I recently completed an exercise in Stroustrup's "Programming Principles and Practices Using C++" with the following specifications: to make a console version of the game Hunt the Wumpus in which the player navigates a cave with multiple rooms in order to find and shoot the wumpus. If the wumpus finds the player, or if the player runs into the wumpus, the player loses. If the player shoots the wumpus, they win. There are rooms with bottomless pits which, if the player enters, they lose. There are rooms with a giant bat which, if the player enters, the bat flies the player to another room. The player has only 5 arrows, and if they run out, the player loses. Any feedback would be appreciated.
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
class Player
static const int max_shots = 5;
int shots;
int curr_room;
void run_out_of_arrows();
explicit Player(int current_room)
:shots(0), curr_room{ current_room }{}
int arrows_left() const { return max_shots - shots; }
int& current_room() { return curr_room; }
void shoot(){ ++shots; }
bool out_of_arrows(){ return shots >= max_shots; }
/*Struct used to interpret player's moves from input from std::cin
Examples of valid input: m13 (move to room 13). Can only move to one room at a time
s13-14-5(shoot through rooms 13, 14, and 5). Can shoot through up to three rooms
This does not check if rooms are valid, only if the format is valid
struct Player_move
enum Move_type{move, shoot};
Move_type move_type;
:move_type{ Move_type::move }{}
Player_move(int r, Move_type mt = Move_type::move)
:move_type{ mt }
Player_move(std::initializer_list<int> il)
:move_type{ Move_type::shoot }
rooms = il;
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Player_move& pm);
#include "Player.h"
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& is, Player_move& pm)
//read into a string to account for variability of input
std::string response;
is >> response;
int response_sz = response.size();
if (response_sz < 2 || response_sz > 9) // response is too large or too small to be valid
return is;
std::istringstream resp_ist{ response };
char move_type; int r1;
resp_ist >> move_type >> r1;
if (!resp_ist)
return is;
switch (move_type)
case 'm':
if (resp_ist.eof())
pm = Player_move(r1);
return is;
else //there's still content in the string after "m#", bad input
return is;
case 's':
//strategy: if string has not ended, continue to read char separator and int combo until
//three rooms max have been read.
if (resp_ist.eof())
pm = Player_move( r1, Player_move::shoot );
return is;
char ch2; int r2;
resp_ist >> ch2 >> r2;
if (!resp_ist)
return is;
if (resp_ist.eof())
pm = Player_move{ r1, r2 };
return is;
char ch3; int r3;
resp_ist >> ch3 >> r3;
if (!resp_ist)
return is;
if (resp_ist.eof())
pm = Player_move{ r1, r2, r3 };
return is;
return is;
return is;
#include <iostream>
#include "Player.h"
enum class Game_State{ win, lose, player_move, cave_move };
class Room
enum Room_type
Wumpus, Pit, Empty, Bat
Room(Room_type rr)
:rt{ rr }{}
int room_type() const { return rt; }
void set_room_type(Room_type rr) { rt = rr; }
Room_type rt;
void print_room_details(Room& r);
class Cave
//one "tunnel" per room, each contains room numbers of rooms that are connected via tunnel
using Tunnel = std::vector<int>;
const Game_State get_game_state() const { return game_state; }
void alert_player();
void get_player_move();
std::vector<Room>rooms; //each room's number is determined by its index in vector rooms
static const int number_of_rooms = 12;
Player player{ Player{ 0 } };
void connect_rooms();
bool valid_move(const Player_move& pm);
void wumpus_move();
int wumpus_index() const;
int pit_index() const;
int bat_index() const;
void player_kills_wumpus();
void player_lose(const std::string& s);
void bat_move_player();
void move_player(Player_move& pm);
Game_State game_state{ Game_State::player_move };
inline int randint(int min, int max)
return (rand() % max) + min;
inline int randint(int max)
return randint(0, max);
#include "Cave.h"
:rooms(number_of_rooms), tunnels(number_of_rooms)
//initialize rooms with wumpus, bat, and bottomless pit, and player rooms
int wump_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
int pit_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
// ensure that each room is unique
while (pit_ind == wump_ind) pit_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
int bat_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
while (bat_ind == wump_ind || bat_ind == pit_ind) bat_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
