I've written a script in python to scrape name, review_star and review_count by going through thousands of links (to different products) stored in a csv file using reverse search. As those links are of amazon site so it is very natural to get the ip address banned for a short time while making use of few links only. However, to retain the continuation it is necessary to filter this process through proxy. This is what I tried to do here and it is running smoothly. For the record: as these proxies are collected from web, they may not last long. Anyways, this scraper is supposed to make requests using each links from the csv file, collect the product name, review_star and review_count from amazon site without being blocked. Considering the space, I only used three proxies in my scraper. I tried my level best to make it flawless and it is working without leaving any complaint at this moment. Any suggestion to make this better will be highly appreciated.
This is the script I've written:
import csv
import requests
from lxml.html import fromstring
def crawl():
'https': '',
'https': '',
'https': ''
with open("amazon.csv", 'r') as input_file:
for entry in csv.DictReader(input_file):
url = entry['Link']
response = requests.get(url,headers={'User-Agent':'Mozilla/5.0'},proxies=proxy)
root = fromstring(response.text)
name = root.cssselect("#productTitle")[0].text.strip() if root.cssselect("#productTitle") else ""
star = root.cssselect(".AverageCustomerReviews .a-icon-alt")[0].text if root.cssselect(".AverageCustomerReviews .a-icon-alt") else ""
count = root.cssselect(".AverageCustomerReviews .totalReviewCount")[0].text if root.cssselect(".AverageCustomerReviews .totalReviewCount") else ""
print("Name: {}\nStar: {}\nCount: {}".format(name,star,count))
if __name__ == '__main__':
These are the five links out of thousands which are supposed to store in a csv file named amazon.csv
containing a header Link