
Cassandra, when debugging is enabled, logs slow queries to the debug log file. Typical entries look like:

DEBUG [ScheduledTasks:1] 2017-02-16 18:58:44,342 MonitoringTask.java:572 - 4 operations were slow in the last 5010 msecs:
<SELECT  FROM foo.bar WHERE token(id) > token(9be90fe7-9a6d-45d5-ad11-e93cfd56def7) LIMIT 100>, time 1 msec - slow timeout 1 msec
<SELECT  FROM foo.bar WHERE token(id) > token(91faceee-a64b-4fd3-bb93-ef483acade88) LIMIT 100>, time 1 msec - slow timeout 1 msec
<SELECT  FROM foo.bar WHERE token(id) > token(47250d17-573a-4d76-9039-d2771a19ff10) LIMIT 100>, time 1 msec - slow timeout 1 msec
<SELECT  FROM foo.bar WHERE token(id) > token(e04fc6d0-18b8-4ac0-b5f9-df42cd3a03c5) LIMIT 100>, time 1 msec - slow timeout 1 msec

The actual format is only documented in code.

For MySQL, the mysqldumpslow tool parses the logs and prints the queries (and related statistics) in a readable manner. I'm trying to write a similar tool for Cassandra, for the feature request in CASSANDRA-13000.

The goals I set are:

  1. Use similar options to mysqldumpslow, where applicable, so I've to implement these options:

    --help  Display help message and exit
    -g  Only consider statements that match the pattern
    -r  Reverse the sort order
    -s  How to sort output
    -t  Display only first num queries

    Sorting options:

    • t, at: Sort by query time or average query time
    • c: Sort by count

    Of these, the -g option is yet to be implemented, since there are some problems in how the queries are logged.

    I'm also adding long-form variants of these (--sort, --reverse, etc.) consistently.

  2. Support JSON encoded input, in a streaming fashion. This is for another related patch I'm submitting, where the queries are dumped with JSON encoding for easier parsing by external tools. The JSON-encoded entry will look like:

      "operation": "SELECT  FROM foo.bar WHERE token(id) > token(60bad0b3-551f-46c7-addc-4e3105561a21) LIMIT 100",
      "totalTime": 1,
      "timeout": 1,
      "isCrossNode": false,
      "numTimesReported": 1,
      "minTime": 1,
      "maxTime": 1,
      "keyspace": "foo",
      "table": "bar"
  3. Keep compatibility with Python 2 and 3

The code:


#! /usr/bin/env python3

from __future__ import print_function

import re
import sys
import getopt
import json

def usage():
    msg = """Usage:
    {} [OPTION] ... [FILE] ...

Provide a summary of the slow queries listed in Cassandra debug logs.
Multiple log files can be provided, in which case, the logs are combined.
If no file is specified, logs/debugs.log is assumed. Use - for stdin.

  -h, --help          Print this message
  -s, --sort=type     Sort the input
                          t   - total time
                          at  - average time
                          c   - count
  -r, --reverse       Reverse the sort order
  -t, --top=N         Print only the top N queries (only useful when sorting)
  -j, --json          Assume input consists of slow queries encoded in JSON
  -o, --output=FILE   Save output to FILE


class query_stats:
    def __init__(self, time=0, avg=0, mintime=0, maxtime=0, count=1):
        if count == 1:
            self.time = self.avg = self.mintime = self.maxtime = time
            self.count = 1
            self.avg = avg
            self.mintime = mintime
            self.maxtime = maxtime
            self.count = count
            self.time = time

    def __str__(self):
        if self.count == 1:
            return "{}ms".format(self.time)
            return "{}ms ({}ms) Min: {}ms Max: {}ms".format(

class slow_query:
    def __init__(self, operation, stats, timeout,
                 keyspace=None, table=None, is_cross_node=False):
        self.operation = operation
        self.stats = stats
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.keyspace = keyspace
        self.table = table
        self.is_cross_node = is_cross_node

    def __str__(self):
        return "  Time: {} {} Timeout: {}\n\t{}\n".format(
            "(cross-node)" if self.is_cross_node else "",

class log_parser:
    regexes = {
            'start': re.compile('DEBUG.*- (\d+) operations were slow in the last (\d+) msecs:$'), # noqa
            'single': re.compile('<(.*)>, time (\d+) msec - slow timeout (\d+) msec(/cross-node)?$'), # noqa
            'multi': re.compile('<(.*)>, was slow (\d+) times: avg/min/max (\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+) msec - slow timeout (\d+) msec(/cross-node)?$'), # noqa

    def __init__(self, sort, key, reverse, top, top_count, json_input):
        self.queries = []
        self.sort = sort
        self.key = key
        self.reverse = reverse
        self.top = top
        self.top_count = top_count
        self.json_input = json_input

    def process_query(self, query):
        # If we're not sorting, we can print the queries directly. If we are
        # sorting, save the query.
        if self.sort:
            # If we have to print only N entries, exit after doing so
            if self.top:
                if self.top_count > 0:
                    self.top_count -= 1

    def parse_slow_query_stats(self, line):
        match = log_parser.regexes['single'].match(line)
        if match is not None:
                is_cross_node=(match.group(4) is None)
        match = log_parser.regexes['multi'].match(line)
        if match is not None:
                is_cross_node=(match.group(7) is None)
        print("Could not parse: " + line, file=sys.stderr)

