
Task Description:

  • Create a div-element and take control over it using a Vue-Instance.

  • Print an array of hobbies into the div-element. Provide some default hobbies.

  • Add a 'New Hobby' button and a text-input element. So that the user
    can add additional hobbies.

  • When a hobby list-item is clicked, it shall be removed from the list.

  • Add a "Hobby deleted"-paragraph which is only shown when a hobby-item has been deleted at least one time.

  • Above the list of hobbies add a hobby-counter which shows the current count of hobby-items.

  • Style the hobby-list depending on whether you have more or less then 3 hobbies in the list.

  • Outsource your hobbies (the list-item elements) into a component (so that it becomes re-usable).

The source-code of my solution:

// ----- index.js ----------
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import './index.css';
import App from './App';

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

// --------- App.js ----------
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Hobbies } from './Hobbies';
import './App.css';

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
        <Hobbies />

export default App;

// ------------ Hobbies.js --------------
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { HobbyItem } from './HobbyItem';

class Hobbies extends React.Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            hobbies: [
            deleted: false

    addHobby(event) {
        let currentHobbies = this.state.hobbies;
        let textBox = event.target.previousElementSibling;

        if (textBox.value) {
            textBox.value = '';

                hobbies: currentHobbies

    removeHobby(event) {
        let currentHobby = event.target.textContent;
        let updatedHobbies = this.state.hobbies.filter((hobby) => {
            return currentHobby !== hobby;

            hobbies: updatedHobbies

        !this.state.deleted && this.setState({
            deleted: true

    render() {
        let cssHobbyItem = 'hobby-item';
        let cssCounter = 'more-three';
        let hobbyItems = this.state.hobbies.map((hobby, i) => {
            return <li onClick={this.removeHobby.bind(this)}
                key={cssHobbyItem + i}>{hobby}</li>;
        let hobbiesLength = this.state.hobbies.length;

        if (hobbiesLength < 3) {
            cssCounter = 'less-three';
        } else if (hobbiesLength === 3) {
            cssCounter = 'equal-three';

        return (
            <div className="hobbies-list">
                <nav className="nav-add">
                    <input type="text" id="input-add" />
                    <button id="new-hobby"
                        onClick={this.addHobby.bind(this)}>New Hobby</button>
                <p>{this.state.deleted && 'Hobby Deleted!'}</p>
                <p className={cssCounter} ><b>Count of Hobbies:
                </b> {this.state.hobbies.length}</p>

export { Hobbies };

// --------- HobbyItem.js ---------------
import React, { Component } from 'react';

class HobbyItem extends React.Component {
    render() {
        return (

export { HobbyItem }

Working Live-Demo

Is it all done in a good way and manner?

What would you do differently and why?

Looking forward to reading your comments and answers.


1 Answer 1


Disclaimer: I know sqat about react.js. I only have some minor nitpicks.

When the body of an anonymous function is a single line, instead of ... => { return value; }, you can write more compactly as ... => value, for example here:

let updatedHobbies = this.state.hobbies.filter((hobby) => currentHobby !== hobby);

Although this works, I think it's an unusual writing style, and it would be better to spell it out as an if statement:

!this.state.deleted && this.setState({
    deleted: true

When I saw this code, it made me curious what happens for other values of hobbiesLength, that is, what would be in an else block:

if (hobbiesLength < 3) {
    cssCounter = 'less-three';
} else if (hobbiesLength === 3) {
    cssCounter = 'equal-three';

The answer to that is a couple of lines higher up:

let cssCounter = 'more-three';

If you move this to the else block, then all the possible values of cssCounter will become easily visible in one place, which will be easier to read and understand.


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