Every integer can be written in the form \$2^i*v\$ where \$v\$ is odd. This algorithm generates a list of numbers that are only odd. We want to ensure that all the composite odd numbers are marked out.
In the final list, all numbers will be of the form \$2^0 v\$. So, we only need to worry about odd factors. An odd number will be composite if it is of the form \$(2i + 1)(2j + 1)\$, where \$i\$ and \$j\$ are strictly positive integers. So, a composite odd number \$q = 2k + 1 = 4ij + 2i + 2j + 1\$. This means \$k = i + j + 2ij\$. Whenever \$k\$ is of the form, \$i + j + 2ij, 2k+ 1\$ is composite and whenever an odd integer \$q\$ is composite, the condition holds for \$k, q = 2k + 1\$.
All we seek to do is mark all numbers that can be written as \$i +j + 2ij\$. And for any unmarked integer \$k\$, we know that \$2k + 1\$ will be prime. Note - We need to hardcode 2
since this algorithm only generates the odd primes.
Please provide feedback.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define target 50000
//Function prototypes
void initial_marking(long int[]);
void marking(long int[]);
void make_prime_list(long int[],long int[]);
void print_prime(long int[]);
int main()
//Half of the numbers from 1 to target will be even so the number of primes will never exceed target/2.
//The algorithm only worries about the first half of the range. That's why list also goes till target/2.
long list[target/2], primes[target/2];
//Sieve of Sundaram
//Crossing out all numbers of the form i + j + 2ij
//Making the list of primes
make_prime_list(primes, list);
//Displaying the list
return 0;
//Initially, everything is marked 1
void initial_marking(long int list[])
int i;
for(i = 1; i <= target/2; i++)
list[i] = 1;
//Crossing out numbers of the form i + j + 2ij
void marking(long int list[])
int i, j, crossed_out_num;
//All numbers of the form i + j + 2ij need to be marked out
for(i = 1; i <= target/2; i++)
for(j = 1; j <= i; j++)
crossed_out_num = i + j + 2*i*j;
if(crossed_out_num <= target/2)//If this condition isn't there, we might me marking numbers not in list.
list[crossed_out_num] = 0;
//Making the list of primes
void make_prime_list(long int primes[],long int list[])
int i = 0, primeCount = 0;
//We need to put 2 in ourselves because the algorithm 'only' generates all the odd primes
primes[primeCount++] = 2;
for(i = 1; i <= target/2; i++)
//Checking if the number is not crossed out and adding 2i + 1 to the list if it is unmarked.
if(list[i] == 1)
primes[primeCount++] = (2*i + 1);
//Putting 0 to mark the end of the array
primes[primeCount] = 0;
void print_primes(long int primes[])
int i;
//0 indicates the end of the array
for(i = 0; primes[i] != 0; i++)