Let's make a test case:
In [59]: x = np.random.randint(0,10,10000)
In [60]: x.shape
Out[60]: (10000,)
(I thought test cases like this were required on Code Review. We like to have then on SO, and CR is supposed to be stricter about code completeness.)
Your code as a function:
def foo(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif):
sum_4s = 0
for i in range(len(pntl)):
if pntl[i] == 4 and adj_wgt[i] != 10:
sum_4s += wgt_dif[i]
return sum_4s
Test it with lists:
In [61]: pntl = adj_wgt = wgt_dif = x.tolist() # test list versions
In [63]: foo(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif)
Out[63]: 4104
In [64]: timeit foo(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.45 ms per loop
Same test with array inputs is slower (lesson - if you must loop, lists are usually better):
In [65]: timeit foo(x,x,x)
The slowest run took 5.44 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached.
100 loops, best of 3: 3.97 ms per loop
The suggested list comprehension is modestly faster
In [66]: sum([w for w, p, a in zip(wgt_dif, pntl, adj_wgt) if p == 4 and a != 10])
Out[66]: 4104
In [67]: timeit sum([w for w, p, a in zip(wgt_dif, pntl, adj_wgt) if p == 4 and a != 10])
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.14 ms per loop
could have been written with zip
instead of the indexed iteration. (todo - time that).
But since you say these are arrays, let's try a numpy version:
def foon(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif):
# array version
mask = (pntl==4) & (adj_wgt != 10)
return wgt_dif[mask].sum()
In [69]: foon(x,x,x)
Out[69]: 4104
In [70]: timeit foon(x,x,x)
10000 loops, best of 3: 105 µs per loop
This is an order of magnitude faster. So if you already have arrays, try to work with them directly, without iteration.
def foo2(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif):
sum_4s = 0
for w, p, a in zip(wgt_dif, pntl, adj_wgt):
if p == 4 and a != 10:
sum_4s += w
return sum_4s
In [77]: foo2(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif)
Out[77]: 4104
In [78]: timeit foo2(pntl, adj_wgt, wgt_dif)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.17 ms per loop
So it's the zip
that speeds up your original code, not the list comprehension.
. Lists, arrays, dtype, shape, size, etc. \$\endgroup\$