
At work there is an input-system where customers are able to specify weekdays and a starting time for an event. The weekdays are integers in the range from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday). After the customer has given the needed input, I need to calculate the next possible DateTime for the event. If the event is on the same day as today and the current time is not yet over the submitted starting-time, the next possible DateTime would be today.

This is what I have came up with, but it looks awful and complicated. You can obviously shorten the linq-queries a little, but i let the intermediate objects in there for sake of debugging.

public static class Test
    public static void Main( string[] args )
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        var startTimes = new List<TimeSpan> {
            now.TimeOfDay ,                                     // get the next possible starting point
            now.TimeOfDay.Add( new TimeSpan( 0 , 1 , 0 ) ) ,    // starting point is today
        var weekdaysList = new List<int[]> {
            new [] { 1 , 4 , 5 } ,
            new [] { 1 , 2 } ,

        foreach( var weekdays in weekdaysList )
            foreach( var startTime in startTimes )
                var dt = GetNext( weekdays , startTime );

    public static DateTime GetNext( int[] weekdays , TimeSpan startTime )
        // convert to german format (Monday:1 - Sunday:7)
        var currentWeekDay = (int)DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek;

        if( currentWeekDay == 0 )
            currentWeekDay = 7;

        // if today, and not yet passed, return todays starting time
        if( weekdays.Contains( currentWeekDay ) )
            var today = DateTime.Now.Date.Add( startTime );

            if( DateTime.Now < today )
                return today;

        // calculate the day index and keep the added days around (better debugging)
        var days = Enumerable.Range( 0 , 7 )
            .Select( addedDays => new { addedDays , dayIndex = ( currentWeekDay + addedDays ) % 7 } )
        // only days that are specified
        var validDays = days
            .Where( x => weekdays.Contains( x.dayIndex ) )
        // the first day is the one that has the least days added
        var daysToAdd = validDays.First().addedDays;
        // but we already sorted out today, so the next possible day is the second (if exists) or 1 week/ 7 days later
        if( daysToAdd == 0 )
            if( validDays.Count() > 1 )
                daysToAdd = validDays.ElementAt( 1 ).addedDays;
                daysToAdd = 7;

        return DateTime.Now.Date
            .AddDays( daysToAdd )
            .Add( startTime );

I feel like I am missing some obvious shortcuts or linq-fu to shorten this code down and make it easier understandable.

I let this code as it is, but it was bugging me the whole day, how could I improve this?

Only the basic algorithm in the GetNext()-Method is relevant, no error-checking etc.


2 Answers 2


After some fresh air I think I got around my mental blockade. I simply convert to the natural C# DayOfWeek representation beforehand instead of fiddling around with the other one.

public static IEnumerable<DayOfWeek> ConvertDaysOfWeek( int[] daysOfWeekIds )
    => daysOfWeekIds.Select( x => x == 7 ? DayOfWeek.Sunday : (DayOfWeek)x );

public static DateTime GetNext( IEnumerable<DayOfWeek> daysOfWeek , TimeSpan startTime )
    var nextDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
    var isToday = daysOfWeek.Contains( nextDate.DayOfWeek ) && DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay < startTime;

    if( !isToday )
        nextDate = Enumerable.Range( 1 , 7 )
            .Select( x => nextDate.AddDays( x ) )
            .First( x => daysOfWeek.Contains( x.DayOfWeek ) );

    return nextDate.Add( startTime );
  • \$\begingroup\$ In the ConvertDaysOfWeek method, couldn't you just take mod 7 of x and convert? That way 7 would be 0 and the other values would remain the same. It would save you having to code a special check for value 7. \$\endgroup\$
    – yu_ominae
    Commented Mar 3, 2017 at 16:37

I made some suggestions for your code:

static void Main(string[] args)
    //input samples
    var startTimes = new List<TimeSpan> { DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay, DateTime.Now.AddHours(4).TimeOfDay };
    var weekdaysList = new List<int>() { 1, 4, 5, 2 }; //why did you choose make it a list of integer arrays?, if thats how its populated, you could later flatten it

    //you'll want to sort the lists for convenience

    var next_event = GetNext(weekdaysList, startTimes);
public static DateTime GetNext(List<int> daysOfWeekIds, List<TimeSpan> startTimes)
    var today = DateTime.Now;
    var today_Day = (int)today.DayOfWeek;
    var today_Time = today.TimeOfDay;

    TimeSpan later_that_day = startTimes.Where(st => st > today_Time).FirstOrDefault() - today_Time;

    //check if day is the same at a later time
    if (daysOfWeekIds.Any(d => (d == today_Day)) && later_that_day.TotalMinutes > 0) //you may want to put a minimum time threshold here for same-day events
        return today.Add(later_that_day);

    //check if it can be done later in the same week
    int later_that_week = daysOfWeekIds.Where(d => d > today_Day).FirstOrDefault() - today_Day;

    if (later_that_week > 0)
        return today.AddDays(later_that_week).Add(later_that_day);

    //pick the earliest date for next week
    return today.AddDays(7 - today_Day).AddDays(daysOfWeekIds.FirstOrDefault()).Add(later_that_day);

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