-sorted) you have scans of total length \$ \sum 1 ... (n-1) \$, which makes your code \$ O(n^2) \$.


I have a few suggestions for improving your code.

  • Good job using docstrings. Perhaps you should mention what the parameters actually represent, e.g. lst represents the list to be sorted.

  • if lst == []:
        return []
    if len(lst) == 1:
        return [lst[0]]

    This could be replaced by:

    if len(lst) <= 1:
        return lst[:]

    The [:] is slice notation for a copy of the entire list.

  • def insert(val, lst, i):
        """Inserts [val] into [lst] at index [i] """
        return lst[:i] + [val] + lst[i:]

    Since lst is already guaranteed to be a copy here, no need to make four new lists. Just insert the item into the existing lst and return it, e.g.

    lst.insert(i, val)
    return lst
  • def push_up(val, lst):
        """Pushes [val] up the list until it reaches its sorted position.
        Precondition: lst is sorted"""
        start = 0
        while start < len(lst) and lst[start] < val:
            start += 1

    It is not Pythonic to increment your own index to iterate over a list. Instead you should use the builtin enumerate:

    for (pos, item) in enumerate(lst):
        if item >= val:
            return insert(val, lst, pos)
    # if not found
    return lst
  • \$\begingroup\$ The parentheses around pos and item are superfluous (though arguably better for readability). \$\endgroup\$
    – Daniel
    Commented Jan 2, 2018 at 12:24

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