Please review this protocol printer/decoder in C++.
I also attached a sample binary file to use to test.
Main program:
program to parse a binary protocol layer with following form:
header: x bytes - example uses DEVx: of 5 bytes
timestamp: uses excel format timestamp of 8 bytes (double)
payload size: 4 bytes
payload: payload bytes
program just prints hex of payload, but could be extended to parse
the inner data protocol
Program reads from stdin.
Example usage: parse <file.bin
#include "ring_buffer.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
// handling for embedded Ctrl-Z in stream
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
// forward declares
size_t get_payload_size(const char* stream, size_t length);
void print_line(const char* line, const size_t length, const size_t protocol_header_length);
void handle_line(ring_buffer& data, const bool print_all, const size_t protocol_header_length);
std::string get_timestamp(double timestamp, char date_delimeter = '/', char time_delimiter = ':');
size_t get_payload_size(const char* stream, size_t length) {
unsigned payload_size = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
payload_size += ((stream[i] & 0xFF) << i * 8);
return payload_size;
void print_line(const char* line, const size_t length, const size_t protocol_header_length) {
const int timestamp_length = 8;
const int data_length = 4;
// get protocol header part
char* start = new char[protocol_header_length + 1]();
memcpy(start, line, protocol_header_length);
start[protocol_header_length] = '\0';
std::cout << start << " ";
delete[] start;
// get timestamp part
double alltime = 0.0;
// return if insufficient data to print timestamp
if (length < protocol_header_length + timestamp_length)
memcpy(&alltime, &line[protocol_header_length], timestamp_length);
std::cout << get_timestamp(alltime) << " ";
// return if insufficient data to get payload size
if (length < protocol_header_length + timestamp_length + data_length)
// get size of data payload
size_t data_size = get_payload_size(&line[protocol_header_length + timestamp_length], data_length);
// for data just print binary
const size_t start_pos = protocol_header_length + timestamp_length + data_length;
// correct data_size for incomplete line
if (data_size > length - start_pos)
data_size = length - start_pos;
assert(length - start_pos == data_size);
for (size_t i = start_pos; i < start_pos + data_size; ++i) {
std::cout << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << (int)line[i] << ' ';
std::cout << '\n';
void handle_line(ring_buffer& data, const bool print_all, const size_t protocol_header_length) {
// if print_all not specified, don't remove next protocol header
size_t stopSize = print_all ? 0 : protocol_header_length;
char* message = new char[data.size()]();
size_t idx = 0;
while (data.size() > stopSize) {
message[idx++] = data.get();
print_line(message, idx, protocol_header_length);
delete[] message;
// returns Excel DATE format time as a string in UK DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS:MSEC format
// TODO parameterise format
std::string get_timestamp(double timestamp, char date_delimeter, char time_delimiter) {
// get integer part
unsigned days = (int)timestamp;
// date part implementation taken from:
int day, month, year;
// Excel/Lotus 123 have a bug with 29-02-1900. 1900 is not a
// leap year, but Excel/Lotus 123 think it is...
// TODO - work out how this works and what magic nos represent
if (days == 60) {
day = 29;
month = 2;
year = 1900;
} else {
if (days < 60) {
// Because of the 29-02-1900 bug, any serial date
// under 60 is one off... Compensate.
