There are some points that can be improved:
- a type synonym like
type TodoList = [String]
makes it easier to change the type later
- the
and non-IO
part in todoOp
could be split
is not used (getChar
and putChar
are in Prelude
is missing a type signature
can be written with splitAt
can be applied in zipWith
's first argument, no need for an additional map
If we apply those improvements, we end up with
import Data.Char (toUpper)
type Todo = String
type TodoList = [Todo]
numberList :: TodoList -> [String]
numberList = zipWith (\a b -> show a ++ ". " ++ b) [1..]
removeElem :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
removeElem i xs = let (as, bs) = splitAt i xs
in as ++ drop 1 bs
printStrs :: [String] -> IO ()
printStrs = mapM_ putStrLn
-- new functions to have todoOp just deal --
-- with IO and have testable functions --
showTodoList :: TodoList -> String
showTodoList [] = "No entries"
showTodoList xs = unlines . numberList
addTodo :: TodoList -> Todo -> TodoList
addTodo = flip (:)
removeTodo :: TodoList -> Int -> TodoList
removeTodo = flip removeElem
-- in case your GHC is too old, import Data.Functor for <$>
todoOp :: TodoList -> Char -> IO TodoList
todoOp xs 'V' = putStrLn (showTodoList xs) >> return xs
todoOp xs 'A' = do
putStrLn "What would you like to add?"
addTodo xs <$> getLine
todoOp [] 'D' = putStrLn (showTodoList []) >> return []
todoOp xs 'D' = do
printStrs $ numberList xs
putStr "Which line do you want to remove? "
removeTodo xs <$> readLn
todoOp xs _ = do
putStrLn "Operation not supported"
return xs
If we're going for brevitiy, a prompt
function might come handy, but that's a matter of preference:
prompt :: String -> IO String
prompt xs = putStrLn xs >> getLine
todoOp :: TodoList -> Char -> IO TodoList
todoOp xs 'V' = printTodoList xs >> return xs
todoOp xs 'A' = addTodo xs <$> prompt "What would you like to add?"
todoOp [] 'D' = putStrLn (showTodoList []) >> return []
todoOp xs 'D' = printTodoList xs >> removeTodo xs <$> prompt "Which line do you want to remove? "
todoOp xs _ = putStrLn "Operation not supported" >> return xs
However, there is still one thing amiss. todoOp
has to handle every Char
, although that shouldn't be necessary. There are only four actions: add, show, remove and quit. The latest does not actually act on a todo list, so let us focus on the first three. We should model them into a type:
data Action = Add | Delete | View
charToAction :: Char -> Maybe Action
charToAction x = case toUpper x of
'A' -> Just Add
'V' -> Just View
'D' -> Just Delete
_ -> Nothing
We have to adjust todoOp
of course, but that's left as an exercise. mainLoop
will now handle the parsing:
mainLoop :: TodoList -> IO ()
mainLoop xs = do
putStr "Do you wish to [a]dd, [d]elete, [v]iew, or [e]xit? "
c <- getChar
putStrLn ""
case charToAction c of
Nothing | toUpper c == 'E' -> return ()
Nothing -> putStrLn "Unsupported operation" >> mainLoop xs
Just act -> todoOp xs act >>= mainLoop
Alternatively, you can use when
from Control.Monad
mainLoop :: TodoList -> IO ()
mainLoop xs = do
putStr "Do you wish to [a]dd, [d]elete, [v]iew, or [e]xit? "
c <- getChar
putStrLn ""
when (toUpper c /= 'E') $ case charToAction c of
Nothing -> putStrLn "Unsupported operation" >> mainLoop xs
Just act -> todoOp xs act >>= mainLoop