I just created this during a live screencast. The people who were on there were very critical of almost every line of code. They say I am a horrible coder and know nothing. Looking at this tax calculator, would you say I'm an OK coder?
I don't think they're right, but I require one or more objective subject-matter experts to confirm whether or not the code is horrible.
// Set up autoloading
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR .
// This uses my Thrive framework, which extends
// the Flourish framework.
// NOTE: Using require, or require_once has performance penalties that aren't
// necessary. If the file isn't loaded successfully, the app will crash
// anyway.
include_once 'thrive/Autoloader.php';
new Thrive_Autoloader;
// Iteration 2: Create the Data Models.
// TIP: By always building out class datatypes instead of relying on hashmaps (array keys0, you
// make it much easier to create what's called an API that people can easily use later.
class TaxBracket
public $min;
public $max;
public $rate;
// Let's create an interface for our new taxing system.
interface API_Tax
public function getTaxLiability(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions);
// It makes more sense to use a Factory for this.
// Uses the Factory Design Pattern.
class USFederalTaxesFactory
public static function create(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions, $numOfEmployees)
// TODO: Rearchitect out the magic Constants.
// TODO: Add a proper Service Locator Pattern here...
$taxes = array(
'ssi' => 'SocialSecurityTax',
'medicare' => 'MedicareTax',
//'unemployment' => 'UnemploymentTax',
foreach ($taxes as $taxName => $taxClass)
$tax = new $taxClass();
/** @var $tax API_Tax */
$liabilities[$taxName] = $tax->getTaxLiability($revenue, $deductions);
$tax = new UnemploymentTax($numOfEmployees);
$liabilities['unemployment'] = $tax->getTaxLiability($revenue, $deductions);
$incomeTax = new USFederalIncomeTax($revenue, $deductions, $liabilities);
return $incomeTax;
// FIXME: Figure out a way to save the API_Tax interface ;-/
class USFederalIncomeTax /* implements API_Tax*/
// FIXME: These need to be moved to their own classes. It's a serious weakness right now!!!!
const INCOME_TAX_KEY = 'income';
const SSI_TAX_KEY = 'ssi';
const MEDCARE_TAX_KEY = 'medicare';
const UNEMPLOYMENT_TAX_KEY = 'unemployment';
/** @var TaxBracketManager */
protected $bracketManager;
/** @var TaxBracket[] */
protected $brackets;
/** @var fMoney */
protected $revenue;
/** @var fMoney */
protected $deductions;
/** @var fMoney[] */
protected $taxLiabilities;
public function __construct(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions, array $otherTaxLiabilities, $bracketManager = null)
$this->amountOwed = new fMoney('0', 'USD');
$this->revenue = $revenue;
$this->deductions = $deductions;
$this->taxLiabilities = $otherTaxLiabilities;
if ($bracketManager === null)
$bracketManager = new TaxBracketManager();
$this->bracketManager = $bracketManager;
* @param $tax
* @return fMoney
* @throws LogicException*/
public function getLiabilityByTax($tax)
if (!isset($this->taxLiabilities[$tax]))
throw new LogicException("No tax liabilities named '$tax'");
return $this->taxLiabilities[$tax];
public function getTaxLiability()
$brackets = $this->fetchTaxBracketRates();
// Federal income tax algorithm works like this:
// Total Revenue - Qualified Deductions - Other Fed Taxes -> Tax Brackets -> Rate.
// Minimum possible taxes owed: $0.
$otherTaxes = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
// TODO: It'd be a nice-to-have to be able to dynamically figure out which
// taxes are non-income and just do a foreach() here...
$otherTaxes = $otherTaxes->add($this->getLiabilityByTax(self::SSI_TAX_KEY));
$otherTaxes = $otherTaxes->add($this->getLiabilityByTax(self::MEDCARE_TAX_KEY));
$otherTaxes = $otherTaxes->add($this->getLiabilityByTax(self::UNEMPLOYMENT_TAX_KEY));
$amountOwed = $this->calculateTaxLiability($this->revenue, $this->deductions, $otherTaxes);
$this->taxLiabilities[self::INCOME_TAX_KEY] = $amountOwed;
return $amountOwed;
protected function calculateTaxLiability(fMoney $taxableRevenue, fMoney $deductions, fMoney $otherTaxes)
$taxableRevenue = $taxableRevenue->sub($deductions);
$taxableRevenue = $taxableRevenue->sub($otherTaxes);
$totalTaxLiability = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
foreach ($this->brackets as /** @var TaxBracket */ $bracket)
// Assume 500 0000
// Algorithm: Get subvalue -> get liability -> add liability -> subtract subvalue -> continue
if ($bracket->max !== null)
$amountTaxedInBracket = $bracket->max - $bracket->min;
$amountTaxedInBracket = $taxableRevenue;
if ($taxableRevenue->lte($amountTaxedInBracket))
$amountTaxedInBracket = $taxableRevenue;
$taxLiability = new fMoney($amountTaxedInBracket, 'USD');
$taxLiability = $taxLiability->mul($bracket->rate);
$totalTaxLiability = $totalTaxLiability->add($taxLiability);
$taxableRevenue = $taxableRevenue->sub($amountTaxedInBracket);
if ($taxableRevenue->lte(0))
if (isset($_GET['debug']))
echo "</pre>";
return $totalTaxLiability;
protected function fetchTaxBracketRates()
if ($this->brackets !== null)
return $this->brackets;
// TODO: Load this from a database table.
