The code returns the first product, not the maximum product. For example, it returns 6240 instead of 7500 on input 60:
(60) 10² + 24² = 26² ; 10 * 24 * 26 = 6240
(60) 15² + 20² = 25² ; 15 * 20 * 25 = 7500
This is easy to fix: loop and take the maximum.
I have been told there is a better solution.
There are solutions that take fewer steps. One could attempt to improve the current solution by shrinking the possible ranges. Given:
\$c^2 = a^2 + b^2 ; sum = a + b + c\$
Neither a nor b can be larger than c. This also means that neither a nor b can be larger than half the sum.
For c: it can't be smaller than any other term, and it must be at least one-third of the sum.
// the "sum - 1" accounts for a being at least 1
for ( int b = (sum - 1) / 2; b >= 1; b-- ) {
for ( int c = Math.max(b, sum - 2*b); c < sum-b-1; c++ ) {
int a = n - b - c;
if ( a*a + b*b == c*c ) {
// found a triple
This is a little better, but it's still inefficient. If you're feeling brave, there is a formula to generate all Pythagorean triples.
Briefly, Euclid's formula involves two integers, \$m > n > 0\$, that generate Pythagorean triples:
\$a = m^2 - n^2 ; b = 2mn ; c = m^2 + n^2\$
(This doesn't generate all triples; we'll get to that in a minute.)
The sum of a, b, c becomes:
\$sum = m^2 - n^2 + 2mn + m^2 + n^2 = (m - n)(m + n) + (m + n)^2 = 2m(m + n)\$
Because sum, m, and n are integers, this means that both m and (m+n) divide sum.
For minimal n = 1, m is maximally \$\sqrt{sum \over 2}\$, so that's a good upper bound to start with. And given sum and m, we have \$n = {sum \over {2m}} - m\$
/* sum = 2m(m+n) ; m > n > 0 */
public static int maxPythagTriple_Euclid(int sum) {
// sum must be even; smallest triple has sum 12
if ( sum % 2 != 0 || sum < 12 ) return -1;
final int sumd2 = sum / 2; // divisible by 2
for ( int m = (int) Math.sqrt(sumd2); m > sumd2 / m - m; m-- ) {
if ( sum % m != 0 ) continue; // must be a divisor
final int n = sumd2 / m - m;
if ( n <= 0 ) continue; // rule out pathologicals
if ( sum % (m+n) != 0 ) continue; // must be a divisor
final int msq = m*m, nsq = n*n;
final int a = msq - nsq, b = 2*m*n, c = msq + nsq;
assert a * a + b * b == c * c;
return a * b * c;
return -1;
// Alternative implementation, pulling n into the for-loop
public static int maxPythagTriple_Euclid(int sum) {
if ( sum % 2 != 0 || sum < 12 ) return -1;
final int sumd2 = sum / 2; // divisible by 2
for ( int m = (int) Math.sqrt(sumd2), n = sumd2 / m - m;
m > n;
m--, n = sumd2 / m - m ) {
if ( n <= 0 || sum % m != 0 || sum % (m+n) != 0 ) {
final int msq = m*m, nsq = n*n;
final int a = msq - nsq, b = 2*m*n, c = msq + nsq;
assert a * a + b * b == c * c;
return a * b * c;
return -1;
We can return at our first hit because we maximize m; the product will be largest when the terms are closest, which is the case for minimal n (and thus maximal m).
To quote myself:
This doesn't generate all triples; we'll get to that in a minute.
Euclid's formula doesn't generate all triples, but it does generate at least all primitive triples.
An important property of Pythagorean triples is that, if \$(a,b,c)\$ is a triple, then so is \$(k*a, k*b, k*c)\$, for any integer k. Such a k is necessarily a divisor of the sum of a, b, c.
public static int maxPythagTriple_Euclid(int sum) {
int max = -1;
for ( int k = 1; k < sum / 2 && sum / k >= 12; k++ ) {
if ( sum % k != 0 ) continue;
// multiply by k^3
int prod = maxPythagTriple_Euclid_primitive(sum / k) * (k * k * k);
if ( prod > max ) {
max = prod;
return max;
Precomputing the divisors of sum may save some more steps, but I haven't looked into that.