int player_room_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
while (player_room_ind == wump_ind || player_room_ind == pit_ind || player_room_ind == bat_ind)
player_room_ind = randint(number_of_rooms);
player = Player{ player_room_ind };
rooms[wump_ind] = Room{ Room::Wumpus };
rooms[pit_ind] = Room{ Room::Pit };
rooms[bat_ind] = Room{ Room::Bat };
//all other rooms are empty by default
//each room is connected to three other rooms by a "tunnel"(alias for vector<int>)
void Cave::connect_rooms()
for (int i = 0; i < rooms.size(); ++i)
int adj1 = randint(number_of_rooms);
//ensure that no connected rooms are the same
while (adj1 == i) adj1 = randint(number_of_rooms);
int adj2 = randint(number_of_rooms);
while (adj2 == adj1 || adj2 == i) adj2 = randint(number_of_rooms);
int adj3 = randint(number_of_rooms);
while (adj3 == adj1 || adj3 == adj2 || adj3 == i) adj3 = randint(number_of_rooms);
//connect current room w/ 3 random rooms
void Cave::alert_player()
std::cout << "You are currently in room " << player.current_room()
<< "; There are tunnels to rooms ";
Tunnel& t = tunnels[player.current_room()];
for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
std::cout << t[i];
if (i != t.size() - 1) std::cout << ", ";
std::cout << "; move or shoot?\n";
//give player hints of surroundings
for (int i : t)
void print_room_details(Room& r)
switch (r.room_type())
case Room::Wumpus:
std::cout << "I smell the wumpus\n";
case Room::Pit:
std::cout << "I feel a breeze\n";
case Room::Bat:
std::cout << "I hear a bat\n";
//return wumpus' room number
int Cave::wumpus_index() const
int wump_index = 0;
for (const Room& r : rooms)
if (r.room_type() == Room::Wumpus) break;
return wump_index;
//return bat's room number
int Cave::bat_index() const
int bat_indx = 0;
for (const Room& r : rooms)
if (r.room_type() == Room::Bat) break;
return bat_indx;
//return pit room number
int Cave::pit_index() const
int pit_indx = 0;
for (const Room& r : rooms)
if (r.room_type() == Room::Pit) break;
return pit_indx;
//wumpus moves after hearing player shoot an arrow
void Cave::wumpus_move()
game_state = Game_State::cave_move;
int bat_ind = bat_index();
int pit_ind = pit_index();
int wump_index = wumpus_index();
Tunnel& t = tunnels[wump_index];
int new_wump_index = t[randint(t.size())];
//ensure wumpus does not move to a room w/ bat or pit
while (new_wump_index == bat_ind || new_wump_index == pit_ind) new_wump_index = t[randint(t.size())];
if (new_wump_index == player.current_room())
player_lose("The Wumpus has found you! Game over.");
void Cave::player_lose(const std::string& s)
std::cout << s << '\n';
game_state = Game_State::lose;
bool Cave::valid_move(const Player_move& pm)
if (pm.rooms.size() == 0) return false; //empty vector
Tunnel& t = tunnels[player.current_room()];
for (int i : pm.rooms)
if (i < 0 || i >(number_of_rooms - 1)) return false;
if (std::find(t.begin(), t.end(), i) == t.end()) return false; //room is not connected to players current room
return true;
void Cave::get_player_move()
game_state = Game_State::player_move;
Player_move pm;
while (!(std::cin >> pm) || !valid_move(pm))
std::cout << "Please enter a valid move. Ex: m# or s#-#-#(shoot through 3 rooms max).\n";
if (pm.move_type == Player_move::move)
else //shot awakens the wumpus
if (std::find(pm.rooms.begin(), pm.rooms.end(), wumpus_index()) != pm.rooms.end()) player_kills_wumpus();
if (player.out_of_arrows()) player_lose("You have no more arrows left! Game over.\n");
else wumpus_move();
void Cave::player_kills_wumpus()
std::cout << "You shot the Wumpus! You win.\n";
game_state = Game_State::win;
void Cave::bat_move_player()
game_state = Game_State::cave_move;
std::cout << "You have entered the bat room! The bat will now move you to a random room.\n";
move_player(Player_move( randint(number_of_rooms) ));
void Cave::move_player(Player_move& pm)
player.current_room() = pm.rooms[0];
if (player.current_room() == wumpus_index()) player_lose("The Wumpus has found you! Game over.");
else if (player.current_room() == pit_index()) player_lose("You fell down the pit! Game over.");
else if (player.current_room() == bat_index()) bat_move_player();
#include <ctime>
#include "Cave.h"
void game_loop(Cave& cave)
while (int(cave.get_game_state()) != int(Game_State::win) && int(cave.get_game_state()) != int(Game_State::lose))
int main()
Cave main_cave;
catch (std::exception& e)
std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Something went wrong\n";