I was wondering if there was a better way to write this:
#Define Jquery Datatable
if $('#dtable').length
table = $('#dtable').DataTable()
#If job is created, make new row in Jquery datatables
if data.status == "Created" then (
count = 0
new_data = [
'<a class="btn btn-small btn-info" href="/ilo_scan_jobs/' + data.job_id + '">Details</a>'
new_row = table.row.add(new_data).draw().nodes().to$().find('td').each ->
$(this).attr 'id', 'td_' + count++ + '_' + data.job_id
id = $('#row' + data.job_id).val()
table.row(new_row).node().id = 'row' + data.job_id
#If job status is running
else if data.status != "Created" and data.status != "Job Deleted" and data.status != "Scan Complete" then (
#Update Jquery datatable if it exists
if $('#dtable').length
table.cell('#td_5_' + data.job_id).data wait_status
#Update job detail status if it exists
if $(detail_status).length
$(detail_status).html wait_status
#Detail Status
if $(respond_message).length then (
if data.count == null or data.server_count != 0
$(respond_message).html wait_message
else if data.server_count == 0
$(respond_message).html no_respond
#If job status is complete
else if data.status == "Scan Complete" then (
#Update Jquery Datatable if it exists
if $('#dtable').length
table.cell('#td_5_' + data.job_id).data(data.status)
#Update job detail status if it exists
if $(detail_status).length
$(detail_status).html data.status
#Detail Status
if $(respond_message).length then (
if data.server_count == 0
$(respond_message).html no_respond
else if data.server_count != 0
$(respond_message).html respond_finish
#Remove disabled class on buttons if exists
if $('#edit_disable_' + data.job_id).length and data.status == 'Scan Complete'
$('#edit_disable_' + data.job_id).removeClass 'disabled'
if $('#delete_disable_' + data.job_id).length and data.status == 'Scan Complete'
$('#delete_disable_' + data.job_id).removeClass 'disabled'
#If job is deleted, remove table row from Jquery datatable
else if data.status == "Job Deleted"
tr = "#row" + data.job_id
Even though it is working, the code seems a little sloppy to me with all the if/else statements. Is there any way to simplify it? I'm new to coffeescript.
? I don't see its declaration anywhere. \$\endgroup\$