Recently I built a Usenet newsreader in Python and for that I built a keyword search which supports AND and OR functionalities (e.g., python AND django should bring up articles containing both. I defined a find
function for this which takes a keyword query and a string and returns a bool
signifying whether the string qualifies (i.e., for the above example, the string qualifies if it contains both 'python' and 'django').
Here's the snippet:
search = 'python AND django OR ruby AND rails'
query = search.split(' OR ')
query = [phrase.split(' AND ') for phrase in query]
def find(query, string):
is_there = False
for chunk in query: #OR
chunk_qualified = False
for word in chunk: #AND
if word not in string:
chunk_qualified = True
if chunk_qualified:
is_there = True
return is_there
It works, but can I do it in a better manner (less code, more efficient)?