I am a Python beginner (well, a newbie programmer). I am creating a small address book, just as a fun project, nothing too serious. I would appreciate if you review it and advise me on how to make it better (not complete yet). Here's the link:
Here's the code:
import contact
import addressBook
import re
from sys import exit
import random
__author__ = 'Muhammad Arslan <[email protected]>'
app = addressBook.addressBook(str(raw_input("Enter name of book (Will be created if doesn't exist) \n> ")))
main_menu = '\n1. Show all contacts.\n2. Add contact.\n3. Search.\n4. Delete a contact.\n5.Update contact.\n6. Exit\n\n>'
def exitProg():
exitMessages = ['You have my permission to die.']
print random.choice(exitMessages)
def getOption(prompt):
inp = raw_input(prompt)
inp = int(inp)
except ValueError:
print 'You should have selected a proper option.'
return 13
return inp
def showContacts():
print 'show all'
def addContact():
flag = 13
while flag == 13:
exp = map(lambda x: re.compile(x), [r'^([a-zA-Z]+)$', r'^(\+)?(\d)+$', r"(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)"])
fName = str(raw_input('Enter first name : ')).strip()
while not exp[0].match(fName):
fName = str(raw_input('\nWrong Input\nEnter (proper) first name : ')).strip()
lName = str(raw_input('Enter last name : ')).strip()
while not exp[0].match(lName):
lName = str(raw_input('\nWrong Input\nEnter (proper) last name : ')).strip()
pNum = str(raw_input('Enter phone number : ')).strip()
while not exp[1].match(pNum):
pNum = str(raw_input('\nWrong Input\nEnter (proper) number : ')).strip()
email = str(raw_input('Enter email(Blank for none) : ')).strip()
while not exp[2].match(email):
if not email:
email = str(raw_input('\nWrong Input\nEnter (proper) email : ')).strip()
print app.addEntry(contact.Contact(fName, lName, pNum, email))
while (flag < 1) or (flag > 3):
flag = getOption('\n1. Add another.\n2. Go to main menu\n3. Exit.\n\n> ')
if flag == 2:
elif flag == 3:
flag = 13
def searchContact():
print 'search'
def removeContact():
name = str(raw_input('Enter first name of the contact: '))
print app.removeEntry(name)
def updateContact():
name = str(raw_input('Enter the first name of the contact: '))
msg, cont = app.searchEntry(name)
print msg
funcs = [showContacts, addContact, searchContact, removeContact, updateContact, exitProg]
while True:
inp = getOption(main_menu)
while inp < 1 or inp > 6:
print 'Input a proper number, moron.'
inp = getOption(main_menu)
funcs[inp - 1]()
__author__ = 'Muhammad Arslan <[email protected]>'
class Contact(object):
"""Initialize a new contact object.
Takes in name and phone number. Other arguments are optional."""
def __init__(self, firstname, lastname, pNumber, email = ''):
super(Contact, self).__init__()
self.__firstName = firstname.lower()
self.__lastName = lastname.lower()
self.__pNumber = pNumber
self.__email = email
def __str__(self):
return self.getName() + '\t' + self.getNumber()
def __eq__(self , other):
return (self.getName() == other.getName()) or (self.getNumber() == other.getNumber())
def getName(self):
return self.__firstName[0].upper()+self.__firstName[1:] + ' ' + self.__lastName[0].upper() + self.__lastName[1:]
def getFirstName(self):
return self.__firstName
def getLastName(self):
return self.__lastName
def getNumber(self):
return self.__pNumber
def getEmail(self):
return self.__email
def setFirstName(self, newFName):
self.__firstName = newFName
def setLastName(self, newLName):
self.__lastName = newLName
def setName(self, fullName):
self.__firstName, self.__lastName = fullName.split(' ')
def setNumber(self, newNumber):
self.__pNumber = newNumber
def setEmail(self, newEmail):
self.__email = newEmail
import cPickle as pickle
import pickle
from hashlib import sha256
__author__ = 'Muhammad Arslan <[email protected]>'
class addressBook():
"""Class : Addressbook"""
def __init__(self, name):
self.__name = self.createName(name)+ '.db'
self.__db = open(self.__name, 'rb')
self.__entries = pickle.load(self.__db)
self.__db = open(self.__name, 'wb')
self.__entries = {}
def __update(self):
self.__db = open(self.__name, 'wb')
pickle.dump(self.__entries, self.__db, -1)
def addEntry(self, contact):
name = contact.getFirstName()
if name in self.__entries:
return '\nContact already present.\n'
self.__entries[name] = contact
return '\nContact added successfully.\n'
def removeEntry(self, name):
if name in self.__entries:
del self.__entries[name]
return '\nContact removed successfully.\n'
return '\nName not found.\n'
def searchEntry(self, name):
name = name.lower()
if name in self.__entries:
return ('Contact found.', self.__entries[name])
return ('Contact not found.', None)
def updateEntry(self, name, param, val):
name = name.lower()
val = val.lower()
if name in self.__entries:
k = self.__entries[name]
funcs = [k.setFirstName, k.setLastName, k.setName, k.setNumber, k.setEmail]
return '\nContact updated successfully.\n'
return '\nName not found.\n'
def createName(mName):
hsh = sha256(mName).hexdigest()
return ''.join(hsh[1::3])
is needed). I meant those likefirstName
where you have a getter and a setter for no reason; they just pass straight through. \$\endgroup\$