I wrote code which implements the A* algorithm in Python. A* is a shortest path algorithm which resembles Dijkstra's Algorithm, but includes an estimator to guide the search. The pseudocode of both algorithms can be found on the wikipedia pages.
I know that the networkx python package includes an A*, but only for a completely defined graph. For my purpose i needed dynamic neighbor generation. This meant that in the beginning only the start node is defined, and each time a node is inspected the missing neighbors are created and added.
I wrote two basic classes which can be extended to fit the specific problems. They do not work by themselves since some methods are problem-specific. The class Astar represents the solver algorithm and network and the class Node represents one Node in this network
class AStar:
Computes shortest path based on A-star algorithm
def __init__(self):
self.closedNodes = {}
self.openNodes = {}
self.estimatedLengths = {} #Length of path to node + estimated path left
self.nodesExplored = 0
self.path = []
def run(self):
Runs the solver and sets the solution to self.path
bool If a shortest path has been found
foundSolution = False
while len(self.openNodes) > 0 and not foundSolution:
self.nodesExplored += 1
#Select node
activeNodeKey = min(self.estimatedLengths,key=self.estimatedLengths.get)
activeNode = self.openNodes[activeNodeKey]
foundSolution = True
#close node
self.closedNodes[activeNodeKey] = activeNode
del self.openNodes[activeNodeKey]
del self.estimatedLengths[activeNodeKey]
for key,node in activeNode.getNeighbors().items():
#Skip closed nodes
if key in self.closedNodes:
#Add node if it is new
if key not in self.openNodes:
self.openNodes[key] = node
#update node
length = activeNode.length+node.getDistance(activeNode.key)
if(length < node.length):
#Best path so far to this node
node.cameFrom = activeNode
node.length = length
self.estimatedLengths[key] = length+node.estimate()
return True
return False
def addStartNode(self,node,length = 0):
Adds start node and sets length unless length is set to None
node Node
length Starting length for this node
self.openNodes[node.key] = node
if length is not None:
node.length = 0
self.estimatedLengths[node.key] = 0
def reconstructSolution(self,node):
Gets solution from a node. Sets to self.path
node Node
nodes = []
length = 0
while node.cameFrom is not None:
length += node.getDistance(node.cameFrom.key)
node = node.cameFrom
self.path = reversed(nodes)
self.length = length
def isFinished(self,activeNode):
Expandable function.
Checks if node is a finished node
activeNode: node
return False
class Node:
Represents a node in the Astar solver
def __init__(self,astar):
self.distances = {} #distances to neighbors
self.length = float('inf') #Length from start to this node
self.astar = astar #Link to Astar
self.cameFrom = None #Previous node in path
def getNeighbors(self):
Gets neighbors of self. Creates if necessary
dictionary keys : nodes
neighbors = self.createNeighbors()
nodes = {}
#Use created node or node from network
for key,node in neighbors.items():
if node.key in self.astar.openNodes:
nodes[node.key] = self.astar.openNodes[node.key]
elif node.key in self.astar.closedNodes:
nodes[node.key] = self.astar.closedNodes[node.key]
nodes[node.key] = node
return nodes
def setKey(self):
Expandable function
Generates Key and sets it to self.key. Key has to be unique and represents the node settings
def getDistance(self,nodeKey):
Gets distance to a neighbor
if nodeKey in self.distances:
return self.distances[nodeKey]
return float('inf')
def estimate(self):
Gets estimated distance left to final state.
When 0, the algorithm turns into Dijkstra
Returns float
return 0
To use this class, the problem-specific classes need to be extended. Here is an example of a one dimensional algorithm. Each node has a value (x) and neighbors x+1 and x-1. The path found is then from start to a certain value. Although this is definitely not an interesting path, it shows how to use the main classes: Astar_1d:
class AStar_1d(AStar):
Performs to find shortest path in 1d space to target
def __init__(self,target):
target int Value of final node
self.target = target
def isFinished(self,node):
if(node.x == self.target):
return True
return False
class Node_1d(Node):
Node for Astar_1d
def __init__(self,astar,x):
astar Astar
x int position of this node
self.x = x
def createNeighbors(self):
nodes = {}
node_left = Node_1d(self.astar,self.x-1)
node_left.distances[self.key] = 1
nodes[node_left.key] = node_left
node_right = Node_1d(self.astar,self.x+1)
node_right.distances[self.key] = 1
nodes[node_right.key] = node_right
return nodes
def setKey(self):
self.key = self.x
This is then how to run the code:
optim = AStar_1d(5) #Creates Astar with goal of 5
startNode = Node_1d(optim,3) #Create starting node with value of 3
optim.addStartNode(startNode) #Adds start node to solver
foundPath = optim.run() #Run solver
print('Solution found. Nodes explored: %s ' % optim.nodesExplored)
print('Path length: %s' % optim.length)
for node in optim.path:
Although i appreciate all comments, i am especially looking for comments in regards of speed of this code. I also hope that i didn't do this work for nothing, but if someone knows an implementation of the same algorithm already in python i would be interested to hear that.
I am also happy to answer any questions about the code or the algorithm in general.
Thanks in advance!