    def get_json_objects(self, infile):
        # Since Python's json doesn't support streaming, try accumulating line
        # by line, and parsing.
        prev = ""
        for line in infile:
                yield json.loads(prev + line)
            except json.JSONDecodeError:
                prev += line

    def parse_json(self, infile):
        for obj in self.get_json_objects(infile):

    def parse_log(self, infile):
        if self.json_input:
            # How many queries does the current log entry list?
            current_count = 0
            for line in infile:
                line = line.rstrip()
                if current_count > 0:
                    current_count -= 1
                    match = log_parser.regexes['start'].match(line)
                    if match is None:
                    current_count = int(match.group(1))

    def sort_queries(self):
        # Sort by total time, default
        if self.key is None or self.key == 't':
            self.queries.sort(key=lambda x: x.stats.time, reverse=self.reverse)
        # Sort by avergae time
        elif self.key == 'at':
            self.queries.sort(key=lambda x: x.stats.avg, reverse=self.reverse)
        # Sort by count
        elif self.key == 'c':
            self.queries.sort(key=lambda x: x.stats.count, reverse=self.reverse) # noqa

    def end(self):
        # Sort and print
        if self.sort:
            if self.top:
                self.queries = self.queries[:self.top_count]
            for q in self.queries:

def main():
    opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(
    # Defaults:
    # Do not sort
    sort = False
    key = None
    # Do not reverse
    reverse = False
    # Print all lines, top_count is ignored if top is unset
    top = False
    top_count = 0
    # Assume debug.log-style input, not JSON
    json_input = False

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ["-h", "--help"]:
        elif opt in ["-s", "--sort"]:
            sort = True
            key = arg
        elif opt in ["-r", "--reverse"]:
            reverse = True
        elif opt in ["-t", "--top"]:
            top = True
            top_count = int(arg)
        elif opt in ["-j", "--json"]:
            json_input = True
        elif opt in ["-o", "--output"]:
            sys.stdout = open(arg, "a")
            print("Not yet implemented: " + opt)

    if len(args) == 0:
        # Default to reading the debug.log
        args = ['logs/debug.log']
    parser = log_parser(sort, key, reverse, top, top_count, json_input)
    for arg in args:
        if arg == '-':
            print("Reading from standard input")
            with open(arg) as infile:
                print("Reading from " + arg)

if __name__ == "__main__":

1 Answer 1


Here are some notes about the code (both performance and code style related):

  • since you are initializing a lot of slow_query and query_stats (also see note about the naming below) class instances on the fly, to improve the memory usage and performance, use __slots__:

    class slow_query:
        __slots__ = ["operation", "stats", "timeout", "keyspace", "table", "is_cross_node"]
        # ...
  • switching from json to ujson may dramatically improve the JSON parsing speed

  • or, you can try the PyPy and simplejson combination (ujson won't work on PyPy since it is written in C, simplejson is a fast pure-python parser)
  • think about the capturing groups in your regular expressions, you can avoid capturing more things than you actually need. For example, in the "start" regular expression you have 2 capturing groups, but you actually use only the first one:

    r'DEBUG.*- (\d+) operations were slow in the last \d+ msecs:$'
                                         no group here^
  • the wild card matches in the regular expressions can be non-greedy - .*? instead of .* (not sure if it will have a measurable impact on performance)

  • class names should use a "CamelCase" convention (PEP8 reference)

  • the .get_json_objects() method can be static
  • for the CLI parameter parsing I would use argparse module - you would avoid the boilerplate code you have in the main() and usage() functions
  • use 2 spaces before the # for the inline comment (PEP8 reference)
  • fix typo "avergae" -> "average"
  • you can improve the readability of the sort_queries() method by introducing a mapping between the key and the sort attribute name, something along these lines:

    def sort_queries(self):
        """Sorts "queries" in place, default sort is "by time"."""
        sort_attributes = {
            't': 'time',
            'at': 'avg',
            'c': 'count'
        sort_attribute = sort_attributes.get(self.key, 't')
        self.queries.sort(key=lambda x: getattr(x.stats, sort_attribute), 

    It though feels like this mapping should be defined as a constant beforehand.

  • improve on documentation: add meaningful docstrings to the class methods, put comments whenever you think the reader may have difficulties to understand the code - remember, the code is being read much more often than written

Note that this is what I can see by looking at the code. Of course, to really identify the bottleneck(s), you should profile the code properly on a large input.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, it took me a while to check some of these points. I like the __slots__ idea. Switching JSON modules didn't seem to make much difference (all three about 3.1 seconds for 6000 JSON objects like in the question). Since switching to non-greedy expressions doesn't seem to matter much, I'll keep the usual ones as they're more familiar to people. The argparse module is great, and I can combine its type checking with the dict in the sort_query to make fixed choices easily. (It did lead me to an oddity in its handling of defaults: stackoverflow.com/q/42297956/2072269 \$\endgroup\$
    – muru
    Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 8:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Writing meaningful docstrings is a weakness, I need to work on that. Profiling seems to indicate that get_json_objects is where most of the action is. I'll need to experiment more with ujson and simplejson. \$\endgroup\$
    – muru
    Commented Feb 18, 2017 at 8:48

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