This is another finished app of mine. It's a traditional pokemon clone simulation but very basic. Could anyone take a look and let me know what I can improve? How would you rate my app overall? Suggestions, corrections, whatever, I'm open to any and all input. I plan on making this a unity game someday so I want to get all the basics right. Right now though I feel like my current program is tightly coupled and a bit of a mess. So ways to make it more professional and scalable?
Full code on pastebin
public static class Program
// Player choices dictionary
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> Choices = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
{ "CatchWildPokemon", "1" },
{ "TrainPokemon", "2" },
{ "Exit", "3" }
// Yes or No dictionary
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> YesOrNo = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
{ "Yes", "Y" },
{ "No", "N" },
private static string Y = YesOrNo["Yes"];
private static string N = YesOrNo["No"];
private static string CatchWildPokemon = Choices["CatchWildPokemon"];
private static string TrainPokemon = Choices["TrainPokemon"];
private static string Exit = Choices["Exit"];
private static PlayersCollection PlayersCollection = new PlayersCollection();
private static GameState GameState = new GameState();
private static bool IsGameOn;
private static void Main(string[] args)
IsGameOn = true;
private static void DisplayMenu()
Console.WriteLine("\nWhat do you want to do?\n");
Console.WriteLine($"{CatchWildPokemon}. Catch wild pokemon");
Console.WriteLine($"{TrainPokemon}. Train your pokemon in gym");
Console.WriteLine($"{Exit}. Exit");
public static void Menu()
while (IsGameOn)
var choice = Console.ReadLine();
// User input validation
while (!Choices.Any(n => n.Value == choice))
Console.WriteLine($"\nPlease type '{CatchWildPokemon}' or '{TrainPokemon}', or exit typing '{Exit}'.\n");
choice = Console.ReadLine();
// Exit game if user chooses so
if (choice == Exit)
IsGameOn = false;
// Otherwise check player's choice
private static void PlayerChoice(string choice)
// Catch Wild Pokemon
if (choice == CatchWildPokemon)
// Check whether player has caught all wild pokemon
if (PlayersCollection.IsCollectionCompleted())
Console.WriteLine("\nYou've caught all wild pokemon!");
// Train Pokemon
else if (choice == TrainPokemon)
// Check whether player has caught any pokemon yet
if (PlayersCollection.IsCollectionEmpty())
Console.WriteLine("\nYou haven't caught any pokemon yet!");
private static void ChoiceCatchWildPokemon()
Console.WriteLine("\nTime to catch some pokemon!");
while (true)
// Caught pokemon
var caughtPokemon = PlayersCollection.GetRandomWildPokemon();
Console.WriteLine($"\nYou caught {caughtPokemon.Name} lvl {caughtPokemon.Level}");
// Display owned pokemon
var displayOwnedPokemon = new List<string>();
foreach (var pokemon in PlayersCollection.GetPlayersCollection())
displayOwnedPokemon.Add(pokemon.Name + " lvl " + pokemon.Level);
Console.WriteLine("So far you have caught: " + string.Join(", ", displayOwnedPokemon));
// Keep catching pokemon (?)
