I would like to get some feedback on the following implementation of disjoint sets, based on disjoint-sets forests (Cormen, et.al., Introduction to Algorithms, 2nd ed., p.505ff). It should have the following properties:
- Abstracts away all internal data structures and can be used to create disjoint sets of any type
- Supports the traditional disjoint set operations:
- Performs union-by-rank and path compression optimizations
Any general advice is welcome, but I have my doubts in particular about the following points:
- Mixture of object-oriented and functional programming - it feels like best of both worlds, but I'm always unsure on which side to lean stronger.
- Thread-safety: is it sufficient to synchronize the public methods and initialization? is it necessary? (not sure about
) - The
: what is a best practice to deal with this sort of thing?
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* This class implements a disjoint-sets algorithm with
* union-by-rank and path compression. The forest/sets/etc. are
* internal data structures not exposed to the outside. Instead,
* it is possible to add new elements (which end up in a newly
* created set), union two elements, and hence, their sets, and
* find the representative of a disjoint-set by a given element of
* the set.
class DisjointSets[T](initialElements : Seq[T] = Nil) {
* Add a new single-node forest to the disjoint-set forests. It will
* be placed into its own set.
def add(elem : T) : Unit = synchronized {
nodes += (elem -> DisjointSets.Node(elem, 0, None))
* Union the disjoint-sets of which <code>elem1</code>
* and <code>elem2</code> are members of.
* @return the representative of the unioned set
* @precondition elem1 and elem2 must have been added before
def union(elem1 : T, elem2 : T) : T = synchronized {
// lookup elements
require(nodes.contains(elem1) && nodes.contains(elem2),
"Only elements previously added to the disjoint-sets can be unioned")
// retrieve representative nodes
nodes.get(elem2).map(_.getRepresentative)) match {
// Distinguish the different union cases and return the new set representative
// Case #1: both elements already in same set
case (Some(n1), Some(n2)) if n1 == n2 =>
// Case #2: rank1 > rank2 -> make n1 parent of n2
case (Some(n1 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank1, _)),
Some(n2 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank2, _))) if rank1 > rank2 =>
n2.parent = Some(n1)
// Case #3: rank1 < rank2 -> make n2 parent of n1
case (Some(n1 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank1, _)),
Some(n2 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank2, _))) if rank1 < rank2 =>
n1.parent = Some(n2)
// Case #4: rank1 == rank2 -> keep n1 as representative and increment rank
case (Some(n1 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank1, _)),
Some(n2 @ DisjointSets.Node(_, rank2, _))) /*if rank1 == rank2*/ =>
n1.rank = rank1 + 1
n2.parent = Some(n1)
// we are guaranteed to find the two nodes in the map,
// and the above cases cover all possibilities
case _ => throw new MatchError("This should never have happened")
* Finds the representative for a disjoint-set, of which
* <code>elem</code> is a member of.
def find(elem : T) : Option[T] = synchronized {
nodes.get(elem) match {
case Some(node) =>
val rootNode = node.getRepresentative
// path compression
if (node != rootNode) node.parent = Some(rootNode)
case None => None
* Returns the number of disjoint-sets managed in this data structure.
* Keep in mind: this is a non-vital/non-standard operation, so we do
* not keep track of the number of sets, and instead this method recomputes
* them each time.
def size : Int = synchronized {
nodes.values.count(_.parent == None)
// Internal parts
private val nodes : scala.collection.mutable.Map[T, DisjointSets.Node[T]] =
// Initialization
synchronized { initialElements map (add _) }
object DisjointSets {
def apply[T](initialElements : Seq[T] = Nil) = new DisjointSets[T](initialElements)
// Internal parts
private case class Node[T](val elem : T, var rank : Int, var parent : Option[Node[T]]) {
* Compute representative of this set.
* @return root element of the set
final def getRepresentative: Node[T] = parent match {
case None => this
case Some(p) => p.getRepresentative