// FIXME: Add more brackets.
// TIP: By doing a little extra work now, all i have to do later is do $pdo->fetchArray() later ;-)
// I **LOVE** our complicated corporate income tax system!! WOOO!!!!!
$brackets = $this->bracketManager->fetchAll();
$this->brackets = $brackets;
return $brackets;
class TaxBracketManager
public function fetchTaxBrackets()
$bracketsInfo = array(
array('min' => 0, 'max' => 50000, 'rate' => 0.15),
array('min' => 50001, 'max' => 75000, 'rate' => 0.25),
array('min' => 75001, 'max' => 100000, 'rate' => 0.34),
array('min' => 100001, 'max' => 335000, 'rate' => 0.39),
array('min' => 335001, 'max' => 10000000, 'rate' => 0.34),
array('min' => 10000001, 'max' => 15000000, 'rate' => 0.35),
array('min' => 15000001, 'max' => 18333333, 'rate' => 0.38),
array('min' => 18333334, 'max' => null, 'rate' => 0.35),
$brackets = array();
foreach ($bracketsInfo as $i)
$bracket = new TaxBracket;
$bracket->min = $i['min'];
$bracket->max = $i['max'];
$bracket->rate = $i['rate'];
$brackets[] = $bracket;
return $brackets;
// Social security tax does not allow for deductions. It is off of the entire gross wage.
class SocialSecurityTax implements API_Tax
public function getTaxLiability(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions)
$taxLiability = $this->calculateTaxLiability($revenue);
return $taxLiability;
protected function calculateTaxLiability(fMoney $taxableRevenue)
$maxTaxable = $this->fetchMaxTaxableAmount();
$taxableRevenue = min($maxTaxable, $taxableRevenue);
$taxRate = $this->fetchTaxRate();
$taxLiability = $taxableRevenue->mul($taxRate);
if (isset($_GET['debug']))
echo "<pre>";
echo "[ssi] Taxable Revenue: $taxableRevenue\n";
echo "[ssi] Tax Rate: $taxRate\n";
echo "[ssi] Total Tax Liability: $taxLiability\n";
echo "</pre>";
return $taxLiability;
protected function fetchMaxTaxableAmount()
return new fMoney(110100, 'USD');
protected function fetchTaxRate()
return 0.062;
// Medicare tax does not allow for deductions. It is off of the entire gross wage.
class MedicareTax implements API_Tax
public function getTaxLiability(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions)
$taxLiability = $this->calculateTaxLiability($revenue);
return $taxLiability;
protected function calculateTaxLiability(fMoney $taxableRevenue)
$taxRate = $this->fetchTaxRate();
$taxLiability = $taxableRevenue->mul($taxRate);
if (isset($_GET['debug']))
echo "<pre>";
echo "[medicare] Taxable Revenue: $taxableRevenue\n";
echo "[medicare] Tax Rate: $taxRate\n";
echo "[medicare] Total Tax Liability: $taxLiability\n";
echo "</pre>";
return $taxLiability;
protected function fetchTaxRate()
return 0.0145;
// Unemployment Insurance tax does not allow for deductions. It is off of the entire gross wage.
// Source: http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/uitaxtopic.asp
class UnemploymentTax implements API_Tax
protected $numOfEmployees;
public function __construct($numOfEmployees = null)
if ($numOfEmployees !== null)
echo "Num of Employees 2.5: $numOfEmployees";
public function setNumberOfEmployees($numOfEmployees)
echo "Num of Employees 3: " . $numOfEmployees;
$this->numOfEmployees = $numOfEmployees;
public function getTaxLiability(fMoney $revenue, fMoney $deductions)
if (empty($this->numOfEmployees))
throw new LogicException("Cannot calculate Unemployment tax without specifying the number of employees.");
$taxLiability = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
for ($a = 0; $a < $this->numOfEmployees; ++$a)
$taxLiability = $taxLiability->add($this->calculateTaxLiability($revenue));
return $taxLiability;
protected function calculateTaxLiability(fMoney $taxableRevenue)
if ($taxableRevenue->lte($this->fetchMinimumAmountToTax()))
return new fMoney(0, 'USD');
$maxTaxLiability = $this->fetchMaxTaxLiability();
$taxRate = $this->fetchTaxRate();
$taxLiability = $taxableRevenue->mul($taxRate);
if ($taxLiability->gte($maxTaxLiability))
$taxLiability = $maxTaxLiability;
if (isset($_GET['debug']))
echo "<pre>";
echo "[unemployment] Taxable Revenue: $taxableRevenue\n";
echo "[unemployment] Tax Rate: $taxRate\n";
echo "[unemployment] Total Tax Liability: $taxLiability\n";
echo "</pre>";
return $taxLiability;
protected function fetchMinimumAmountToTax()
return new fMoney(1500, 'USD');
protected function fetchMaxTaxLiability()
return new fMoney(56.00, 'USD');
protected function fetchTaxRate()
return 0.062;
class FedTaxes
/** @var fMoney */
public $income;
/** @var fMoney */
public $ssi;
/** @var fMoney */
public $medicare;
/** @var fMoney */
public $unemployment;
/** @var fMoney */
public $total;
public function __construct()
$this->income = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
$this->ssi = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
$this->medicare = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
$this->unemployment = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
$this->total = new fMoney(0, 'USD');
// Main execution path.
