Here is code that returns the first N
prime numbers:
function [primes] = findFirstNPrimes(N)
% Accepts an integer, N.
% Returns the first N primes.
primes(1) = 2; % first prime
i = 3; % numbers from i and on to be tested
while length(primes) <= N
% 1 x N array of i's, N - current size of: primes
test = i * ones(1, length(primes));
% element-by-element modulo division
remainder = test - primes .* floor(test ./ primes);
% if there is a 0 in r, i is not prime.
isNotPrime = any((remainder == 0));
% if i is prime, append it to the array of primes
if (!isNotPrime)
primes(end + 1) = i;
% increment, to check next number
i += 1;
p = findFirstNPrimes(20)
p =
Columns 1 through 17:
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59
Columns 18 through 21:
61 67 71 73
I would like some recommendation and review regarding:
Octave coding style and conventions. (These are my first steps in Octave.)
Complexity and performance of the code, having in mind most operations performed on arrays.
Readability & any possible improvements.
findFirstNPrimes (N), length (primes)
and no space when indexing (this is what you already made but I don't know if knowingly. Btw, I'm sure you knwo there is already a function for getting primes, don't you? \$\endgroup\$