I am new to the Laravel framework. I have recently written a function which gets called through a route. The function is created for two purposes:
- Get ads from a particular city based on provided filter parameters with pagination
- Search ads if search term is available in request parameters.
public function getAdsFeedWithFilters(Request $request) {
$message = 'success';
$code = ResponseCode::$SUCCESS;
$cityId = $request->input('city_id');
$postedWithin = $request->input("posted_within");
$priceStartRange = $request->input('price_start_range');
$priceEndRange = $request->input('price_end_range');
$sortBy = $request->input('sort_by');
$searchTerm = $request->input('search_term');
$page = $request->input('page');
$checkForPriceRange = false;
if ($request->has(['price_start_range', 'price_end_range'])) {
$checkForPriceRange = true;
$checkForPostedWithin = false;
if ($request->has('posted_within')) {
$checkForPostedWithin = true;
$sortByColumn = 'creation_date';
$sortOrder = 'DESC';
if ($sortBy == self::$SORT_BY_PRICE_HIGH_TO_LOW) {
$sortByColumn = 'price';
$sortOrder = 'DESC';
} elseif ($sortBy == self::$SORT_BY_PRICE_LOW_TO_HIGH) {
$sortByColumn = 'price';
$sortOrder = 'ASC';
} elseif ($sortBy == self::$SORT_BY_DATE_CREATED_NEW_TO_OLD) {
$sortByColumn = 'creation_date';
$sortOrder = 'DESC';
} elseif ($sortBy == self::$SORT_BY_DATE_CREATED_OLD_TO_NEW) {
$sortByColumn = 'creation_date';
$sortOrder = 'ASC';
$termsRS = '';
$checkForSearchTerm = false;
if ($request->has('search_term')) {
$terms = explode(" ", trim($searchTerm));
$terms = MyUtils::removeIgnoredWords($terms);
if (count($terms) != 0) {
$checkForSearchTerm = true;
$termsRS = implode(" ", $terms);
$city = City::find($cityId);
if (!$city) {
$message = 'Invalid city id';
$code = ResponseCode::$FAILURE;
return ResponseFormatter::_format($code, $message);
$ads = $city->load(['ads' => function($query) use (
$checkForPostedWithin, $checkForPriceRange,
$sortByColumn, $sortOrder, $postedWithin, $priceEndRange, $priceStartRange) {
$query->where('status', '=', Ad::$STATUS_ACTIVE);
if ($checkForPriceRange) {
$query->where('price', '>=', $priceStartRange);
$query->where('price', '<=', $priceEndRange);
if ($checkForPostedWithin) {
$query->whereRaw('creation_date >= NOW() - INTERVAL ' . $postedWithin . ' DAY');
if ($checkForSearchTerm) {
$query->whereRaw("MATCH (title) AGAINST (?)", [$termsRS]);
$query->orderBy($sortByColumn, $sortOrder);
$outputAds = array();
foreach ($ads->ads as $ad) {
$outputAds[] = $ad;
return ResponseFormatter::format($code, $message, $outputAds);
Ad Model
class Ad extends Model {
public static $ADS_PER_PAGE = 5;
public static $STATUS_ACTIVE = 1;
protected $table = 'ad';
public $timestamps = false;
public function user() {
return $this->belongsTo('Sello\User');
public function adImages() {
return $this->hasMany('Sello\AdImage');
public function brand() {
return $this->belongsTo('Sello\Brand');
public function category() {
return $this->belongsTo('Sello\CategoryType');
public function details() {
I have created a FULLTEXT index on the title field of the Ad table so that the keyword search could be fast. There are only 100 records in the Ad table. For now, the method is working according to expectations but I want to optimize it so that in the future when the count of records goes above thousands or hundreds of thousands, the performance of this method remains good. Can any Laravel or SQL expert suggest to me some tips or code changes or query changes which can enhance the query performance even to the minute level?
Table - ad_images
Table - brand
Table - category
Table - city
Table - country
Table - user
call. \$\endgroup\$