Traverse through any binary array using the Manhattan distance by giving a start node location and an end node location. The neighbor() method gives the neighbors next to the x,y coordinates that are == to 0, the f_value() method assigns a value to the neighboring nodes based on a heuristic, and the path() method tells the algorithm which neighbor it should move to, based on the f_values.
Any ways I can make this algorithm more efficient, specifically with loops/modules?
Also, any tips on the pythonic nature of my code would be appreciated as well.
@author: BenNicholl
# please cite algorithm if used
# Algorithm changes the integer values of the grid array being used
import numpy as np
nmap = np.array([
class AStar():
def __init__(self, grid, x, y, goal_x, goal_y) :
self.grid = grid
self.initial_x = x # never changes
self.initial_y = y # never changes
self.x = self.initial_x # does change
self.y = self.initial_y # does change
self.goal_x = goal_x # never changes
self.goal_y = goal_y # never changes
self.neighbors = []
def neighbor(self):
# if x and y == goal_x and goal_y, algo is complete
if self.x == self.goal_x and self.y == self.goal_y:
print('your done')
return 'your done'
# sets the x and y coordinates to 1 so they are not revisited
self.grid[self.x][self.y] = 1
# the below if statements give you the coordinates of
# the neighbors that have a value of 0
if self.x > 0: # if X will be on the grid if it moves UP 1 node
if self.grid[self.x-1] [self.y] == 0:
self.neighbors.append([self.x - 1, self.y])
if self.x < self.grid.shape[0] - 1: # if X will be on the grid if it moves DOWN 1 node
if self.grid[self.x+1][self.y] == 0:
if self.y > 0: # If Y will be on grid if it moves LEFT 1 node
if self.grid[self.x][self.y - 1] == 0:
self.neighbors.append([self.x, self.y - 1]) #
if self.y < self.grid.shape[1] - 1: # If Y will be on grid if it moves RIGHT 1 node
if self.grid[self.x][self.y + 1] == 0:
self.neighbors.append([self.x, self.y + 1])
# this method gives you the f_value off all the neighbors
def f_value(self):
h_values = []
g_values = []
# calculate distance from the neighboring X, Y to end X, Y value using Manhattan distance
for i in self.neighbors:
x_distance = abs(i[0] - self.goal_x)
y_distance = abs(i[1] - self.goal_y)
h_value = (x_distance + y_distance)
# calculate distance from the neighboring X, Y to the initial X, Y values
for i in self.neighbors:
x_distance = abs(i[0] - self.initial_x)
y_distance = abs(i[1] - self.initial_y)
g_value = (x_distance + y_distance)
# add g_value and h_value to calculate f_value
self.f_values = [h + g for h, g in zip(h_values, g_values)]
# gets the lowest f_value, then pops that f_value and corresponding neighbor
# the neighbor always has the same index as the f_values
def path(self):
for coordinate, i in enumerate(self.f_values):
if i <= min(self.f_values):
value = i
index = coordinate
self.x = self.neighbors[index][0]
self.y = self.neighbors[index][1]
print('f_values:', self.f_values)
print('neighbors:', self.neighbors)
print('x:', self.x)
print('y:', self.y)