Recently, I have been trying to improve my programming and coding skills in python so I have decided to make some games with the pygame module.
I have made this flappy bird clone with pygame and would love to get review of the code, what should I change/improve, any tips are welcome.
Code is here, in this github link : click here
import pygame
import random
import os
SIZE = [400, 708]
FONT = pygame.font.SysFont('arialrounded', 50)
class Bird:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 50
self.y = 350
self.jump = 0
self.jump_speed = 10
self.gravity = 10
self.dead = False
self.sprite = 0
self.bird_sprites = [pygame.image.load("images/1.png").convert_alpha(),
# self.img_rect =
def move(self):
if self.dead: # dead bird
self.sprite = 2 # change to dead.png
# keeps falling until it hits the ground
if self.y < SIZE[1] - 30:
self.y += self.gravity
elif self.y > 0:
# handling movement while jumping
if self.jump:
self.sprite = 1 # change to 2.png
self.jump_speed -= 1
self.y -= self.jump_speed
# regular falling (increased gravity)
self.gravity += 0.2
self.y += self.gravity
# in-case where the bird reaches the top
# of the screen
self.jump = 0
self.y += 3
def bottom_check(self):
# bird hits the bottom = DEAD
if self.y >= SIZE[1] - 30:
self.dead = True
def get_rect(self):
# updated bird image rectangle
img_rect = self.bird_sprites[self.sprite].get_rect()
img_rect[0] = self.x
img_rect[1] = self.y
return img_rect
class Pillar:
def __init__(self, pos):
# pos == True is top , pos == False is bottom
self.pos = pos
self.img = self.get_image()
def get_rect(self):
# returns the pillar image rect
return self.img.get_rect()
def get_image(self):
if self.pos: # image for the top pillar
return pygame.image.load("images/top.png").convert_alpha()
else: # image for the bottom pillar
return pygame.image.load("images/bottom.png").convert_alpha()
class Options:
def __init__(self):
self.score_img = pygame.image.load("images/score.png").convert_alpha() # score board image
self.play_img = pygame.image.load("images/play.png").convert_alpha() # play button image
self.play_rect = self.play_img.get_rect()
self.score_rect = self.score_img.get_rect()
self.score = 0
self.font = FONT
def align_position(self):
# aligns the "menu" in certain positions = (200, 330) = (200, 220)
def inc(self):
# score increased by 1
self.score += 1
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SIZE[0], SIZE[1]))
pygame.display.set_caption("Flappy Bird")
self.background = pygame.image.load("images/background.png").convert() # background image
self.pillar_x = 400
self.offset = 0
self.top_p = Pillar(1) # top pillar
self.bot_p = Pillar(0) # bottom pillar
self.pillar_gap = 135 # gap between pillars, (can be randomised as well)
self.bird = Bird() # bird object
self.score_board = Options()
self.passed = False # allows to keep track of the score
def pillar_move(self):
# handling pillar movement in the background
if self.pillar_x < -100:
self.offset = random.randrange(-120, 120)
self.passed = False
self.pillar_x = 400
self.pillar_x -= 5
def run(self):
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
done = True
while done:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
# bird jumps
self.bird.jump = 17
self.bird.gravity = 5
self.bird.jump_speed = 10
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
# clicking on the play button (game reset)
if self.bird.dead and self.score_board.play_rect.collidepoint(event.pos):
self.bird.dead = False
self.screen.blit(self.background, (0, 0))
self.screen.blit(self.top_p.img, (self.pillar_x, 0 - self.pillar_gap - self.offset))
self.screen.blit(self.bot_p.img, (self.pillar_x, 360 + self.pillar_gap - self.offset))
self.screen.blit(self.bird.bird_sprites[self.bird.sprite], (self.bird.x, self.bird.y))
if not self.bird.dead:
def get_pillar_rect(self, pillar):
# returns current pillar rectangle on display
rect = pillar.get_image().get_rect()
rect[0] = self.pillar_x
if pillar.pos:
# current rect y position for top pillar
rect[1] = 0 - self.pillar_gap - self.offset
# current rect y position for bottom pillar
rect[1] = 360 + self.pillar_gap - self.offset
return rect
def collision(self):
top_rect = self.get_pillar_rect(self.top_p)
bot_rect = self.get_pillar_rect(self.bot_p)
# collision check bird <> pillars
if top_rect.colliderect(self.bird.get_rect()) or bot_rect.colliderect(self.bird.get_rect()):
# print(self.bird.bird_sprites[self.bird.sprite].get_rect())
self.bird.dead = True
# if bird passed the pillars
elif not self.passed and top_rect.right < self.bird.x:
self.passed = True
def reset(self):
# game values reset
self.score_board.score = 0
self.bird = Bird()
self.top_p = Pillar(1)
self.bot_p = Pillar(0)
self.pillar_x = 400
self.bird.gravity = 10
def show_score(self):
# score font
score_font = FONT.render("{}".format(self.score_board.score),
True, (255, 80, 80))
# score font rectangle
font_rect = score_font.get_rect() = (200, 50)
self.screen.blit(score_font, font_rect) # show score board font
def game_over(self):
# score font
score_font = FONT.render("{}".format(self.score_board.score),
True, (255, 80, 80))
# score font rectangle
font_rect = score_font.get_rect()
score_rect = self.score_board.score_rect
play_rect = self.score_board.play_rect # play button rectangle = (200, 230)
self.screen.blit(self.score_board.play_img, play_rect) # show play button
self.screen.blit(self.score_board.score_img, score_rect) # show score board image
self.screen.blit(score_font, font_rect) # show score font
if __name__ == "__main__":
game = Game()