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to keep catching pokemons? (Y/N)\n");
var keepCatchingPokemon = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// User input validation
while (!YesOrNo.Any(x => x.Value == keepCatchingPokemon))
Console.WriteLine($"\nPlease type '{Y}' or '{N}'\n");
keepCatchingPokemon = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// Go back to Menu if user chooses so
if (keepCatchingPokemon.Equals(N))
// Check that there are wild pokemon left
if (PlayersCollection.IsCollectionCompleted())
Console.WriteLine("\nYou've caught all wild pokemon!");
// Train Pokemon player choice
private static void ChoiceTrainPokemon()
Console.WriteLine("\nTime to head to pokemon gym!");
var trainPokemon = true;
while (trainPokemon)
// Display owned pokemon
var displayOwnedPokemon = new List<string>();
foreach (var pokemon in PlayersCollection.GetPlayersCollection())
displayOwnedPokemon.Add(pokemon.Name + " lvl " + pokemon.Level);
Console.WriteLine("\nOwned pokemon: " + string.Join(", ", displayOwnedPokemon));
// Variables
var isValidPokemon = false;
var isTeamSet = false;
var gymTeam = new List<Pokemon>();
var displayGymTeam = new List<string>();
// Add pokemon to Gym Team while it isn't set
// Gym team is automatically set if player has chosen 6 pokemon or it contains all their pokemon
if (gymTeam.Count == 6 || gymTeam.Count == PlayersCollection.GetPlayersCollection().Count)
// Display current gym team if at least one pokemon has been added
if (gymTeam.Count > 0 && isValidPokemon)
// Display current gym team
Console.WriteLine("\nCurrent pokemon in your gym team: " + String.Join(", ", displayGymTeam));
// Team is set if player doesn't want to add another pokemon to their team
if (!AddAnotherPokemonToGymTeam())
isTeamSet = true;
// Validate player's pokemon and add it to their team
isValidPokemon = HasPokemonBeenAddedToGymTeam(gymTeam, displayGymTeam);
while (!isValidPokemon);
} while (!isTeamSet);
// Ask player if they want to train again and if so, if they want the same team as last time
// Display trained pokemon
var displayTrainedPokemon = new List<string>();
foreach (var pokemon in gymTeam)
displayTrainedPokemon.Add(pokemon.Name + " lvl " + pokemon.Level);
Console.WriteLine($"\nYour pokemon [{string.Join(", ", displayTrainedPokemon)}] gained experience!");
// Increase pokemon experience points
foreach (var pokemon in gymTeam)
// Check whether any pokemon has leveled up
if (PokemonLevelSystem.HasPokemonLeveledUp(pokemon))
Console.WriteLine(pokemon.Name + " has leveled up!");
if (PokemonLevelSystem.HasPokemonReachedMaxLevel(pokemon))
Console.WriteLine(pokemon.Name + " has reached max level! ");
// Go back to Menu if user chooses so
if (!TrainAgain())
trainPokemon = false;
} while (TrainSameTeam());
private static bool TrainAgain()
// Train pokemon in gym again (?)
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to train again? (Y/N)\n");
var keepTrainingPokemon = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// User input validation
while (!YesOrNo.Any(x => x.Value == keepTrainingPokemon))
Console.WriteLine($"\nPlease type '{Y}' or '{N}'\n");
keepTrainingPokemon = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// Go back to Menu if Player chooses so
if (keepTrainingPokemon.Equals(N))
return false;
return true;
private static bool TrainSameTeam()
// Train the same pokemon (?)
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to train the same pokemon? (Y/N)\n");
var trainSameTeam = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// User input validation
while (!YesOrNo.Any(x => x.Value == trainSameTeam))
Console.WriteLine($"\nPlease type '{Y}' or '{N}'\n");
trainSameTeam = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
if (trainSameTeam.Equals(N))
return false;
return true;
// Returns whether player's chosen pokemon has been successfully added to their gym team
private static bool HasPokemonBeenAddedToGymTeam(List<Pokemon> gymTeam, List<string> gymTeamInfo)
Console.WriteLine("\nType the name of a pokemon from your collection that you'd like to add to your gym team.");
Console.WriteLine("You must add between 1 and 6 pokemon in your gym team.\n");
var chosenPokemon = Console.ReadLine();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chosenPokemon))
return false;
chosenPokemon = chosenPokemon.Trim().ToLowerInvariant();
chosenPokemon = chosenPokemon.First().ToString().ToUpper() + chosenPokemon.Substring(1);
// Check that player's input is a valid owned pokemon
if (!PlayersCollection.GetPlayersCollection().Any(p => p.Name == chosenPokemon))
return false;
// Check that the pokemon wasn't already added in player's gym team
if (gymTeam.Any(p => p.Name == chosenPokemon))
Console.WriteLine($"\nYou already added {chosenPokemon}.");
return false;
// Add unique pokemon to Gym Team
var pokemon = PlayersCollection.GetPlayersCollection().SingleOrDefault(p => p.Name == chosenPokemon);
gymTeamInfo.Add(pokemon.Name + " lvl " + pokemon.Level);
return true;
// Returns whether player wants to add another pokemon to their gym team
