I have just started learning some Scheme this weekend. I recently solved a problem that goes something like:
Count the number of ways possible to give out a certain amount of change using
1 5 10 25 and 50 cent pieces.
--SICP 1.16
So my code to this question looks like this:
(define (make-change amount)
(define coin-total 5)
;;#Function that actually does the calculating
(define (calculate amount coins)
;;#Lookup values on the table vector, if none is found find it and add it.
(define (lookup)
;;#Location on the table vector
(define position (- (+ coins (* coin-total (- amount 1))) 1))
;;#Get the value in the table vector
(define (search-for amount coins)
(vector-ref table position))
;;#Not quite so functional, but we need to add it somehow
(define (update val)
(begin (vector-set! table position val)
(let ((result (search-for amount coins)))
(if (= result 0)
(let* ((left-branch (calculate amount (- coins 1)))
(right-branch (calculate (- amount (coin-value coins)) coins)))
(update (+ left-branch right-branch)))
(cond ((= amount 0) 1 )
((or (< amount 0) (= coins 0)) 0)
(else (lookup))))
;;#Table stuff
(define table (make-vector (* amount coin-total) 0))
(define (init-table position)
(if (< position 0)
(begin (vector-set! table position 1)
(init-table (- position 1)))))
;;#The entry point, sets up the table and starts the calculation
(begin (init-table 4) (calculate amount coin-total)))
;;#Mapping from coin number to value, order doesn't matter
(define (coin-value n)
(cond ((= n 1) 1)
((= n 2) 5)
((= n 3) 10)
((= n 4) 25)
((= n 5) 50)))
The logic in this code is sound, it "works" but I'm worried that I'm not writing it very idiomatically. What suggestions or alterations would you make for this code?
Note: I stuck this # in the comments here so that the code highlighting would stop treating it like code and messing up the syntax highlighting