This is the revised code after incorporating the suggestions from user Roman Susi.
Link to the previous post here.
Notable edits: I have factored out the bigger functions into smaller tasks. The functions and variables have(hopefully) less ambiguous names, and the JSON object is now deepcop[ied]
I am still interested in making the code more Pythonic, factoring out the functions if need be, and wondering if my use of deepcopy
is appropriate. I am open to any other suggestions.
Updated Code:
from copy import deepcopy
import json
import os
import praw
Scrapes posts for comments and saves the comment ID and comment text to the
accompanying JSON file.
JSON_DEFAULT_LOC = os.environ.get('JSON_LOCATION') or os.path.join(
def login():
""" Create a reddit instance according to praw.ini configuration.
Call as a check.
Return reddit instance.
reddit = praw.Reddit("appname", user_agent=""
"name:v1 (by /u/)")
print("Authenticated as {}".format(
return reddit
def load_survey_responses(fp=None):
""" Load the current survey response file as a JSON object.
if fp is None:
with open(fp, "r") as file:
survey_results = json.load(file)
return survey_results
def scrape_submissions(reddit):
""" For each post specified in survey_responses.json, scrape the comments
within the post and write the new or updated responses to the JSON dict.
survey_responses = load_survey_responses()
shortlink_id_list = extract_shortlink_id(survey_responses)
for sl_id in shortlink_id_list:
submission = reddit.submission(id=sl_id)
updated_responses = prepare_survey_update(submission,
print("Comments from '{}' "
"saved to file".format(submission.subreddit))
except OSError as e:
print("Could not write to file: {}".format(e))
def extract_shortlink_id(survey_responses):
return [survey_responses[sub][0]["shortlink"][-6:]
for sub in survey_responses]
def prepare_survey_update(submission, sl_id, survey_responses):
""" Combs through a submission's comments and replaces the "more comments",
extracts the comments from the submission, and prepares file to be written
with an updated JSON dictionary.
submission_replaced = replace_more_comments(submission)
submission_comment = extract_submission_comment(submission_replaced)
updated = update_response(survey_responses, submission_comment, sl_id)
return updated
def replace_more_comments(submission):
return submission
def extract_submission_comment(submission_replaced):
submission_comment = [{ comment.body}
for comment in submission_replaced.comments.list()]
return submission_comment
def update_response(old_responses, comment_to_add, sl_id):
new_responses = deepcopy(old_responses)
for i in new_responses:
if sl_id in new_responses[i][0]["shortlink"]:
new_responses[i][1]["responses"] = comment_to_add
return new_responses
def write_comments_to_file(updated_json, fp=None):
if fp is None:
with open(fp, "w") as fp:
json.dump(updated_json, fp)
def main():
reddit = login()
if __name__ == "__main__":