The code below reduces an array into "named" objects (not sure if that's the correct terminology!)
It works, but I'm sure the code could be improved. There is some repetition going on in the reduce.
It checks if a key exists (if (accumulator[name])
). If not then initialize the results
array, if it does then push onto the results
let response = {
columns: [
data: [
graph: {
nodes: [
id: '169',
labels: [
properties: {
reference: 'REF002',
name: 'Cupboard',
id: '003'
relationships: []
graph: {
nodes: [
id: '170',
labels: [
properties: {
reference: 'REF003',
name: 'Cupboard A',
id: '03a'
relationships: []
graph: {
nodes: [
id: '964',
labels: [
properties: {
reference: 'REF004',
name: 'Cupboard B',
id: '03b'
relationships: []
const result =
(accumulator, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => {
const name = currentValue.graph.nodes[0].labels[0];
if (accumulator[name]) {
title: currentValue.graph.nodes[0],
description: currentValue.graph.nodes[0].properties.reference
} else {
accumulator[name] = {
results: [
title: currentValue.graph.nodes[0],
description: currentValue.graph.nodes[0].properties.reference
return accumulator;
Output Required
Container: {
name: 'Container',
results: [
title: 'Cupboard',
description: 'REF002'
title: 'Cupboard A',
description: 'REF003'
Foo: {
name: 'Foo',
results: [
title: 'Cupboard B',
description: 'REF004'