function getTaxLiability()
if (!empty($_POST['gross_income']))
// I prefer filter_var($_POST) over filter_input(INPUT_POST) because it
// is **impossible** to simulate form data in unit tests with filter_input().
if (($grossIncome = filter_var($_POST['gross_income'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT)) === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid input for gross income, only numbers are accepted.");
if (($expenses = filter_var($_POST['expenses'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT)) === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid input for expenses, only numbers are accepted.");
if (($numOfEmployees = filter_var($_POST['num_of_employees'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT)) === false)
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid input for number of employees, only integers are accepted.");
echo "Num of Employees: $numOfEmployees";
$taxManager = USFederalTaxesFactory::create(new fMoney($grossIncome), new fMoney($expenses), $numOfEmployees);
$amountOwed = $taxManager->getTaxLiability();
$fedTaxes = new FedTaxes;
$fedTaxes->income = $amountOwed;
$fedTaxes->ssi = $taxManager->getLiabilityByTax('ssi');
$fedTaxes->medicare = $taxManager->getLiabilityByTax('medicare');
$fedTaxes->unemployment = $taxManager->getLiabilityByTax('unemployment');
// TODO: fMoney **really** should be able to add multiple values at once. I mean, come on!
foreach (array('income', 'ssi', 'medicare', 'unemployment') as $tax)
$fedTaxes->total = $fedTaxes->total->add($fedTaxes->$tax);
return $fedTaxes;
return null;
$fedTaxes = null;
$fedTaxes = getTaxLiability();
catch(InvalidArgumentException $e)
$errorMessage = "Oops! An error has occurred:<br/>\n";
$errorMessage .= $e->getMessage();
catch(Exception $e)
$errorMessage = "Oops: An error has occured.";
$errorMessage .= $e->getMessage();
// Start of the view.
$e_grossIncome = isset($_POST['gross_income']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['gross_income']) : '';
$e_expenses = isset($_POST['expenses']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['expenses']) : '';
$e_numOfEmployees = isset($_POST['num_of_employees']) ? htmlspecialchars($_POST['num_of_employees']) : '';
if (isset($errorMessage))
$e_errorMessage = htmlspecialchars($errorMessage);
// Iteration 1: Create the HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Federal Corporate Income Tax Calculator</title>
<style type="text/css">
table#tax_data_table th { text-align: left; }
table#tax_data_table td { text-align: right; }
<h1>Federal Corporate Income Tax Calculator</h1>
<p>This app is designed to calculate the estimated income tax of a corporation.</p>
<p>This app is for educational purposes only. It is by no means a substitute for proper tax accounting services!</p>
<p><em>Note: Because of <a href="http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/uitaxtopic.asp">Congressional bungling</a>, the Unemployment Taxrate
for 2011 is overstated (usually by just 0.2%).</em></p>
if (isset($e_errorMessage)):
<div id="error_messag">
<?php echo $e_errorMessage; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<div id="income_form">
<form method="post">
<table id="income_data_table">
<th><label for="gross_income">Gross income:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="gross_income" value="<?php echo $e_grossIncome; ?>"/></td>
<th><label for="expenses">Expenses:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="expenses" value="<?php echo $e_expenses; ?>"/></td>
<th><label for="expenses">No. of Employees:</label></th>
<td><input type="text" name="num_of_employees" value="<?php echo $e_numOfEmployees; ?>"/></td>
<td span="2"><input type="submit" value="Calculate"></td>
if ($fedTaxes instanceof FedTaxes):
<div id="taxes_data">
<h3>Tax Information</h3>
<table id="tax_data_table">
<th>Income Tax: </th>
<td><?php echo $fedTaxes->income; ?></td>
<th>Social Security Tax:</th>
<td><?php echo $fedTaxes->ssi; ?></td>
<th>Medicare Tax:</th>
<td><?php echo $fedTaxes->medicare; ?></td>
<th><a href="http://workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/uitaxtopic.asp">Unemployment Tax:</a></th>
<td><?php echo $fedTaxes->unemployment; ?></td>
<th>Total Liability:</th>
<td><?php echo $fedTaxes->total; ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>