If you had profiled your code, you would have seen that unusually long time is taken by line:
corr_list[i - 1,] <- c(rNames[1], rNames[i], r$estimate, r$p.value)
It is probably because you are combining multiple type values into one vector.
So this should be mush faster:
f3 <- function(dat) {
mainVar <- dat[1,]
rNames <- rownames(dat)
rez <- lapply(2:nrow(dat), function(i) {
r <- cor.test(x = mainVar, y = dat[i,])
c(r$estimate, r$p.value)
fin <- data.table(rNames[1], rNames[-1])
fin <- cbind(fin, data.table(do.call(rbind, rez)))
setnames(fin, c("top", "correlated", "cor", "p.value"))
I <- 60
N <- 1000
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(N, mu = rep(0, I), diag(I))
rownames(dat) <- paste0("G", 1:N)
# Comparison
res1 <- microbenchmark(
times = 10
print(res1, unit = "s")
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# f1(dat) 0.4333447 0.4609346 0.4880110 0.4863479 0.5050751 0.5782526 20 c
# f2(dat) 0.3585121 0.3729532 0.4021378 0.3979831 0.4269367 0.4899676 20 b
# f3(dat) 0.1483598 0.1610634 0.1782496 0.1787396 0.1934256 0.2273650 20 a
If we calculate correlation with base function and p.value - ourselves, we can get rid of for loop and do all of this much faster. Only problems my arise if your data contains missing values:
pcor <- function(r, n){
t <- r * sqrt(n - 2) / sqrt(1 - r^2)
p <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t), (n - 2)))
p[p > 1] <- 1
f4 <- function(dat){
rNames <- rownames(dat)
d2 <- t(dat)
cors <- cor(d2[, 1], d2[, -1])
cors <- t(cors)
cp <- pcor(cors, ncol(dat))
cp <- cbind(cors, cp)
fin <- data.table(rNames[1], rNames[-1])
fin <- cbind(fin, cp)
setnames(fin, c("top", "correlated", "cor", "p.value"))
I <- 60
N <- 1000
dat <- MASS::mvrnorm(N, mu = rep(0, I), diag(I))
rownames(dat) <- paste0("G", 1:N)
res1 <- microbenchmark(
times = 10
print(res1, unit = "s")
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# f1(dat) 0.408167816 0.410614574 0.428363371 0.429430744 0.442042920 0.456887399 10 d
# f2(dat) 0.334446197 0.345779175 0.366422216 0.362465218 0.378226388 0.426838502 10 c
# f3(dat) 0.139088268 0.145095289 0.156048277 0.153321298 0.162591518 0.183544069 10 b
# f4(dat) 0.002363351 0.002428473 0.002615854 0.002483812 0.002797716 0.003117556 10 a