I have this loop that builds a BOM but it is so slow as I scale it out to even modest data. All the data resides in two database tables. I am pulling the data in as list of lists and then iterating over them.
The orders table contains the product serial number and the top level root part numbers that are ordered for that serial number. The parts_h (hierarchy) table contains every parent - child relationship for every part defined where I work. I am trying to build one master table by marrying them together.
Here is some sample data:
order = [['ABC1200','1234567'],['ABC1300','1234567'],['ABC1400','2456693']]
# format is [serial number, top level part]
parts_h = [['1234567','3445678'],['3445678','5K9091'],['2456693','4J5689'],
# format is [parent, child]
def bom_build(o,p):
This function builds the bill of material for a serial number.
It takes two inputs.
1. O which is a list of lists with each element of a list
containing the serial number, root part number
2. P which is a list of lists with each element of a list containing
the parent part and child part as defined in Parts master
for product in o:
for part in p:
if product[1] == part[0]:
# build first level of BOM
# build children
for part in p:
for row in bom:
if row[2] == part[0]:
return bom
This is the output, which is correct but slow:
[['ABC1200', '1234567', '3445678', '/1234567/3445678'],
['ABC1300', '1234567', '3445678', '/1234567/3445678'],
['ABC1400', '2456693', '4J5689', '/2456693/4J5689'],
['ABC1200', '3445678', '5K9091', '/1234567/3445678/5K9091'],
['ABC1300', '3445678', '5K9091', '/1234567/3445678/5K9091'],
['ABC1400', '4J5689', '09981', '/2456693/4J5689/09981'],
['ABC1400', '4J5689', '09982', '/2456693/4J5689/09982'],
['ABC1400', '09981', '2K5050', '/2456693/4J5689/09981']]
I'm then going to write this to an Impala table.