
I have 2 input fields to input the duration of a CD song. The first input is for minutes and the second is for seconds

When submitting the form, I must insert in the db the duration either in seconds (minutes + seconds) or NULL.

Here's my validation formula:

$warning = array();

function val_duration($min, $sec, $required = false) {
    global $warning;

    if (!empty($min) || !empty($sec)) {

        if (!empty($min) && (!is_numeric($min) || !ctype_digit($min) || $min > 60)) {
            $warning['min'] = 'The minutes must contain a positive numeric value between 1 and 60';
        } else {
            $min_in_sec = $min * 60;

        if (!empty($sec) && (!is_numeric($sec) || !ctype_digit($sec) || $sec > 59)) {
            $warning['sec'] = 'The seconds must contain a positive numeric value between 1 and 59';
        } else {
            $tmpsec = $sec;

        $value = $min_in_sec + $tmpsec;

    } else {

        if ($required) {
            $warning['duration'] = "The duration is a required field";

        $value = NULL;

    return $value;

// HTML 
<input id="min" name="min" type="text" value="...">
<input id="sec" name="sec" type="text" value="...">

// validate
$min = ltrim(trim($_POST['min']), '0');
$sec = ltrim(trim($_POST['sec']), '0');

$duration_in_secs = val_duration($min, $sec, true); // duration

// mySQL
enter $duration_in_secs in db (either seconds or NULL)
  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ $warning doesn't seem to be accessible outside of the function? \$\endgroup\$
    – Corbin
    Commented Sep 30, 2012 at 6:40
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ true. i edited my code... \$\endgroup\$
    – Marco
    Commented Sep 30, 2012 at 15:14
  • \$\begingroup\$ Is the maximum length of the song 59 minutes 59 seconds? And what if the user wants to input 2.5 minutes as 150 seconds (maybe they are getting that info in total seconds from a different source/app and don't want to make the conversion)? \$\endgroup\$
    – frozenkoi
    Commented Oct 2, 2012 at 8:23

2 Answers 2


Here are some tips:

  • The name of the function should be clearer.
  • Try to avoid ctype_digit usage, because it may produce unexpected results - ctype_digit(42) returns FALSE.
  • Because you are working with integers, you should cast values to integers. Note that inputs are always strings.
  • You must check for negative values as well.
  • Second can be 0. For example: 2 min and 0 sec. Also, some songs can last less than a minute (classic songs)
  • Consider that some CD songs may have a duration of more than 60 mins, CD medium can store 80 mins (and it can be one song), and some mix or classic songs. So, maybe you should avoid a minute check.

$warning = array();

 * Validate song duration
 * @param $min
 * @param $sec
 * @param $required
 * @return int|NULL
function validate_duration($min, $sec, $required = false) {
    global $warning;

    $min = (int) $min;
    $sec = (int) $sec;

    if($required && $min == 0 && $sec == 0) {
        $warning['duration'] = "The duration is a required field.";
        return NULL;

    if($sec < 0 OR $sec > 59) {
        $warning['sec'] = 'The seconds must be between 0 and 59';

    if($min < 0 OR $min > 60) {
        $warning['min'] = 'The minutes must be between 0 and 60';

    // for songs bigger then 60 minutes
    if($min == 60 && $sec > 0) {
        $warning['duration'] = "Song must last more then one second and maximum 60 minutes.";

    return !empty($warning) ? $min * 60 + $sec : NULL;
  1. I'm not familiar with PHP too much but globals are usually considered harmful. I don't know what's the best practice in PHP but passing the $warning argument by reference seems a good idea here.

  2. When a field is not posted you get various PHP notices. I guess it's better to avoid these notices:

    PHP Notice:  Undefined index: min in /tmp/x.php on line ...
    PHP Notice:  Undefined index: sec in /tmp/x.php on line ...

    A robust code should handle these cases.

  3. tmpsec and min_in_sec are not initialized in every code paths, so you can get notices about these too when there is no min key in the $_POST array:

    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: tmpsec in /tmp/x.php on line 24
    PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: min_in_sec in /tmp/x.php on line 2

    I think it's cleaner to initialize all variables. It also could help debugging since you don't have to ignore lots of PHP notice messages when you are looking for an uninitialized global variable.

  4. tmpsec and min_in_sec could be omitted if you reorganize the code to not count anything until it is sure that there isn't any input error. (See below.)

  5. A small note: The function is a little bit inconsistent: it allows 60 as minute but doesn't as seconds. It would be cleaner and more common to set one hour as hours = 1, minutes = 0 and seconds = 0.

$warning = array();

function val_duration(&$warning, $min, $sec, $required = false) {
    if (empty($min) && empty($sec)) {
        if ($required) {
            $warning['duration'] = "The duration is a required field";
        return NULL;

    if (!ctype_digit($min) || $min > 61) {
        $warning['min'] = 'The minutes must contain a positive numeric value between 1 and 60';
    if (!ctype_digit($sec) || $sec > 59) {
        $warning['sec'] = 'The seconds must contain a positive numeric value between 1 and 59';
    if (!empty($warning)) {
        return NULL;

    return $min * 60 + $sec;
  • 1
    \$\begingroup\$ val_duration($warning, 1, 1) will produce warning. Also var_duration($warning, "-1", "10") will produce -70. See my answer. \$\endgroup\$
    – sasa
    Commented Sep 30, 2012 at 20:13
  • \$\begingroup\$ @sasa: Thanks, I've not noticed this bug (it's in the original code too). Maybe I'm too tired but I could not reproduce the second one. It puts a message to the warning array and returns NULL instead of only returning -70. \$\endgroup\$
    – palacsint
    Commented Oct 1, 2012 at 17:09

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