I have got CSVs full of property transactions in the UK from 1995 to 2017, separated by year such as "RS2015.csv". I have a 2nd CSV with a list of wind turbines in the UK. Both have coordinates in WGS 1984.
The intention of my project is to find the nearest wind turbine to each property transaction. The output file should look like:
ID, pc_lat, pc_long, Ref. Number, Lat, Lng, NWindFarm_DistKm
Where the first 3 columns are from the Property Transactions Sample above. The 4 columns on the right should correspond to the nearest wind turbine to the property transaction coordinates.
NWindFarm_DistKm is my disorganised term for the distance to the nearest turbine.
How should I speed up my Python code?
import pandas as pd
from proxWindPoI import *
def addWindData(csv1, csv2):
df1 = pd.read_csv(csv1)
PoI = pd.read_csv("Wind/PoI_RUK.csv")
df1['linenumber'] = df1.index
total = len(df1)
df1['completion'] = (df1.linenumber/total)*100
print("Working out nearest Wind Farm site")
df1['Nearest Wind Turbine'] = df1.apply(
lambda row: nearestWindFarm(PoI, row['pc_lat'], row['pc_long'],row['completion']),
axis = 1)
print("Merging with Wind Site Information")
df2 = pd.merge(df1,PoI,left_on='Nearest Wind Turbine', right_on='Ref. Number',how='left')
print("Working Out Nearest Distance")
df2['NWindFarm_DistKm'] = df2.apply(
lambda row: distanceBetweenCm(row['pc_lat'], row['pc_long'],row['Lat'], row['Lng']),
axis = 1)
df2.to_csv(csv2, index=None, encoding="utf-8")
import math
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def distanceBetweenCm(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
Haversine Formula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
dLat = math.radians(lat2 - lat1)
dLon = math.radians(lon2 - lon1)
lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
a = math.sin(dLat / 2) ** 2 + math.sin(dLon / 2) **2 * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
return c * 6371 #multiply by 100k to get distance in cm
def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, to_radians=True, earth_radius=6371):
slightly modified version: of http://stackoverflow.com/a/29546836/2901002
Calculate the great circle distance between two points
on the earth (specified in decimal degrees or in radians)
All (lat, lon) coordinates must have numeric dtypes and be of equal length.
if to_radians:
lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 = pd.np.radians([lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2])
a = pd.np.sin((lat2-lat1)/2.0)**2 + \
pd.np.cos(lat1) * pd.np.cos(lat2) * pd.np.sin((lon2-lon1)/2.0)**2
return earth_radius * 2 * pd.np.arcsin(np.sqrt(a))
def nearestWindFarm(wind, lat, long, pct):
distances = wind.apply(
lambda row: haversine(lat, long, row['Lat'], row['Lng']),
axis = 1)
print("Currently completed: "+str(pct)+"%")
return wind.loc[distances.idxmin(),'Ref. Number']
from proxAddDataWindPoI import *
import pandas as pd
def nearestBiomass(startyr, endyr):
This loop goes through csv's by year + adds data from nearest site
for i in range(startyr, endyr, 1):
year = i
print("Year: "+str(year))
csv1 = "RSRaw/RSPytAnyP2"+str(year)+".csv"
csv2 = "Wind/RS_PoI/RSPoIP2"+str(year)+".csv"
print("Input CSV: "+str(csv1))
addWindData(csv1, csv2)
def withinXkm(csv1, csv2, buffer):
Function which only keeps rows where the distance between site and
property is less than a specified buffer
df = pd.read_csv(csv1)
df = df[df.NWindFarm_DistKm <= buffer]
def treatmentGroup(year, buffer):
The full process of determining treatment group for a certain year of
Repeat Sales. Need to specify buffer
print("Starting Treatment Group Identification for Year: "+str(year))
nearestBiomass(year, year+1)
csv1 = "Wind/RS_PoI/RSPoIP2"+str(year)+".csv"
csv2 = "Wind/TG_PoI/RSWindPoI_TGP2"+str(year)+".csv"
print("Extracting Repeat Sales within a buffer of "+str(buffer)+" from "+str(csv1) + " to "+str(csv2))
withinXkm(csv1, csv2, buffer)
treatmentGroup(2004, 2)
Brief description of how it is supposed to work:
def nearestBiomass
has an input CSV"RSRaw/RSPytAnyP2"+str(year)+".csv"
which you can see a sample of at the bottom of this question. It enacts the functionaddWindData
creates a pandas dataframedf1
from the input CSV + also reads in a 2nd CSV fromPoI = pd.read_csv("Wind/PoI_RUK.csv")
as a 2nd dataframe.addWindData
creates alinenumber
column purely for showing me how far along I am in the functionnearestWindFarm
applies a function to createdf1['Nearest Wind Turbine']
. This function (nearestWindFarm
) is imported fromproxWindPoI.py
applies a haversine formula, to find the distances from all wind turbines in the wind dataframe as created in the 2. bullet point. The function returns the Site Name when the distance is at a minimum. This part of my code is the really slow bit - the rest is fine.
There are some things which I might change but I don't know if it's quicker or not:
- instead of
from proxWindPoI import *
, havefrom proxWindPoI import nearestWindFarm
since importing all of a module is probably slower than importing specific function - I've heard than
is a slow way of applying a function in pandas.
I don't suppose anyone has any advice with regards to speeding up my code. Here are two links of subsets from my original CSVs.