Since there is already a function called elem
, I wouldn't call the element the same. There's no way that those two can get mistaken though, since their types differ. So you're safe at that point. However, you will still get a warning on -Wall
Next, you call your list h
. Lists are usually called xs
(one x
, may x
ses), which makes it a little bit harder to catch than it needs to be. We can also split the list into the three parts at the same time:
search :: (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
search _ [] = Nothing
search n xs
| elem == n = Just index
| elem < n = (+index) . (+1) <$> search n bs
| otherwise = search n as
where index = length xs `quot` 2
(as,elem:bs) = splitAt index xs
This removes the need to traverse the list again just to get the correct init/tail, however it's harder to read, so it's up to you. Also, I really like to have the compiler yell at me if I forgot a case in my guards. For example, GHC will happily accept
search :: (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
search _ [] = Nothing
search n xs
| elem == n = Just index
| elem < n = (+index) . (+1) <$> search n bs
where ...
even with warnings. With compare elem n
, we get warnings:
search n xs = case elem `compare` n of
EQ -> Just index
LT -> (+index) . (+1) <$> search n bs
-- third missing, GHC warns us
where ...
But that's more or less a personal preference. A major nitpick though is that you take the length
of the list in every iteration. You can get rid of that if you write another function:
search :: (Ord a) => a -> [a] -> Maybe Int
search n ys = go (length ys) ys
go _ [] = Nothing
go l xs = ...