// Modified Julian to DMY calculation with an addition of 2415019
int l = days + 68569 + 2415019;
int n = int((4 * l) / 146097);
l = l - int((146097 * n + 3) / 4);
int i = int((4000 * (l + 1)) / 1461001);
l = l - int((1461 * i) / 4) + 31;
int j = int((80 * l) / 2447);
day = l - int((2447 * j) / 80);
l = int(j / 11);
month = j + 2 - (12 * l);
year = 100 * (n - 49) + i + l;
// fractional part holds hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. eg 0.25 is midday ie 06:00:00:000
double fraction = timestamp - ((int)timestamp);
const int milliseconds_per_hour = 60 * 60 * 1000;
const int milliseconds_per_minute = 60 * 1000;
// total no. milliseconds since start of day
// add 1/2 to +ve double so conversion to int rounds correctly
int days_milliseconds = (int)(fraction * (24.0 * milliseconds_per_hour) + 0.5);
int hour = days_milliseconds / milliseconds_per_hour;
//Calculate Minutes
int minute = (days_milliseconds - hour * milliseconds_per_hour) / milliseconds_per_minute;
//Calculate Seconds
int second = (days_milliseconds - (hour * milliseconds_per_hour) - (minute * milliseconds_per_minute)) / 1000;
//Calculate MilliSeconds
int msec = (days_milliseconds - (hour * milliseconds_per_hour) - (minute * milliseconds_per_minute) - (second * 1000));
char buffer[100] = {};
sprintf_s(buffer, 100, "%02d%c%02d%c%04d %02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%03d",
day, date_delimeter, month, date_delimeter, year,
hour, time_delimiter, minute, time_delimiter, second, time_delimiter, msec);
std::string s(buffer);
return s;
int main() {
// on Windows switch to binary mode for handling stdin
// otherwise embedded Ctrl-Z will cause getchar to assume end of file
#if defined(WIN32)
_setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
// configuration constants
static const char* header1 = "DEV1:";
static const char* header2 = "DEV2:";
static const int prefix_size = 5; // size of header
// processing vars
int ch = 0;
bool contains_next_prefix = false;
ring_buffer buffer(100); // buffer size dependent on protocol
uint8_t prefix_check[prefix_size] = {};
// case where first bytes are not protocol prefix - seek to start of line
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
for (int i = 1; i < prefix_size; i++)
prefix_check[i - 1] = prefix_check[i];
prefix_check[4] = (uint8_t)ch;
// check if we have a start of line
if (memcmp(prefix_check, header1, prefix_size) == 0
|| memcmp(prefix_check, header2, prefix_size) == 0) {
// now copy previous prefix_size bytes to ring buffer
for (size_t i = 0; i < prefix_size; ++i) {
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
// check if last 5 bytes are start of protocol - copy each byte 1 to
// the left and add new byte on end
for (int i = 1; i < prefix_size; i++)
prefix_check[i - 1] = prefix_check[i];
prefix_check[4] = (uint8_t)ch;
// check if we have a start of line
if (memcmp(prefix_check, header1, prefix_size) == 0
|| memcmp(prefix_check, header2, prefix_size) == 0) {
contains_next_prefix = true;
if (contains_next_prefix) {
// we have both start and end markers - a whole line
handle_line(buffer, false, prefix_size);
contains_next_prefix = false;
// case end of buffer - no start of next line, so handle here
if (ch == EOF) {
handle_line(buffer, true, prefix_size);
std::cout << "end of stream\n";
Supporting ring buffer class:
#include <stdint.h>
class ring_buffer
ring_buffer(size_t size);
void reset();
bool empty() const;
bool full() const;
size_t capacity() const;
size_t remaining() const;
size_t size() const;
void push_back(uint8_t data);
uint8_t get();
// do not allow copy
ring_buffer(const ring_buffer&) = delete;
ring_buffer& operator=(const ring_buffer&) = delete;
uint8_t* buffer_;
size_t put_idx_, get_idx_, capacity_, count_;
#endif // RING_BUFFER_HPP_
ring_buffer implementation:
#include "ring_buffer.hpp"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string.h>
ring_buffer::ring_buffer(size_t size)
: get_idx_(0), put_idx_(0), count_(0), capacity_(size), buffer_(new uint8_t[size+1]())
ring_buffer::~ring_buffer() {
delete[] buffer_;
void ring_buffer::reset() {
get_idx_ = put_idx_ = count_ = 0;
bool ring_buffer::empty() const {
return count_ == 0;
bool ring_buffer::full() const {
return count_ == capacity_;
size_t ring_buffer::capacity() const {
return capacity_;
size_t ring_buffer::remaining() const {
return capacity_ - count_;
void ring_buffer::push_back(uint8_t data) {
buffer_[put_idx_++] = data;
put_idx_ %= (capacity_ + 1);
//get the oldest element, move read pointer
uint8_t ring_buffer::get() {
const uint8_t ret(buffer_[get_idx_++]);
get_idx_ %= (capacity_ + 1);
return ret;
size_t ring_buffer::size() const {
return count_;
Example file in hex:
44 45 56 32 3A E5 EC 4E 45 47 FA E4 40 01 00 00 00 06 44 45 56 32 3A BC B3 4F 45 47 FA E4 40 01 00 00 00 02 44 45 56 32 3A BC B3 4F 45 47 FA E4 40 04 00 00 00 53 31 30 2C 44 45 56 32 3A 28 17 50 45 47 FA E4 40 01 00 00 00 4E 44 45 56 32 3A 28 17 50 45 47 FA E4 40 0C 00 00 00 30 31 2C 41 30 35 2C 45 30 34 03 37