Did I write this code to correctly be tail call optimized? Am I forcing computations more than I need with !
? Did I generally write this asynchronously correctly to allow sends and receives to occur in their own time? Is this using multiple threads needlessly? Other general critiques?
open System
open System.Net.Sockets
let asyncGetInput = async { return BitConverter.GetBytes(Console.Read()) }
let rec asyncSendInput (stream : NetworkStream) = async {
let! input = asyncGetInput
stream.WriteByte |> Array.map <| input |> ignore
do! asyncSendInput stream
let asyncGetResponse (stream : NetworkStream) = async { return Char.ConvertFromUtf32(stream.ReadByte()) }
let rec asyncPrintResponse (stream : NetworkStream) = async {
let! response = asyncGetResponse stream
do! asyncPrintResponse stream
let main args =
let client = new System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient()
client.Connect(args.[0], Int32.Parse(args.[1]))
printfn "Connected to %A %A..." args.[0] args.[1]
let stream = client.GetStream()
printfn "Got stream, starting two way asynchronous communication."
Async.Parallel [asyncSendInput stream; asyncPrintResponse stream] |> Async.RunSynchronously |> ignore