I've recently started programming and been self-studying on various online courses + official documentation of oracle / java. Code is quite messy and if you don't have time to understand it, I wouldn't even bother in your place. This is also not Object Oriented since I didn't see a reason to do it that way although I will later on try it as well. GUI is something I'll also do later on but I'd love to have the basics down first.
This is basically my first somewhat bigger application. I've also done a person management. Both took me about 3 hours. Is that reasonable or like way to bad?
The program works as follows:
First you get a menu, where you can chose what to do (I only coded 1 so far) so in this case you can play against a bot. You have the first turn, you get the board printed with the respective quadrants and then you can choose into which quadrant you will place your X by typing in 1-9. It also checks whether that quadrant has already been used or if your input type is wrong. Then the bot does his turn by simply generating a random number which represents the quadrant and then there is the same check if it has been used already. This continues until either wins.
I hope someone can take some time and analyze what I can do, to heavily improve.
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TickTack {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// This isn't really OOP and I should probably do that aswell later when
// I finish this
// Possible construction of OOP
// Class : TickTackToe
// Methods : constructor, findMatchingItem(), printCurrentBoard(),
// testUserInput(),
final int ROWS = 3;
final int COLUMNS = 3;
int filler = 2;
Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
int choice = 0;
// winnerDecided is Variable to play game until a Winner is decided ->
// draws don't count
boolean winnerDecided = false;
// Matrix
// 1 | 2 | 3
// 4 | 5 | 6
// 7 | 8 | 9
int[][] tickTackToeFields = new int[ROWS][COLUMNS];
// int[] arrayPlayerOne = new int[5];
// int[] arrayPlayerTwo = new int[5];
do {
System.out.println("What do you want to do?");
System.out.println(" 1. Play against Bot");
// ToDo actually a decent bot not random generated
// difficulties?
System.out.println(" 2. Play against Human");
// Bo3 or Bo5
System.out.println(" 3. Stop Programm");
System.out.println(""); // seperator
choice = in.nextInt();
System.out.println(""); // seperator
switch (choice) {
case 1:
// Mechanism to Fill array with numbers indicating each quadrant
// of the
// Matrix
// Dunno if int[][] tickTackToeFields = { {1,2,3} , {4,5,6] ,
// {7,8,9} }
// would even work
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < COLUMNS; j++) {
// Filler Variable goes from 2-10 to Fill the Array with
// 2-10 --> As to why is mentionend at the printBoard
// method below
tickTackToeFields[i][j] = filler;
int userChoiceInt = 0;
// i is mechanism to choose which Players turn it is
int i = 1;
do {
printBoard(ROWS, COLUMNS, tickTackToeFields);
System.out.println(""); // seperator
if (i % 2 == 0 && i < 10) {
System.out.println("\nBot is choosing (O)");
// see if Field has already been used
boolean alreadyUsed = true;
do {
alreadyUsed = true;
// generating a random number then casting it to an
// int might use ROUND here since 9 is never gonna
// be used I guess?
userChoiceInt = (int) (1 + Math.round(Math.random() * 8));
// userChoiceInt = 1 + (int)(Math.random()*8);
for (int p = 0; p < ROWS; p++) {
for (int g = 0; g < COLUMNS; g++) {
// don't forget -1 since it's 1 higher
// explanation above
// this is obviously botChoiceInt but why
// would
// you make a new Variable to waste
// resources?
if (tickTackToeFields[p][g] - 1 == userChoiceInt) {
alreadyUsed = false;
} while (alreadyUsed);
// actually doing the insert into the array
for (int p = 0; p < ROWS; p++) {
for (int g = 0; g < COLUMNS; g++) {
if (tickTackToeFields[p][g] - 1 == userChoiceInt) {
tickTackToeFields[p][g] = 1;
} else if (i % 2 == 1 && i < 10) {
System.out.println("\nPlayer 1 is chosing (X) --> choose between 1-9");
boolean alreadyUsed = true;
// Check if user Input is correct and if it's not
// already used so you can't cheat
do {
try {
// when I used nextInt without the converting,
// and typed a letter or generally not a number
// it ended in a loop for some reason??
userChoiceInt = Integer.parseInt(in.next());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Use a number between 1-9 Exception");
// so the whole thing restarts are same user
// without actually doing anything
// i--;
for (int p = 0; p < ROWS; p++) {
for (int g = 0; g < COLUMNS; g++) {
// don't forget -1 since it's 1 higher
// explanation above
if (tickTackToeFields[p][g] - 1 == userChoiceInt) {
alreadyUsed = false;
} while (alreadyUsed);
// actually doing the insert into the array
for (int p = 0; p < ROWS; p++) {
for (int g = 0; g < COLUMNS; g++) {
if (tickTackToeFields[p][g] - 1 == userChoiceInt) {
tickTackToeFields[p][g] = 0;
// I don't know how to make this easier, here it actually
// looks if you've 3 consecutive hits
// diagonal,horizontal,vertical I guess you could just check
// if they are equal but it's the same
if (tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[0][1] + tickTackToeFields[0][2] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[1][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[1][2] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[2][0] + tickTackToeFields[2][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][0] + tickTackToeFields[2][0] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[0][1] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][1] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[0][2] + tickTackToeFields[1][2] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 3
|| tickTackToeFields[2][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[0][2] == 3) {
winnerDecided = true;
printBoard(ROWS, COLUMNS, tickTackToeFields);
System.out.println("\nBOT WON!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS\n");
} else if (tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[0][1] + tickTackToeFields[0][2] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[1][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[1][2] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[2][0] + tickTackToeFields[2][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][0] + tickTackToeFields[2][0] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[0][1] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][1] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[0][2] + tickTackToeFields[1][2] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[0][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[2][2] == 0
|| tickTackToeFields[2][0] + tickTackToeFields[1][1] + tickTackToeFields[0][2] == 0) {
winnerDecided = true;
printBoard(ROWS, COLUMNS, tickTackToeFields);
System.out.println("\nPLAYER 1 WON!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS\n");
// ask user if they want to stop or not
if (winnerDecided != true && i == 10) {
System.out.println("Do you want to continue or stop? Y / N");
String userChoiceString = in.next();
// toLowerCase will ensure that any user choice will be
// accepted, includes yEs yES y ye es etc.. think this
// is the best solution
if ("yes".contains(userChoiceString.toLowerCase())) {
winnerDecided = true;
} else if ("no".contains(userChoiceString.toLowerCase())) {
winnerDecided = false;
} else {
System.out.println("Instructions unclear - going back to main Menu");
winnerDecided = true;
} while (!winnerDecided);
case 2:
case 3:
} while (choice != 3);
public static void printBoard(int Rows, int Column, int Array1[][]) {
for (int k = 0; k < Rows; k++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Column; j++) {
if ((k == 1 || k == 2) && j == 0) {
if (Array1[k][j] == 0) {
System.out.print(" X");
} else if (Array1[k][j] == 1) {
System.out.print(" O");
} else {
// This is actually very weird, could be
// done
// alot more clever than this I think
// I had to fill Array with Numbers greater
// then
// 1 since the User choices will be 1 and 0
// depending on the answer
// And then I check the Array if it already
// has
// a 1 or 0 in it
// This wouldn't work if I had filled it
// with
// numbers from 1-9 it would say that the
// first
// quadrant has been used
// hope this somewhat explains my weird
// thought
// process in here - and sorry for bad
// explanation probably should've just used a random high
// number for user choices or constants
System.out.print(" " + (Array1[k][j] - 1));
if (j < 2) {
System.out.print(" |");
System.out.println(""); // just a new line seperator
// Maybe make a function
// that
// just makes a new line?