I have 4 user account types, realtor, insurance broker, auto insurance agent, and mortgage broker. Each one of the users will have a different form for each to submit. I have the following in views.py to render the form:
def _get_form(profile, postdata=None):
# @TODO - come up with a better solution to render forms on user types than this.
form = None
if profile.affiliate_type == UserProfile.INSURANCE_BROKER:
if postdata:
form = InsuranceBrokerForm(postdata, instance=profile)
form = InsuranceBrokerForm(instance=profile)
elif profile.affiliate_type == UserProfile.AUTO_DEALERSHIP:
if postdata:
form = AutoDealershipForm(postdata, instance=profile)
form = AutoDealershipForm(instance=profile)
form = AutoDealershipForm
elif profile.affiliate_type == UserProfile.MORTGAGE_BROKER:
if postdata:
form = MortgageBrokerForm(postdata, instance=profile)
form = MortgageBrokerForm(instance=profile)
elif profile.affiliate_type == UserProfile.REALTOR:
if postdata:
form = RealtorForm(postdata, instance=profile)
form = RealtorForm(instance=profile)
return form
and it's being used like so:
def affiliate_form(request, template_name="affiliates/affiliate_form.html"):
user = request.user
profile = get_object_or_404(UserProfile, user=user)
form = _get_form(profile)
if profile.user != user:
return HttpResponseForbidden("Forbidden. Please try again.")
if request.method == 'POST':
postdata = request.POST.copy()
form = _get_form(postdata)
if form.is_valid():
messages.success(request, 'Your lead has been created.')
url = urlresolvers.reverse('affiliates')
return redirect(url)
form = _get_form(profile)
return render(request, template_name, {
'form': form
As you can see, I am calling _get_form(profile)
but this seems dirty. Is there a cleaner way to go about this?