I am writing a program to count only the partitions of a number with distinct parts.
I am using a bottom-up approach to dynamic programming to generate partition lists from previously obtained partition lists. I think my program runs correctly, as I have tested for some inputs and verified from OEIS. But it's extremely slow for n>15
. I think my algorithm has a complexity currently north of O(n^3)
, but I couldn't think of a better way to do it. Can anyone help with making it faster?
# Logic - The partition of a number 'n', will be 1 + the partition of 'n-1', 2 + the partition of 'n-2', and so on.
# So we start from 1, and build partition lists based on previously gotten partitions
# The loop doesn't have to go all the way till 1.
# For example, for 6, we only have to go till 'n-3' and stop, because after that, we only get duplicate lists. This is not to say that we don't get
# duplicates before, but after 'n-3', we get JUST duplicates
# So we only have to go till n-x >= x
from collections import Counter
compare = lambda x, y: Counter(x) == Counter(y)
def make_partitions(n):
# Bottom up approach starts at 1 and goes till n, building on partitions already obtained
# partitions dictionary contains list of lists of partitions
# Ex - 1: [[1]]
# Ex - 2: [[2], [1,1]]
# Ex - 3: [[3], [2,1], [1,1,1]]
partitions = {}
start = 1
while start <= n:
partitions[start] = []
# Appending the number itself as a partition of length 1
# prev stores the number currently being used to build the partition list
prev = start - 1
# pp stores all partition lists obtained so far for the current number
pp = []
while prev >= start-prev:
# curr_partitions stores the partition lists that make up the desired number, FROM the current number
# Ex - for desired number 6, in first loop, it stores those lists which make up 6 from those of 5; in the second loop, from those of 4 and so on
curr_partitions = []
prev_partitions = partitions[prev]
for p in prev_partitions:
q = list(p)
# self-explanatory. compare function is used to see if the list already exists
does_exist_already = False
for ppp in pp:
if compare(q, ppp):
does_exist_already = True
if not does_exist_already:
# We have got the entire list of partitions that make up the desired number FROM the current number, so we add to the dictionary
prev -= 1
start += 1
return partitions
def answer(n):
partitions = make_partitions(n)
req_partition_list = partitions[n]
final_partition_list = []
count = 0
# This for loop is to weed out lists which contain duplicate values
for p in req_partition_list:
c = Counter(p)
if all(v==1 for v in c.values()):
count += 1
return count
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(raw_input())
print answer(n)