This is very similar to other code I've posted, however this is designed for very large CSV files, for example 35GB.
The files typically look like this:
The code I've written works out the sum of the distance between each of the waypoints, as well as the time taken and total number of waypoints. Here it is in entirety:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
EarthRadius = 6371 #km
def distance(group): #calculate distances using Equirectangular approximation
lat = np.radians(group.Lat)
lon = np.radians(group.Lon)
endLon = lon.shift(-1)
endLat = lat.shift(-1)
x = (endLon - lon) * np.cos(0.5 * (endLat + lat))
y = endLat - lat
D = EarthRadius * np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
return D.sum()
def timedelt(group): #calculate length of trip
a = np.around((pd.to_datetime(group['Date']).max() - pd.to_datetime(group['Date']).min()).seconds/60, decimals=2)
return a
def tripStatistics(trip):#Helper function to output distance and number of waypoints
return pd.Series({"TripID":chunk.iloc[0,0],"Distance": distance(trip),"No. of Waypoints": len(trip),"Time Taken(Mins)": timedelt(trip)})
def iterateIDs(file): #create chunks based on tripID
csv_reader = pd.read_csv(file, iterator=True, chunksize=1, header=None, usecols=[0, 2, 3, 4],names=['TripID', 'Date', 'Lat', 'Lon'])
first_chunk = csv_reader.get_chunk()
id = first_chunk.iloc[0,0]
chunk = pd.DataFrame(first_chunk)
for l in csv_reader:
if id == l.iloc[0,0]:
id = l.iloc[0,0]
chunk = chunk.append(l)
id = l.iloc[0,0]
yield chunk
chunk = pd.DataFrame(l)
yield chunk
output = pd.DataFrame(columns=['TripID','Distance','No. of Waypoints','Time Taken(Mins)'])
chunkIterate = iterateIDs("TripRecordsReportWaypoints.csv")
for chunk in chunkIterate:
temp = tripStatistics(chunk)
output = output.append(temp, ignore_index=True)
output['Waypoint Frequency(Secs)'] = np.around(60*output['Time Taken(Mins)']/output['No. of Waypoints'], decimals=2)
output.reset_index().to_csv('TripDetails.csv', sep=',', index=False)
I'm wondering if there is anything in my code that might slow down processing speeds. I set it running on the previously mentioned 35GB file and it's been going for over 24 hours now. It's the first time I've used generators so I hope I've not made some simple error.
As a bit of a comparison, I had written a previous piece of code that is similar but without splitting the CSV file into chunks with the iterateIDs
generator function. It processed a 200MB file in 100 seconds. A linear extrapolation of that would mean it would take only 3 hours to process a 35GB file.
dataframe..I think you should try dumping into CSV in chunks too. \$\endgroup\$python -m cProfile -s cumtime | less
give you for the 200MB file? What are the parts of the code that take the most time? \$\endgroup\$