private static bool AddAnotherPokemonToGymTeam()
Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to add another pokemon to your gym team? (Y/N)\n");
var addAnotherPokemonToGymTeam = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
// User input validation
while (!YesOrNo.Any(x => x.Value == addAnotherPokemonToGymTeam))
Console.WriteLine($"\nPlease type '{Y}' or '{N}'\n");
addAnotherPokemonToGymTeam = Console.ReadLine().ToUpperInvariant();
if (addAnotherPokemonToGymTeam.Equals(N))
return false;
return true;
public class Pokemon
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public int Level { get; set; } = 5;
public int Exp { get; set; } = 0;
public static class PokemonGenerator
public static IList<Pokemon> PokemonInWorld = new List<Pokemon>();
static PokemonGenerator()
private static void PopulateWorldWithPokemon()
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Pikachu" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Eevee" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Charmander" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Pachirisu" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Riolu" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Vulpix" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Squirtle" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Magikarp" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Snorlax" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Jigglypuff" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Togepi" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Growlithe" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Abra" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Pidgey" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Togepi" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Sandshrew" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Zubat" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Meowth" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Ponyta" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Seel" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Dratini" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Cyndaquil" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Sentret" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Aipom" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Treecko" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Taillow" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Azurill" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Skitty" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Monferno" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Treecko" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Luxio" });
PokemonInWorld.Add(new Pokemon { Name = "Sneasel" });
public class PlayersCollection
private List<Pokemon> _playersCollection = new List<Pokemon>();
private int _totalNumberOfWildPokemon = PokemonGenerator.PokemonInWorld.Count;
public Pokemon GetRandomWildPokemon()
var randomPokemon = RandomPokemonGenerator.GetRandomPokemon();
// Check that random pokemon is unique in player's collection
while (_playersCollection.Contains(randomPokemon))
randomPokemon = RandomPokemonGenerator.GetRandomPokemon();
return randomPokemon;
public void AddPokemonToPlayersCollection (Pokemon pokemon)
public List<Pokemon> GetPlayersCollection()
return _playersCollection;
public bool IsCollectionCompleted()
return _playersCollection.Count == _totalNumberOfWildPokemon;
public bool IsCollectionEmpty()
return _playersCollection.Count == 0;
public static class RandomPokemonGenerator
private static Random _random = new Random();
private static Pokemon _randomPokemon = new Pokemon();
private static int _totalPokemons = PokemonGenerator.PokemonInWorld.Count;
public static Pokemon GetRandomPokemon()
var randomNum = _random.Next(_totalPokemons - 1);
_randomPokemon = PokemonGenerator.PokemonInWorld[randomNum];
return _randomPokemon;
public static class PokemonLevelSystem
private static int ExpPoints = 20;
private static int ExpPointsLimit = 100;
private static int MaxLevel = 7;
public static void IncreasePokemonExp(Pokemon pokemon)
if(pokemon.Level < MaxLevel)
pokemon.Exp += ExpPoints;
public static bool HasPokemonLeveledUp(Pokemon pokemon)
if (pokemon.Exp >= ExpPointsLimit && pokemon.Level < MaxLevel)
pokemon.Exp -= ExpPointsLimit;
return true;
return false;
public static bool HasPokemonReachedMaxLevel(Pokemon pokemon)
if(pokemon.Level == MaxLevel)
return true;
return false;
public class GameState
private static string GetPath()
return @"C:\SavedPokemonGame\mySavedPokemonData.bin";
public static void SaveGame(List<Pokemon> pokemonList)
using (Stream stream = File.Open(GetPath(), FileMode.Create))
var bformatter = new
bformatter.Serialize(stream, pokemonList);
public static void LoadGame(PlayersCollection PlayersCollection)
if (File.Exists(GetPath()))
using (Stream stream = File.Open(GetPath(), FileMode.Open))
var bformatter = new
List<Pokemon> retrievedPokemonList =
foreach (var pokemon in retrievedPokemonList)