I want to generate numbers which are palindromic in three or more consecutive number bases in the most optimal, fastest way (up to some range). I do not count trivial one digit palindromes.
(When I say 3 or more, I mean 3 and 4, as it is not known if a solution for 4 or more bases exists)
I'm basically generating palindromes in number base \$b\$, and then converting and checking whether it is also palindromic in \$b+1, b+2, \dots\$
Are there any ways to noticeably speed up my code?
# Converts any number n to any base b (*), Source: [1]
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/28666223/5821790
def numberToBase(n, b):
if n == 0:
return [0]
digits = []
while n:
digits.append(int(n % b))
n //= b
return digits[::-1]
# Generates palindromes in base b (*), Source: [2]
# https://math.stackexchange.com/q/2494909
def palgen(b):
i = 1
while True:
ii = b * i
r = range(i, ii)
for j in r:
s = numberToBase(j, b)
yield s + s[-2::-1]
for j in r:
s = numberToBase(j, b)
yield s + s[::-1]
i = ii
# Checks if the list is palindromic, Source: [3]
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/30340347/5821790
def isPalindrome(s):
if len(s) <= 1:
return True
return s[0] == s[-1] and isPalindrome(s[1:-1])
# converts number in base b (*) to integer
def listToInt(digitList, base):
l = len(digitList)
value = 0
for i, val in enumerate(digitList):
value += val*base**(l-i-1)
return value
# returns current time
def getTime():
return strftime("( %H:%M:%S )", gmtime())
# Searches for numbers palindromic in 3 or more consecutive bases #
from time import gmtime, strftime
from math import sqrt, floor
bound = 10**8 # numbers up to
baseBound = floor(sqrt(bound)) # bases up to (bound, can be improved)
print(getTime(), "Starting with:" ,baseBound, bound)
for b in range(2, baseBound):
for i, s in enumerate(palgen(b), 1):
# convert palindrome s_b to integer x and check if out of bound
x = listToInt(s, b)
if (x > bound): break
if (len(s) > 1): # one digit palindromes do not count (trivial)
# checks if the palindrome x is also palindromic in more bases
if (isPalindrome(numberToBase(x, b+1))):
if (isPalindrome(numberToBase(x, b+2))):
print(getTime(), b, x, len(s))
if (isPalindrome(numberToBase(x, b+3))):
print(b, x, len(s), "*** AT LEAST FOUR IN A ROW ***")
What are some things here that can be improved, and how, following good practice?
(Beside mathematical aspects which include the bound above which no more examples are found, the fact that only odd digit length palindromes form consecutive triples, and the facts that some examples follow a pattern that can be generated.)
Outputs: [10^9, ~ 3 hours: 1200 bases] and [10^12, ~ 3 hours: 100 bases]
etc. You might also be able to use "mod" to discard multiples of a given base (depending on how you treat strings that end in "0"). \$\endgroup\$eval
. \$\endgroup\$s == s[::-1]
, If I'm not mistaken? Also, I'm not sure how you meant to discard duplicates exactly? \$\endgroup\$listToInt
. \$\endgroup\$