I've written some script in python using lxml library which is capable of dealing with a webpage with complicatedly layed-out next page links. My scraper is able to parse all the next page links without going to the next page and hardcoding any number to the lastmost link and scrape the required fields flawlessly. Although I tried to do the whole thing specklessly, any improvement on this will be highly appreciable. Here is what I've tried with:
import requests
from lxml import html
main_link = "https://www.yify-torrent.org/search/1080p/"
base_link = "https://www.yify-torrent.org"
def get_links(item_link):
response = requests.get(item_link).text
tree = html.fromstring(response)
last_page = tree.cssselect('div.pager a:contains("Last")')[0].attrib["href"].split("/")[-2].replace('t-','')
links = [item_link +"t-{0}/".format(page) for page in range(int(last_page) +1)]
for link in links:
def process_docs(nextpage_link):
response = requests.get(nextpage_link).text
tree = html.fromstring(response)
for items in tree.cssselect('div.mv'):
name = items.cssselect('h3 a')[0].text
genre = items.xpath('.//div[@class="mdif"]//li[b="Genre:"]/text()')[0] # I don't know If css selector could do this
except IndexError:
genre = ""
imd = items.xpath('.//div[@class="mdif"]//li[b="Rating:"]/text()')[0] # Used xpath in lieu of css selector
except IndexError:
imd = ""
print(name, genre, imd)